Thursday, September 08, 2011

MoMo With WiFi

Why I Liked The Charity Water Party

I think last night I went to the best party ever, like ever ever. They should do this every month. (Be There, Or Be Square: The FourSquare Day Party At Sidebar) Why did I like the party so?

Charity Water Dress Code
Charity: Water
Happy World Water Day
child enjoying clean and safe drinking water f...Image via Wikipedia
(1) Great Cause

If you had to describe me in three words, you would call me a Third World Guy. Charity: Water to me feels like a pilot project to something grand, something that needs to be 1,000 times bigger and goes beyond charity, impacts large scale global policy. But what a pilot!

"Do You Have An Email Address?"
"Can You Understand This?"
"Bring Home An African Next Time"
Hawai Chappal

(2) Amazing People

With or without the cause it was just a great assembly of people. It was a large, crowded space, and you already knew you had something in common when you approached a stranger to say hello. I wish the party had started three hours earlier and lasted an hour longer. There were more people to meet.

A Mind Blowing Party

(3) Amazing Space

The space was big, huge. I have a thing for big, empty spaces. You start empty and fill it up with people. There were huge indoor plants. Parts of the roof were leaking, so it is not like they made you miss the rain outside. Curiously the place is not listed on FourSquare.

I had pineapple juice. Drinks were free the first hour. (No More Beer, No More Soda)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Charity Water Dress Code

Charity: Water

Event: September 7
Happy World Water Day

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. ..... Almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. Unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The 2011 September Campaign. Our 5-year-anniversary video from charity: water on Vimeo.

Unshaken - charity: water's campaign for Haiti from charity: water on Vimeo.

charity: water promo featuring "Time Bomb" by Beck from charity: water on Vimeo.

Brighton Love Water campaign from charity: water on Vimeo.

Top Android Apps

Image representing Instagram as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBaseIn The Market For A Smartphone

Facebook, to share photos.

YouTube, to get into video blogging in a big way.

Gmail, Google Voice, to work.

Twitter, to report on things, especially when at events. Hashtags rule.

Notice how my top choices are going to be to create content so people can view them on their big screens. I tend to have a bias for apps that are device agnostic. You can tell I am a HTML5 kind of guy. (Adobe Was Always Going To Do HTML5)

My top mobile apps are going to be Hashable, FourSquare and FoodSpotting. I don't eat out much. I am not that rich but, more important, I am scared for my health. But once in a while I do want to dive into the ethnic diversity of NYC cuisine. I think FourSquare can be a great networking tool.

Other than creating multi-media content on the go, I want to network like crazy. The next 1,000 people I'd like to get on a first name basis with are mostly in the NY tech ecosystem. And there the smartphone can come in handy. I particularly like Hashable. Connecting with someone on Twitter is less pressure than exchanging phone numbers and email addresses.

New Business Card On The Way

In The Market For A Smartphone

Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseI am in the market for a smartphone. (My First Smartphone: What's It Going To Be?)

I googled up my query, not surprisingly.

CNet: Best Android phones
PC Magazine: The Best Android Phones
Matt Cutts: Finding the best cell phone carrier
Phandroid: HTC Evo 4G Was the Best Selling Android Phone in Q2
Tech Radar: Top 160 best Android apps 2011
XDA Developers: Which is the best Android phone?
The Android Authority: Best Dual Core Android Phones from US Carriers: Some time soon, you might find the single core processing power of your smartphone won’t be enough to support all the mobile features you want to try out....... Verizon: Droid Bionic .... Verizon: Samsung 19100 Galaxy S II ...... Sprint: Motorola Photon 4G ...... T-Mobile: HTC Sensation 4G
Tested: The Best Android Phone for Your Network (August 2011)

The most helpful article was this one by the Business Insider. Maybe because it confirmed my prejudices. The two top phones the article has listed are the two phones I was already thinking were the two top phones even before I did the googling.

Business Insider: The Top 10 Android Phones You Can Buy This Month: first Ice Cream Sandwich phone, the Droid Prime, on Verizon...... The Nexus S is still our favorite Android phone since it offers the purest Android experience available. With the Nexus S you're guaranteed to get the latest updates straight from Google without waiting for your carrier or manufacturer to catch up......... Price: Free with two-year contract from Sprint (4G)

I want my smartphone to enable me to become a video blogger. That is my number one reason to want to get a smartphone. And I like the idea of being able to upload pictures just as they are taken.

My phone should help me create multi-media content. That is the number one thing.

And once I buy it, I want to keep the phone for two years.