Showing posts with label Search engine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search engine. Show all posts

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Google Wave Architecture: Designed For Mass, Massive, Global Innovation

The technologies behind Google Wave have been designed to bring desktop like experiences into the browser paradigm, but end up doing more than that. The shift and growth are so sure and certain soon we will be missing browser like experiences while on the desktop. Why can't I don this with a desktop client?

The browser is about to take off. The richness will only grow. The speeds will only get faster. The bandwidths will go way up. The masses of people involved will go up both on the production and the consumption sides, and there will be not be any distinct boundary between the two.

The desktop was designed for one person. The browser was always meant for the masses, for crowds. Finally the promise is catching up with capabilities.

This is barely the beginning. Google Wave is three things: a tool, a platform and a protocol. There are many ways to use Google Wave as it exists today. There can be much innovation in how it gets applied. It is the difference between Blogger the service and all sorts of wonderful blogs you end up with. And then there are the platform and protocol aspects. Get geared for major technological leapfrogs. Here it is the difference between the iPhone and all its many applications, it is the difference between Hotmail and Gmail.

The Google Wave Architecture
17 Suggestions To Blogger
Square Search
Google Wave Ripples
Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

From The Google Blogs

Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

On The Web

InfoQ: Google Wave's Architecture Google Wave is three things: a tool, a platform and a protocol. The architecture has at its heart the Operational Transformation (OT), a theoretical framework meant to support concurrency control. ....... based on hosted XML documents (called waves) supporting concurrent modifications and low-latency updates. ...... using JavaScript and HTML5 on the client side ....... Java + Python on the server side ..... a public API and the company promises to open source the entire platform ......... modify the base code and extend it with gadgets and robots. ....... Gadgets are small programs running inside of a wave, while robots are “automated wave participants.” Wave can also be embedded in other mediums like blogs. ....... Each wave has a globally unique wave ID and consists of a set of wavelets. ...... A wavelet has an ID that is unique within its containing wave and is composed of a participant list and a set of documents. The wavelet is the entity to which Concurrency Control / Operational Transformations apply. ....... A participant may be a user, a group or a robot. ....... Documents form a tree within the wavelet. ....... the crucial part of Wave’s technology. Google Wave makes extensive use of Operational Transformations (OT) which are executed on the server. ....... Operations are sent to the server and propagated to each client on a character by character basis ......... To start communicating on a wavelet, a client sends an Open Request containing the Wave ID and the Wavelet ID to the server. The server responds with a snapshot - the serialized state of the wavelet - or a history hash of the corresponding version. ........ The Google Wave Federation Protocol allows multiple entities (wave providers) to share waves with each other.
InfoQ: Is Google Wave Going to Have an Impact on RIA/Silverlight? Wave is actually a competitor for Microsoft’s SharePoint and Exchange ....... Flash, Silverlight and Java FX ...... Some of the new features to be introduced in HTML 5 and web API proposals from W3C and WHATWG are: canvas, video, geolocation and web workers. ........ Wave which is making extensive use of HTML 5. ....... the company is “betting big on HTML 5”. ...... The Wave client is a major proof of concept (or pilot project) for HTML5. If the wave client becomes a killer app, it will have a major (negative) impact on other RIA architectures. ....... Microsoft Silverlight vs Google Wave: Why Karma Matters ........ “Microsoft just has so much bad karma in this industry that I cannot imagine a company like us trusting them on much of anything.” ........ today, it is Google which is driving web standards forward. ....... HTML5 is a working draft still. ....... people have to use those new browsers. The slowness of standards leads me to believe that RIA platforms will be around a while ....... “[Wave] is more about competition with Exchange + IM + OneNote w/Sharepoint Integration + Outlook”. ........ The primary reason we want to open source our code is actually adoption of the protocol. ....... Wave's effect on Silverlight is indirect. HTML will enter in the RIA space with HTML 5, taking a share from Flash and Silverlight. Google's heavy support for HTML 5 will contribute to that.
Google Wave Architecture | High Scalability hosted XML documents (called waves) ..... users from different wave providers can communicate and collaborate using shared waves
Google Wave Federation Architecture ‎(Google Wave Federation ... the Google Wave Federation Protocol for federating waves between wave providers on the Internet. ........ various elements of Google Wave technology - data model, operational transformation, and client-server protocol ...... The wave federation protocol enables everyone to become a wave provider and share waves with others. ....... A robot is an automated participant on a wave (see the robots API). Examples are translation robots and chess game robots. ........ A gateway translates between waves and other communication and sharing protocols such as email and IM. ....... Different wavelets of a wave can have different lists of participants. ......... there is a designated wave provider that has the definitive copy of that wavelet. We say that this particular provider is hosting that wavelet. ......... different users have different wave views for a given wave. ...... the user's read/unread state for the wave, is stored in a user-data wavelet ....... A wave is identified by a globally unique wave id, which is a pair of a domain name and an id string. ......... Like a wave id, a wavelet id is a pair of a domain name and an id string. ......... Wavelets in the same wave can be hosted by different wave providers. ........ a federation gateway and a federation proxy. ........... "local wavelet" and "remote wavelet"
Salesforce rides on Google wave : News : Software - ZDNet Asia
Google Wave Architecture
Google's move to introduce a Wave of synchronicity | Web Apps News ...

