Yes, Bitcoin is the universal clearing for money and a path for every human into every financial network on 🌍. This is #p2pfinance
— Ray Youssef (@raypaxful) July 29, 2019
When you begin the day with a savage stack of tasks it is wise to have the civilization builders as your foundation. The true Gospels ( by Barnibas ) and the Bitcoin standard by @saifedean are the kernel of true understanding of this mortal world.
— Ray Youssef (@raypaxful) July 29, 2019
Working on it!
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) July 29, 2019
One reason why the #FreedomDividend has bipartisan support is that it is both humane and fiscally efficient. Milton Friedman, one of the fathers of modern capitalism, championed Universal Basic Income for this reason.
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) July 29, 2019
Bitcoin is not money.
— Ⓥin Ⓐrmani (@vinarmani) July 29, 2019
If the US President tweeted that "marijuana is not a drug," (he regulates drugs) do you think avid pot growers and smokers would argue with him?
The US President has said "Bitcoin is not money."
Bitcoiners want to argue with that.