Showing posts with label Uploading and downloading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uploading and downloading. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Full Length Movies On YouTube For Free

If only they had the right pricing model - I vote for $1 per movie - they might not have to take them down. The quality would be better. They'd make money.

How To Watch Full-Length Movies on YouTube for Free - But Not For Long
they’re so-called “cammed” films, which means that they were recorded illegally at a theater with a camcorder, and then uploaded ..... In the last month or so, movie piracy has taken hold of YouTube like wildfire. While the number of current releases is small, finding older films isn’t that hard. ..... YouTube enforces a 10-minute limit on uploaded videos, but users qucikly found they could simply break up longer clips into ten-minute chunks, with helpful pointers to the next clip in the series. .... In 2010, YouTube eliminated that the 10-minute limit for some trusted users, some of whom quickly used their new-found freedom to upload copyrighted clips. .... YouTube users upload 72 hours of video every minute, making the process of identifying copyrighted content even more challenging .... first, that it’s unclear who owns the copyright to a given movie, and second, that Content ID requires the copyright holder to notify Google before a movie can be pulled down .... the poor quality of the movies fooled Content ID
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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Distributed Video Watching On YouTube

4,000,000,000 is 1,000 times four million. Let's say there are four million YouTube videos out there. So each of them are being watched for 1,000 hours each. But each video is only five minutes long. So that's 12,000 views per video.

12,000 views - that's not a whole lot. It's not 12 million. In TV lingo, 12,000 views are not a hit. But four billion hours worth of video watching is a lot of video watching.

This is fragmentation. This is crowd power. A hit might be harder to accomplish. But crowd needs are being met.

We Now Watch 4 Billion Hours of YouTube Videos Per Month
YouTube users upload 72 hours of content to the site every minute. In fall of 2008, users were uploading just 10 hours of video each minute
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

There Aren't Enough Photos And Videos Online

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Is there enough text online? Not really. Unless all books ever printed are taken online and are available full text, there will not be. Run ads alongside, I say. Make a little bit of money from a lot of people.

Is there enough text online? There is a lot.

But there is a major dearth of images and videos. Billions of images are not enough. Millions of hours of video are not enough. That is not how that can be measured. It has to start with you, and every you there is. Any image anywhere, and I don't mean images captured by cameras, I mean anything any human eye can see from any angle, is all that online? We are not even at 1% right now. And we already do image search so badly. Images are not text. But we do textual image search. Images have to be searched based on imagerial attributes.

Ditto with video. There we are doing much worse than images.

RIGHT HERE WAITINGImage by zoompict (i'm back on n off! ) via Flickr

We are going to have to twitterize content creation when it comes to images and videos. Every person with a Twitter account is a potential reporter. They can report, if not on major world events then on themselves.

I hear the with the new iPhone people can snap video clips and edit them and upload them directly from their smartphones. We have needed to skip the idea of downloading the pictures and videos to the desktop and then uploading them to websites. That middleman has been a problem.

All Books Need To Go Digital

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