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Google Wave Ripples

Is Google Wave Social Enough To Challenge Facebook, Twitter?
Of Waves And Tsunamis
Google Wave: Wave Of The Future?
Google Wave: If Email Were Invented Today

Microsoft's Bing - touting itself as a "decision engine" - was supposed to have all the buzz but then Google Wave came along. Is Bing an engineering marvel, or is it just marketing? One has to wonder. But Google Wave has the buzz for engineering, square and simple. The buzz is for being the next big thing.

The launch of Google Wave has been breathtaking. But I think when the developers around the world get to pounce on that Google Wave, the results are going to be equally breathtaking. Right now I don't know what to expect. I guess I will just keep my expectations high and vague.

With Android and Wave, Google has managed to suck the 2009 tech oxygen. When was the last time Google had this much buzz? When Gmail came out? When it went public? I think the current buzz - or, rather, ripples - are at new heights.

From The Google Blogs

Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.

In The News

Hands-on with Wave: Weird and quite wonderful CNET News a more contemporary take on communications ....... a group of people can have an actual discussion in e-mail, in real-time if wanted, without getting bogged down in long multi-message discussions--or worse, in threads that end up forking so that different people are discussing different things. ..... Speaking of being overwhelmed, the first time I had two people replying to me in an individual message at the same time, in different places in it, my head almost exploded. It's a lot of raw information coming it at once, and it's very different from the old e-mail or the instant message experience. ........ Wave has no legacy support for old e-mail architectures whatsoever, and isn't bogged down by the old methods--like the practice of delivering messages to users and then severing the links to those messages. ........... Wave addresses look like e-mail addresses, but there's no gateway between Internet e-mail and Wave, so messages send from standard e-mail clients to Wave will bounce. ....... Wave is currently spam-free since it's not linked into the global e-mail system ....... technically a radical departure from e-mail, but for the end users it will still be used for a lot of the same things e-mail is. ..... there's no reason we should we need different applications--an e-mail client (or site), an instant messenger, and a collaborative editor--for variations on the theme of textual communication
Google Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions ReadWriteWeb Google is indeed on to something ...... real-time email with a big dose of IM built-in, but even this only just describes a small part of what Wave can do. ....... you can pick a specific word or phrase and respond to that, instead of the whole message. ....... the Google widget, which allows you to very easily search Google and add a link to the wave ...... search YouTube and Google Images and embed videos and pictures ....... embed a map that you can extend by setting place markers and drawing lines. .... long waves with a lot of concurrent users can get a bit confusing. ...... as expected, it didn't work in IE but worked perfectly fine in all the other browsers. ..... could revolutionize the way employees in a company communicate ........ once you get into the flow of things, regular email suddenly feels stale and slow. ...... If you want a Wave to look more like a document instead of a conversation, Wave will work just as well as when you just want to use it as a chat room. ...... default messaging system.
Google Wave draws huge Interest I4U
Google Wave the next social media phenomenon and journalistic tool? chat and share documents including audio files, videos and photos in real-time. ... Google Wave is the brain-child of Lars and Jens Rasmussen, the brothers who bought us Google Maps. They explain they wanted to "rethink what a single communications platform might look like if we started from scratch." ....start with a clean slate, rather than have today's Internet reality determine what could be possible in the future or even present. ....... project has been ongoing for two years ....... integrate and embed existing communications systems, including Twitter .... a chat function which allows one user to speak to another in one language and have the text appear in another. ....... Google aims to have Wave operating in 40 languages with translations being possible from any pair within the range. ....... an economical and effective new way for professionals to communicate across all sectors ...... lending itself to the way newsrooms around the globe are organised. ........ Wave is what news can be if we invent it today ..... we have a great relationship with many newspapers ... We paid 6 billion dollars to content owners last year." ......... for the first time, a news story will be able to grow and transform itself online as it does in the real world ........ Wave affords them the opportunity to concentrate on content and worry less about the platform
Microsoft May Bing Google as Wave Grabs Market Sci-Tech Today
Microsoft kicks off huge Bing ad push CNET News "When people don't get right search result they thing it's their fault."

