Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Zite: A Challenge To The Social Paradigm

Image representing Flipboard as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBaseMaybe social is like search. It is yesterday. The next wave is that of personalization. Search will stay. Social will stay. Both will stick around. In big ways. But perhaps the next wave in innovation is personalization. What if your service figures out ways to know you really, really well?

Food/Social = Physics, Coding = Mathematics
Amit Kapur Might Be Upto Something
Social Is A Pendulum Swing
The Next Big Thing In Social Networking

That would make room for all sorts of services that portend to be the Pandora of this, the Pandora of that.

2015: A Mobile Tech Company Will Storm The Room
2011-2015: A Mobile Stretch

Elbow: With Love

(Via David Noel)

HTML 5 And The Small Screen

I am a browser bigot. I have been suspicious of the native apps on the smartphones. They have always felt ad hoc and temporary to me. They have been like mosquitoes to the swamp. You drain away the swamp and the mosquitoes are gone. You make universal wireless broadband a reality and the native apps are gone.

I Am A Browser Bigot
The Browser Will Rule The Mobile Web As Well
A Boxee Browser
Mac App Store: Bullshit
Tim Berners-Lee: Long Live the Web
Fred Wilson On Android And HTML5

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Dave McClure: Fighting Words For The Angel List

If you follow tech in the blogosphere, it is hard to miss out on Dave McClure. I read this blog post of his the day it came out, but only today found out he was one of the people behind something called the Silicon Valley Microfinance Network. This guy is of interest. I have been meaning to comment on his post about The Angle List.

The Angel List Controversy, Fred's Marketing Controversy

Dennis Crowley: Mayor Of Mars?

(Via TechCrunch)

This South By South West Thing

Texas Longhorn bull during South by Southwest ...Image by David Berkowitz via FlickrI have to admit, it has started to tug at me a little. I just looked up and found out it starts on March 11. That's Friday.

Okay, Ron Rofe, put in the first 10K. Send me to South By South West. All I would need is a two way plane ticket. How would I do that? I have never bought a plane ticket in America. How would I go from the airport to downtown? I don't think the A train works there. Where would I stay? I guess by now it's too late to be making hotel reservations. If it is warm enough, I could sleep anywhere. I could sleep by the roadside.

I actually sent emails to three people I know. One bounced back. Another did not respond. The third said he was in San Antonio. Maybe somebody who already has hotel reservations will let me squeeze in. I don't need a mattress, no blanket. But I do sleep. I am one of those seven, eight hours kind.

Two AVC MeetUps Two Days In A Row

Fred Wilson [Brooklyn Beta]Image by placenamehere via FlickrAVC MeetUp Tomorrow

I thought I was headed to an AVC MeetUp tonight. I thought so yesterday. I still think so. But then I have an email this morning about an AVC MeetUp that is scheduled for a different day - tomorrow - and a different venue, although still near Union Square.

I did some digging. I have come to find out there are two AVC MeetUps two days in a row, and I don't think Fred Wilson is coming to either of them, which I believe is fine. The guy puts plenty of time churning out blog posts, and reading every single comment left at his blog.

So here's the update.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 7:00 PM

Olives @ W Hotel - Union Square
201 Park Ave. South
(@ 17th St.)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 8:00 PM

Smyth Tribeca
85 W Broadway (Chambers St 1/2/3)
New York, NY 10007

Monday, March 07, 2011

Things Organized Neatly

Michell Zappa: Envisioning Technology

Vivek Kundra: Chief Information Officer of the United States

Tumblr Explore

Tumblr <3Image by Julia Roy via FlickrThe new Explore feature on Tumblr has been a major time suck. A few days back I started following the tags animals, landscape and tech. Major time suck. So much so I started to ignore the 100 or so people I have been following on Tumblr.

David Noel created a list of techies and VCs a long time ago, and I think I ended up following pretty much everyone on the list. That is what got me started on Tumblr in the first place.

Like David Noel?

Today I started following the tag food, Amy Cao of FoodSpotting is the Top Editor. It's amazing what pictures of food can do to you. No, not make you hungry, that is not what I had in mind. It is the aesthetics of the appreciation.