Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Internet Society Event

@rachelsterne and Tim Berners-Lee have left the building.less than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

Monday, June 13, 2011

Internet Week: Final Day: June 13

@ The New York Times Buildingless than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

@ The NYT building but might have ended at the wrong event. Speaker talking NYT paywall. Internal meeting? #iwnyless than a minute ago via txt Favorite Retweet Reply

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Robin Hood: My German Nickname

A German newspaper called me Robin Hood On The Internet when I was in the thick of my democracy work for Nepal early in 2006. First it was a newspaper article. Apparently that drew some interest. I got an email saying a whole bunch of radio stations in Germany wanted a piece of me. So I showed up at their studio near Grand Central and did the interview. I don't have a copy. But I got told there would be voice over in German, totally understandable.

"Robin Hood Im Internet"

Around the same time I overslept through a BBC talk program where I was supposed to call in. I felt bad.

BBC Calls

When I got called Robin Hood in 2006, I was simply amused. Wow, of all things you would call me that? But now I think I could use that nickname as I gear up to do microfinance work.

If it were not for the fucked up immigration laws in this country, I'd already be on my way.

Paul Graham, Brad Feld, Me, BBC

The Mourning Period

The mourning period in many cultures lasts about a year.
What is the mourning period for Jews 11 months or 12 months?
Answer:The total period is 12 months.
Mourning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wearing black clothes is one practice followed in many countries ..... anniversary of the passing of .... Hinduism ..... Death is not seen as the final "end", but is seen as a turning point in the seemingly endless journey of the indestructible "atman" or soul through innumerable bodies of animals and people. Hence, Hinduism prohibits excessive mourning or lamentation upon death, as this can hinder the passage of the departed soul towards its journey ahead: "As mourners will not help the dead in this world, therefore (the relatives) should not weep, but perform the obsequies to the best of their power." ...... begins immediately after the cremation of the body and ends on the morning of the thirteenth day. Traditionally the body is cremated within 24 hours after death; however, cremations are not held after sunset or before sunrise. Immediately after the death, an oil lamp is lit near the deceased, and this lamp is kept burning for three days. Hinduism associates death with ritual impurity for the immediate blood family of the deceased, hence during these mourning days, the immediate blood family must not perform any religious ceremonies (except funerals), must not visit temples or other sacred places, must not serve the sages (holy men), must not give alms, must not read or recite from the sacred scriptures, nor can they attend social functions such as marriages, parties, etc. The family of the deceased is not expected to serve any visiting guests food or drink. It is customary that the visiting guests do not eat or drink in the house where the death has occurred. The family in mourning are required to bathe twice a day, eat a single simple vegetarian meal, and try to cope with their loss..... On the morning of the thirteenth day, a Shraddha ceremony is performed. ..... Islam .... Loved ones and relatives are to observe a three-day mourning period ..... Buddhism ..... For the deceased it marks the moment when the transition begins to a new mode of existence within the round of rebirths. When death occurs all the karmic forces that the dead person accumulated during the course of his or her lifetime become activated and set about determining the next rebirth. For the living,
A diya - Indian oil lamp.Image via Wikipediadeath is a powerful reminder of the Buddha's teaching on impermanence; it also provides an opportunity to assist the deceased person as he or she fares on to the new existence.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Joi Ito Goes To MIT Media Lab

My friend in Kathmandu Ashutosh Tiwari, Harvard graduate, CEO of the Nepali Times in Kathmandu, founder of Entrepreneurs For Nepal, among other hats, had a Facebook update this morning that caught my attention.

Joi Ito had just been appointed Director of the MIT Media Lab, and that was considered unusual, because the guy apparently had dropped out of not one but two colleges, Tufts, and the University of Chicago.

I left a comment. Joi Ito? The name sounds vaguely familiar. Then I went over to the Wikipedia article on him.

Pick Up That Bag


Barack Obama said to Charlie Rose in 2007: "Only a few years back people were throwing keys at me in the parking lot."

So I am at this event Wednesday afternoon. And I don't even drink wine.

A Few More Events?

When it was time to get started, and people started to sit down, I saw an empty spot and took the seat. A little later one woman, then another came to get their bags. I was too busy tweeting away to give much attention. But my first thought was, oh no, did I just take someone else's seat?

"Was this your seat? You can have it," I said each time. And went right back to tweeting when the response was, "No, that's okay."