Microsoft Launches Its “Google Killer” Bing Search Engine Jutia Group Bing will represent Microsoft’s third attempt at developing a go-to search engine in the last 10 years. ....... Bing Travel, which will predict airfare and hotel rates based on the time of year, ensuring users get better results. Microsoft gained this technology from its $115 million acquisition of travel Web site Farecast last year. ....... the campaign will pose a key question: Do current search engines really solve your problems? ....... Google will bring its Android operating system to “netbook” laptops in an attempt to take on Microsoft’s firmly entrenched Windows.
Could Google Wave Tip Microsoft's SharePoint Cash Cow? ChannelWeb a coming "arms race" of innovation in the enterprise collaboration space. ....... e-mail, instant messaging, document sharing, blogging and wikis in a single application ....... Google's real target isn't to challenge Microsoft SharePoint, but rather to push the envelope in the social networking space. .... Facebook is the more likely target
A Complete Guide to Google Wave BusinessWeek
Google Wave: A Complete Guide Mashable
Google's Wave Could Be an Internet Tsunami Motley Fool In 1993, I had no idea what an email address was. Two years later, I couldn't live without it. ...... now, Google wants to overthrow the whole email hegemony and replace it with something entirely new ...... Say hello to Google Wave -- the email killer. ...... Developed by a team of 50 engineers in Sydney ...... organic conversations between two or more people ....... "collaboration and communication" on a grand scale. ...... a completely new way of looking at online communications. ...... Open standards lead to open development and worldwide innovation, which is both cheaper for Google and better for the technology itself. .......... Wave promotes richer communications with more video sharing and higher bandwidth footprints. ....... a win for the networking guys, for Google and its ubiquitous ad platforms, and for upstarts with a great idea that doesn't quite fit in the Facebook or Twitter paradigms. One invention, plenty of winners. ........ what "email", "instant messaging", "SMS", and "Twitter" were, back in the day before Wave mashed it all up into a single service. ....... a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG)
Google Wave to be released later this year
Google's New Wave Reuters a grand messaging service ..... actual launch date is months away, which leads one to wonder if they bumped up the announcement to steal some of Microsoft's thunder.
Google Wave & Microsoft Bing Cnet Asia I was quite happy with snail mail until email came along. ...... When I discovered the convenience of threaded conversations, I went to heaven and have been there ever since. ....... Is there another level to the heaven I'm on? A sky lounge? I can't say until I try Google Wave for myself. ....... after a sneak preview of Microsoft's new Bing, I'm itching to get off my butt and make a permanent move to ....... Other than turning in the link to Streamyx's main homepage and thousands of other sites hurling abuse at TMNet

