27th St & 7th Ave
btw 7th & 8th Ave
New York, NY 10001
March 9, 2009
- Drop.io
- FourSquare
- KindlingApp Your org's democratic suggestion box. Ideas + Collaboration + Voting = Progress!
- enjoysthin.gs : A website dedicated to collecting and sharing things you enjoy.
- the 3 you vote in
- and Prof. Panos Ipeirotis from NYU talking about the EconoMining project.

ooVoo - an incredibly easy way to have free, high-resolution, face-to-face video chats with up to 6 www.ooVoo.com
SpeakLike -- lets you email and chat with people who speak other languages. www.speaklike.com
Tigerbow - Tigerbow lets people send actual gifts to virtual places. http://tigerbow.com
ProCompare - Business Technology Recommendations, powered by a global community of IT professionals www.ProCompare.com

This was a new venue for the New York Tech MeetUp. The Diller building was razzmatazz. But this was a bigger venue, a better location, and nobody was pushing you out of the building as soon as the show was over. I paid cash so I had to wait. They did let me in right before the beginning, after having processed all those who paid online.

The presentations were great, but the mingling right after was greater, and the after party after that was the greatest. Thanks Alicia for buying me a drink, and thanks for the tip to go to the Sloan group on LinkedIn to try and get a MBA person. I shot out a few quick emails once back home.
Oh, hi there Stan.
I went from booth to booth afterwards and did the tech version of nice pin, nice tie. Met the guy who organized the Shorty Awards. That is for Twitter, for those of you who don't know. They just did the first one, now they will do it every year.
Most presentations tend to be dot coms seeking to add value in the online space. Some are going for ads, others are seeking to charge users for use. There were some remarkable applications on show.
Bloomberg To Help Ex-Wall Street Execs Start New Firms by Wall ...
Technorati: Discussion about “Bloomberg Announces $2 Million Fund...

- Drop.io
- foursquare
- KindlingApp
- enjoysthin.gs
- SpeakLike
- Tigerbow
- ProCompare
- and Prof. Panos Ipeirotis from NYU talking about the EconoMining project.