Internet Society: June 14

The event can also be followed over webcast.
David Solomonoff, Chapter President, ISOC New York
Sally Shipman Wentworth, Regional Bureau Director, North America, Internet Society
Rachel Sterne, Chief Digital Officer, New York City
Keynote and Q&A – Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA is a British engineer and computer scientist, MIT professor, and inventor of the World Wide Web.
Coffee Break
Panel: Pushing technology boundaries
This panel explores the future of Internet innovation and asks:
  • What are the future Internet infrastructure models that will promote innovation, access, and choice for users?
  • How will technology breakthroughs change the future Internet?
  • Is wireless necessarily different from other platforms?
  • What is the role of community fiber?
  • Is there a need for more unlicensed spectrum?
Leslie Daigle, Chief Internet Technology Officer, Internet Society (moderator)
Hunter Newby, CEO, Allied Fiber
Link Hoewing, VP of Internet & Technology Policy, Verizon
Chris Libertelli, Senior Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs, Skype
Nick Gall, Vice President, Gartner Research
Keynote – Vint Cerf
Vinton Gray "Vint" Cerf is an American computer scientist who is recognized as one of the fathers of the Internet.
Panel: People Power
History has shown that Internet users have continuously influenced key technology innovations and policy decisions. This panel explores how users may impact future Internet technologies, industry decisions and policies.
The panel will consider these fundamental questions: Is the user-centric model really sustainable? And if so, what are the key values that should shape the future?
Stephanie Mehta, Executive Editor, Fortune (moderator)
Eben Moglen, Professor at Columbia University, Director-Counsel & Chairman at Software Freedom Law Center
David A. Gross, Partner, Wiley Rein LLP
Gigi B. Sohn, President & Co-Founder, Public Knowledge
Brad Burnham, Partner, Union Square Ventures
Coffee Break
Keynote – Lawrence E. Strickling
At the U.S. Department of Commerce, Lawrence E. Strickling is the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, as well as the Administrator for National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Panel: New Privacy Models
In an age of mobility, social networking and cloud computing, this panel debates how we can encourage a new technology approach that balances online privacy, security and reliability while also fostering innovation.
  • Is this possible?
  • How do we strike the right balance?
  • What is the role of individual usability in designing the right solutions?
Markus Kummer, VP Public Policy, Internet Society (moderator)
Lucy Lynch, Director of Trust and Identity Initiatives, ISOC
Leonard Gordon, Director of the Northeast Regional Office, Federal Trade Commission
Rebecca Wright, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University
Jonathan Cannon, Director, Information Security Policy & Strategy, UPS Information Services
Stephen Hughes, Chief Information Security Officer, Citibank North America
Closing discussion
Our three keynote speakers debate the user-centric Internet model, and how it persists in the face of increasing government efforts of control.
Moderator: Lynn St. Amour
Vint Cerf, computer scientist, recognized as one of the fathers of the Internet
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, computer scientist, MIT professor, inventor of the World Wide Web
Lawrence E. Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, and Administrator, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce
Conference closes

The Sentry Center
Wharton Ballroom, 17th Floor
730 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Keynotes & Speakers

Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners Lee
Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA is a British engineer and computer scientist, MIT professor, and inventor of the World Wide Web.
Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), founder of the World Wide Web Foundation, and is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com Founders Chair at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He is a director of The Web Science Trust (WST). In April 2009, he was elected as a Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences, based in Washington, D.C.

Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf
Vinton Gray "Vint" Cerf is an American computer scientist, who is recognized as one of the fathers of the Internet.
His honorary degrees and awards include the National Medal of Technology, the Turing Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and Membership in the National Academy of Engineering. Cerf has worked for Google as its Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist since September 2005. He has become well known for his predictions on how technology will affect future society, encompassing such areas as artificial intelligence, environmentalism, the advent of IPv6 and the transformation of the television industry and its delivery model.

Lawrence E. Strickling

Lawrence E Strickling
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, and Administrator, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce
Strickling has served at the Department of Commerce since 2009 and is the Administrator of the NTIA, which is principally responsible for advising the President on communications and information policies. Key issues on NTIA’s agenda include the management of the $4.7 billion broadband grants program, and Internet governance.As Policy Coordinator for Obama for America, Strickling oversaw two dozen domestic policy committees and was responsible for technology and telecommunications issues.

