Granted they publish the top words and phrases for the year and all that. And every search makes the search engine even smarter. But much of what Google does with our search queries stays in the background.
If Google were to figure out a way to publicly display all our searches in real time they might give Twitter a run for the money. What they are sitting on is huge.
And I don't mean literally list the searches. Things more interesting than that can be imagined.
Google allows you to search the web. What if Google made it possible for you to also be able to search through searches made through the Google search engine? That would take the lid off. And there is no telling.
And to think Google has had this the entire time.
Twitter Integration Into Google's Search Plus
Google Should Get The Twitter Firehose
Twitter Should Open Up Its API ---- To Google
For example, Google would tell me how many times people have conducted a search on my name today.