Image via CrunchBase

I showed up and was there for all three hours. I have missed the past two MeetUps, I missed the one tonight also. Do we have to do Amazon payments? Whatever happened to PayPal and cash? There is something moneylike about cash. I like cash.
- AdaptiveBlue / Glue
- Adzoomi
- Angelsoft
- Amplify
- AnyClip
- Aviary
- BubbleBeats
- Bug Labs
- CalendarFly
- Carbonmade
- Centrl
- Clickable
- Climate Culture
- Convos
- Daylife / Daylife Select
- Donors Choose
- Empressr
- Established Today
- Expo TV
- Frogmetrics Inc.
- Halo Monitoring
- Hapnin
- Harvest
- HomeShop Technologies
- iMentor Interactive
- Instinctiv
- Klickable TV
- LendforPeace
- Lil’Grams
- MeetingWave
- MeetMoi
- Notches Wire
- NY Senate’s New Drupal site and other new tech
- ooVoo
- PadMapper
- Path 101
- Personal Democracy Forum 2009
- Pivotal Tracker
- Pogby
- Pond5
- Price Protectr
- rmbrme
- Sailthru
- SesameVault
- Socialibrium
- Solvate
- Squarespace
- StreetEasy
- Talk2.Us
- Tekora
- Tigerbow
- Tripology
- UpNext 3D NYC
- waffl
- WellcomeMat
- Xtify
- Zemanta
- Zerion Software/exZact Data Collection
I was very much in my element by the end. Talking to so many people drove up my energy level substantially.
Afterwards I walked over to 41st and 9th. Half way there I got myself a free Red Bull from a Red Bull advertising car driven around by two young models. Red Bull gives you wings, they say.
At the event I met two potential angel investors, and many interesting people, collected many business cards. I might have built a few contacts. Mostly it is about sharing in the energy of fellow entrepreneurs. Otherwise I am not into the dot com space with my startup like almost everyone in the hall was.
I made a point to tell the Zemanta guy how much I appreciated their service. Zemanta has taken my blogging to a whole new level.