Brad Burnham

Brad Burnham
Partner, Union Square Ventures
In addition to being a Partner at Union Square Ventures, Burnhamcurrently also serves on the boards of Indeed, Pinch Media, Tumblr, Wesabe, Adaptive Blue, SimulMedia, Tracked.com, Meetup, and Bug Labs. He has a BA in Political Science from Wesleyan University.

Chris Libertelli

Chris Libertelli
Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs, America, Skype
Libertelli is Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs for Skype where he oversees government relations in North America.

David A. Gross

David A Gross
Partner, Wiley Rein LLP
Gross is one of the world’s foremost experts on international telecommunications, having addressed the United Nations General Assembly and led more U.S. delegations to major international telecommunication conferences than anyone in modern history.

David Solomonoff

David Solomonoff
Chapter President, ISOC New York
David Solomonoff is the President of the Internet Society of New York (ISOC-NY), a Chapter of the global Internet Society (ISOC). ISOC plays a crucial role in advocating for an open Internet, accessible to all via protocols and standards that are developed in a transparent manner by the entire Internet community. He is also the Library Systems Manager for the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center. He serves on the Technology Issues and the Globalization and Corporatization committees of United University Professions (UUP), the labor union representing SUNY faculty and staff. UUP is the nation's largest higher education union.

Eben Moglen

Eben Moglen
Professor at Columbia University, Director-Counsel & Chairman at Software Freedom Law Center
Moglen is a professor of law and legal history at Columbia University, with interest in computers and free expression, and intellectual property. He is also the founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of Software Freedom Law Center, whose client list includes numerous pro bono clients, such as the Free Software Foundation.

Gigi B. Sohn

Gigi B Sohn
President/Co-Founder, Public Knowledge
Sohn serves as the chief strategist of Public Knowledge, a nonprofit organization that promotes fundamental democratic principles and cultural values including openness, access, and the capacity to create and compete.

Hunter Newby

Hunter Newby.jpg
CEO, Allied Fiber
Newby, a 15-year veteran of the telecom networking industry, is the Founder and CEO of Allied Fiber. He possesses an extensive breadth of experience within the industry and is a recognized authority on Internet and Ethernet exchanges and VoIP Peering.

Jonathan Cannon

Jonathan Cannon
Director, Information Security Policy & Strategy, UPS Information Services
Cannon serves as the Security Practice domain owner on the Enterprise Architecture Review Board and as co-chair of the Corporate Information Access and Security Governance Committee at UPS. He leads the enterprise effort to deliver information security strategies, policies, standards, best practices and solutions for the protection of UPS information, continuity of service and disaster recovery planning.

Leonard L. Gordon

Leonard L Gordon
Director of the Northeast Regional Office, Federal Trade Commission
Gordon supervises the investigation and litigation of both consumer protection and antitrust matters. He joined the FTC in 2005 as a senior attorney, became the Assistant Director in 2007 and the Director in 2008.

Leslie Daigle

Leslie Daigle
Chief Internet Technology Officer, ISOC
Daigle has been actively involved in shaping the Internet's technical evolution for more than a dozen years. Following her work with the Internet Engineering Task Force and being the Chair of the related Internet Architecture Board, Daigle’s role with the Internet Society is to provide strategic leadership on important technical issues as they relate to ISOC's on-going programs.

Link Hoewing

Link Hoewing
VP of Internet & Technology Policy, Verizon
Hoewing is responsible for identifying emerging issues, developing corporate positions on Internet and Technology industry issues, and assessing key technology and communications industry trends at Verizon. He is a frequent speaker on issues such as net neutrality and network management,

Lucy Lynch

Lucy Lynch
Director of Trust and Identity Initiatives, ISOC
Following Lynch’s works at the University of Oregon as a member of the Academic Computing and Network Applications Group, her current assignment with the Internet Society is to examine some of the major issues affecting the Internet and to develop projects that will address those problems.