Google won't run all the Wave servers CNET News Google has said it will "federate" Wave. That means it will make it possible for anyone to operate their own Wave server and have it communicate with other Wave servers. This is just how e-mail works today: Anyone can run an e-mail server that can send messages to and receive messages from any other e-mail system. ...... Wave will be based on (and extend on) the existing messaging standard, XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol). ..... Google destroys entrenched markets.
Google Wave: Five Things You Must Know PC Magazine the evolution of Gmail, Docs, and maybe even Blogger ...... great for collaborative work in a corporate environment.. Google Wave is real-time: real-time search of Waves, real-time linking, real-time remote control object manipulation (say I embed a map in a wave, and then manipulate it remotely while you're looking at it), real-time translation. (Yes, on a character-by-character basis. Imagine a Google Doc translating your words into Spanish as you type.) ........ the air has just been let out of Twitter's sails. ........ Google is constantly improving its response time to get close to real-time results, but that real-time is an absolute that will be approached, but never actually met. ....... as more and more people generate and consume content while on the go ... the browser is indeed the OS of the future ..... waves can be embedded in Web sites
Google Wave: A new kind of mega-application Computerworld combines the myriad trends we've seen the last couple years on the Web into one application. ....... Tivo for Web content. .... some speculate whether it will cannibalize core web services (even some of Google's, like Google Docs or Picasa) ...... Wave's greatest asset could be that all this information can become more useful from ties to Google's core product: search. ..... companies desperately need a technology like Wave to help their employees collaborate in a more streamlined way. .... most enterprises remain years away from switching to this type of information stream, due to their current technology infrastructures ....... Today, employees must sort through messy "reply-all" e-mails to engage with content as a group. If you're working with a document in SharePoint, you must "check it in" and "check it out," making it hard for multiple people to contribute in real-time.
Google Wave: Gaming Impact it's going to revolutionize internet communications, and offer both individuals and businesses a number of new methods of connecting ....... I know a number of people I'd love to play with, but chat format games just lack a certain immediacy that Wave offers. ...... The beauty of Wave is that everything occurs in the browser, so you don't need a million complex programs to work congruently to play an interactive game.
The enterprise implications of Google Wave ZDNet egalitarian and federation-friendly design is intended to create an entire open ecosystem for communication and collaboration that Google is not-so-modestly touting as the reinvention of digital interaction circa 2009. ......... individual companies may be losing the capacity to drive the agenda for the world when it comes to establishing successful new Internet standards and technologies. ...... the ultimate destiny of Wave itself is far from clear ...... so many of the early and current Web 2.0 applications (blogs, wikis, social networks, Twitter-style social messaging, mashups, etc.) still — often arduously — making their way into the workplace years after their inception. .......... Google’s tendency to emphasize the consumer world first and the enterprise later ....... highly interactive document creation via the browser. ........ infinite options for distribution over the Web or within the firewall, as well as rapid integration with existing applications and data. ....... a wave is almost a form of social glue between people and the information they care about ........ Both blogs and wikis were created in the era of page-oriented Web applications and haven’t changed much since ....... fundamentally social in nature ....... a wave, access to which can be embedded anywhere that HTML can be embedded, whether that’s a Web page or an enterprise portal. Users can then discover and interact with the wave, joining the conversation, adding more information ........... an acutely social nature, rapid interaction, and community-based technology. ....... Google is expecting many more front-ends for creating and editing waves, depending on the individual requirements of various entities. Google Wave is their own front-end application for doing so and using HTML 5 in their wave client shows they are planning more for the future than present. ........ organizations will have to deal with business data in the Wave Protocol format in the future. ........ Twitter and existing social networks can play very well with Google Wave, enhancing the experience and allowing broader participation in a wave through other applications. Google Wave won’t (necessarily) replace existing apps like e-mail, IM, blogs, or wikis, and can actually make the latter two stronger through embedding. ........ a wave presupposes a bit more structure and situated use than the more tabula rasa blog or wiki. ...... while participants are busy typing and collaborating, a wave can be receiving support from back-end systems such as HRM, CRM, ERP, and so on to provide data, context, and other just-in-time support. ....... the convergence of our IT systems and Web 2.0 ...... ease-of-development for creating server-side extension ..... the premise of the product is also one of the dominant activities in the business world (enabling teamwork) and combined with the increasing consumerization of the workplace ....... organizations will need to understand how waves will make their organizations even more porous on the Internet ....... Gmail, Gtalk, Blogger to name just three, yet none of these have had such obvious business utility or attempted to reinvent the collaborative process from the ground-up. ..... clarity of purpose and design, Google Wave has a good shot at helping take Enterprise 2.0 to the next level in many organizations.
Google Wave Bye Bye To Bing Can Microsoft keep pace with Google’s thought leadership? .... It has taken Microsoft a decade to make its way to the battle ground, turning up late to a fight that has already been won, the victor having since turned their attention to loftier pursuits. ....... blogs and wikis and documents all at the one time. ....... the most radical new Internet innovation since the advent of the Web itself ........ e-mail, the most ubiquitous Internet application ........ The next big buzzword isn’t going to be bing. It’s going to be wave. I’ll send you a wave. I’ll wave that file to you. Your parents will wave you photos while on vacation. ..... It must be asked, has the grey matter gone out of Redmond? Love him or hate him you can’t deny Bill Gates was a strong driving force and steered Microsoft to its monolithic stature. His technical successors, Dave Cutler and Ray Ozzie, are far from household names. Cutler is still to prove Azure has cross-platform appeal and is an environment corporations can trust, while Ozzie's Groove is languishing in obscurity. ........ not only has Google already proven it can outpace Microsoft to market, but is showing it can outthink its shrinkwrapped rival.

