"Mark Zuckerberg is not an asshole!"
- David Kirkpatrick (Twitter, Wordpress)
The Facebook Effect, by David Kirkpatrick | Facebook
David Kirkpatrick - The Daily Beast
Lauren Indvik @laureni moderating.
Grrls In Tech Wednesday: Facebook Writer
There was another event next door, which is where I ended up at first.
"Please remind me how we know each other," a guy shook my hand and asked me.
"We don't know each other," I said. "You are here for the Facebook event, right?"
I went next door to the right address, same street address. The event had a penthouse venue. I was one of the early people to show up. I said hello to the first four people who had showed up.
I went inside to where the event was to be. Ends up one of my friends was an organizer. When I stepped out, I spotted Audrey Buchanan who I first met at an Al Wenger event. I had no idea this was the building she worked in.
Edelman, 250 Hudson St.
I stepped out on to the roof. There I met David Kirkpatrick himself. He had visited my blog post where I had talked about him, he said. (To Make Sense Of The Facebook Movie) That was sweet to know.
Kyle Cameron I have gotten to know from going to many events. Got to sit next to Rebecca Narayana. We promised to become Facebook friends. She is married to an Indian.
Talk about mind meld, David Kirkpatrick and I both blogged about solar panels the day of this event. Fred Wilson calls it mind meld. His post. Mine.
The final person I got to know was Gary Sharma. The Bay Area birthed Craig's List. New York City birthed Gary's Guide.