Sally Shipman Wentworth

Lynn St. Amour
Regional Bureau Director, North America
Sally Shipman Wentworth is Regional Bureau Director for North America and Senior Manager of Public Policy at the Internet Society. Prior to joining the Internet Society in 2009, Sally Shipman Wentworth was the Assistant Director for Telecommunications and Information Policy in the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House from 2007-2009. From 1999 – 2007, Sally was a policy advisor on Internet policy issues at the U.S. Department of State. At the State Department, she was instrumental in building coalitions among developed and developing countries and Internet stakeholders on Internet public policy issues to promote a multi-stakeholder approach to ICT for development. Sally is based in Reston, United States

Lynn St. Amour

Lynn St. Amour
President/CEO, ISOC
St. Amour is President/CEO of the Internet Society, dividing her time between ISOC's offices in Reston, Virginia, and Geneva, Switzerland. She has extensive experience in the global IT business with positions at the highest levels in international sales and marketing, strategic planning, partner management, manufacturing, corporate restructuring and start-up management.

Markus Kummer

Markus Kummer
VP Public Policy, ISOC
Kummer joined the Internet Society in February 2011 and advances key policy positions on issues such as privacy, cybersecurity, and network neutrality. Most recently, he was the Executive Coordinator of the Secretariat supporting the United Nations' Internet Governance Forum, and has extensive experience with Internet policy at the global, regional, and national levels.

Rachel Sterne

Rachel Sterne
Chief Digital Officer, New York City
A native New Yorker, Sterne is just 27 years old, and is the founder/CEO of both a citizen journalism site and a digital media consultancy for start-ups. She is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School and BusinessWeek named her as one of America's most promising social entrepreneurs. Following a six-month search, the Bloomberg Administration named Sterne New York City's first Chief Digital Officer.

Rebecca Wright

Rebecca Wright
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University
Wright’s research interests at Rutgers University are computer and communications security, particularly in the areas of privacy, cryptographic protocols, and fault-tolerant distributed computing.

Stephanie Mehta

Stephanie Mehta
Executive Editor, Fortune
Mehta oversees technology, international and Washington coverage for Fortune. She also helps set the overall editorial direction for the magazine and serves as co-chair of two of Fortune’s live events, Brainstorm Tech and the Most Powerful Women Summit.

Stephen Hughes

Stephen Hughes
Chief Information Security Officer, Citibank North America
Stephen Hughes is the chief information security officer for Citigroup North America which includes Consumer & Commercial Banking as well as the Cards businesses. Stephen has been an information security officer with Citi for over 15 years, with more than 20 years in an information technology role. Before joining Citi 18 years ago he had extensive experience in IT consulting, industrial construction contracting for the Federal government, the Manhattan restaurant business, advertising, and academia.

Nick Gall

Nick Gall
Vice President, Gartner Research
Nick Gall is a vice president in Gartner Research. As a founding member of Gartner?s Enterprise Planning and Architecture Strategies, Mr. Gall advises clients on enterprise strategies for interoperability, innovation and execution. Mr. Gall is a leading authority on middleware, infrastructure planning, technical architecture, XML and Web services. He is also one of the IT industry?s leading authorities on enterprise integration strategy and technology as well as a key thought leader on emerging concepts such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0.
A Few More Events?
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Seeking Head Of State Like Powers

Puyi, the last emperor of China, abdicated fro...Image via WikipediaIn seeking to create a for profit, high tech microfinance startup, in seeking to lead it as Chairperson/CEO, I seek to create head of state like powers for me that I hope to put singularly to the cause of microfinance. I am confident the technology that is the Internet is already ripe for such possibilities.

The Google/Facebook Of Microfinance
Microfinance Alone Can't Cure Poverty
Microfinance: No Substitute For Good Governance

I have said time and again, good governance is the number one factor in tackling poverty. It is not microfinance. And riding a microfinance outfit would give me a way to take close looks at governance structures around the world.

For instances, I am gripped by the street revolutions across the Arab world. Few things are as exciting to me as a democracy movement. There is no better display of people power.

The Long March Of Democracy
The Internet And The Emperors
Syria Is Being Left To The Dogs
Indiscriminate Firing By Syrian Security Forces

Charlie Dumbfuck Rangel

Charlie Rangel did not do it for Hillary or Caputo. He did it for himself. He looked at me and saw someone who had what it takes to become the Don of New York City politics without representing two sidewalks in the US Congress for 50 years. I could do it without holding elected office, and I could do it fast. He saw that. And the motherfucker panicked. And so he did what he did.

Third World Guy
Questions Prepared By My Lawyer For Immigration Court Date Tomorrow
Bill Perkins: Rock Star
Brooklyn And Santogold/Santigold