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Blogger Search Gadget: What Took You So Long?

Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Google has owned Blogger for years now, and only now is has come up with a gadget called search. This is unforgivable for the premier search engine. You could still have done custom search through Google AdSense, but that hassle has been so unnecessary.

Search makes a blog simple. People don't have to read through lists of blog post titles to find out something of relevance and interest. It has been quite a hassle to create contents pages. Suddenly my blogs feel so much more accessible.

Custom search for AdSense simply refused to work with private blogs that can be wonderful online office spaces. That problem persists. Why can't you search a private blog? If you can search a private Gmail account? Google needs to work on this.

Blog search and beyond Google Blog
Search billions of documents with the Google Search Appliance 6.0 One billion sheets of paper could circle the earth at the equator well over five times. Counting to one billion would take about 30 years of your life, even if you never stop to sleep. And if you had to find a single piece of information by sorting through a billion documents it would take you, on average, about 2000 years. ..... the GSA makes searching within your organization as simple as searching on
Search Box gadget available to all Blogger Buzz
Facebook Your Blog
Blogger in 140 characters or less
iLike: Add a soundtrack to your blog
What's in a logo? Google Book Search Blog
The Day in the Cloud Challenge featuring Google Apps on June 24th Google Blog
New in Labs: Inbox preview Gmail Blog

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Each Snowflake Is Unique

Hunger, Vision, Money
Google's Newest Venture: Google Ventures
The Human Is The Center Of Gravity In Computing
Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb

Each snowflake is unique. Each human being is unique. Each sentence that comes out of human mouths is unique. The web is the best technology we have come up with yet to take snapshots of a rather uniquely unfolding humanity.

In my blog post Hunger, Vision, Money I have tried to argue that bringing the rest of the billions online makes tremendous business sense.

In Web 5.0 Is Da Bomb and related posts I have tried to argue the biggest thing that happened in our shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is that the web got populated. And so Web 3.0 can not be about technology. Web 3.0 has to be about the human element of the web.

The web is poorer for every human being not yet online. And so it is not the semantic web that is Web 3.0. (A Web 3.0 Manifesto)

The Home Based » Blog Archive » Each Snowflake is Unique
Curiosities: Is every snowflake unique? (Dec. 17, 2007)
What Makes a Snowflake Unique?
It is truly amazing how God makes each snowflake unique, just like ...[PDF]
Penn State Live - Probing question: Is each snowflake really unique?
Digital Compilations by Cinda: Each Snowflake is Unique Just Like You
Is it true that every snowflake is unique? |
GeoSnow: Exploring the World of Snowflakes

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Real Time Search: Twitter Is Not Doing It

Real time search would be if I took my website public right now, and it would show up in your search results right now, if I put out a blog post right now, it would show up in your search results right now. That would be real time search.

But that is not what Twitter does. What Twitter does is this. If you created a website two years ago, but I only discovered it today, and it moved me enough that I tweeted a link to it, and once my tweet has been published, then my tweet would show up for someone doing a search on the key terms in my tweet if my tweet is not too old already. If I am 20 seconds too late, my tweet is not going to show up in Twitter's so-called real time search. And the Twitter search engine is really bad at digging into the Twitter archives, so if my tweet on that hot webpage from two years ago is not going to show up in the first 20 seconds, that tweet is pretty much buried.

Even by its own paradigm - as in, they don't claim to be indexing webpages created in real time - Twitter is not really doing real time search.
  • The online population is not representative of the global population.
  • The Twitter millions are not representative of the online population.
  • There are no guidelines to tweets. They can be about links, they need not be about links. They need not be about links to fresh websites, blog posts.
Twitter is useful, and I am a fan and an avid user. But the Twitter way of exploring the web is niche, it is you saying show me what others are seeing and saying right now. I guess that fits some people's definition of real time search, not mine though.

My blog posts get indexed by Google not in real time, but it does not take them long at all. I have not conducted experiments, but I doubt it is more than an hour. Maybe it is less than 30 minutes, less maybe, I don't know. It might even be minutes. If it is minutes, that is fast enough for me. That is real time search right there.

Of all the companies in the game - Google, Twitter, Wolfram Alpha, Yahoo, Microsoft - the one most likely to deliver real time search - my definition - is Google, because they have the most sophisticated algorithms, they have the largest database of web content, they focus on search like a laser beam like no company does.

So I am not counting the big dog out yet, although I am keenly interested in niche developments like Twitter and Wolfram Alpha, and I think it is good for the consumer that Yahoo and Microsoft harbor ambitions of competing with Google. I like the idea.

Distributed Search
Wolfram Apha Is Cool
Google Falling Behind Twitter?
Taking The Number 2 Spot On Google Search For Donut Android
Google Is Working On Search
Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing?
Microfinance, Nanotech, Biotech, Software/Hardware/Connectivity
David Gelernter: Manifesto
Twitter Is Not Micro
Cupcake: Android 1.5
Skype: Hub

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Distributed Search

WWW's "historical" logo, created by ...Image via Wikipedia

Silicon Valley VCs Don't Want Obama's Money, Think Google Is Passe CNet "The triumph of the distributed Web." ....... the aggregate power of distributed human activity will trump centralized control. ........ Google, and other search engines that analyze the Web and links, are much less useful than a (theoretical) search engine that knows not what people have linked to (as Google does), but rather what pages are open on people's browsers at the moment that people are searching ........ "All the problems of search would be solved if search relevance was ranked by what browsers were displaying" ......... the future is "federated search," in which the Web's users don't just execute search queries, they participate in building the index by the very act of searching, immediately and directly. probably also want to know what's showing up on users' computers in apps other than the Web browser. ....... the value of real-time searching, as well as social-network-aware searching, will increase dramatically and quickly. .......... the United State's subsidies on ethanol, France's decision to skip the Internet in favor of the state-sponsored Minitel, and Japan's direct investment in supercomputers as it tried to spend its way out of a recession were examples of poor investments. "Government is a particularly poor judge of new technology" ....... . The millennials are here. Everything changes. The current generation of graduating college students won't remember a life offline. A deluge of unstructured data creates the next great information leaders. ("The dark matter of the enterprise is unstructured data" ........ Wireless broadband will be one of the only IT sectors to see increased funding this year and in the future......... Maintech, not Cleantech ....... Health care administration will be the fastest-growing sector. ......Consumption of digital goods on mobile devices is the growth story of the coming decade. ....... Electronic displays will prove the hottest investment in hardware this year and next. ..... The rumors of the demise of the reporter have been exaggerated.
David Gelernter: Manifesto

Is Google passe? I am not so sure. But Twitter and Wolfram Alpha have put some blood into the water. Suddenly Yahoo and Microsoft are energized on search like never before. The wisdom was Yahoo has lost the game. Now Yahoo is yelling, not so fast. Google has been challenged, that's for sure.

Goal: A Billion People On Twitter
Search Come Full Circle: That Human Element
Search: Much Is Lacking

This had to happen sooner or later. Search is such a vast terrain. It will stay the number one challenge online. Content creation is not about to slow down. How do you keep up with the exponential explosion in content creation? You got to come up with new ways of doing search. There has always been a ton of room for innovation in search. But now we are seeing new energy in the domain.

Wolfram Apha Is Cool
Google Falling Behind Twitter?
Eminem: The Relapse: Twitter
What Does Your Resume Look Like Today?
Google Is Working On Search
Job Hunting And 2.0
Is Reading Socializing?
Reimagining The Office
Stream 2.0: The Next Big Thing?
Microfinance, Nanotech, Biotech, Software/Hardware/Connectivity
Define Social Media
The Stream, The Lifestream, The Mindstream
The Human Is The Center Of Gravity In Computing

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