Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Friday, February 07, 2025
Monday, June 26, 2023
26: Russia
How Can ChatGPT Help Create And Manage A Customer Referral Program?
How Can ChatGPT Provide Recommendations For Creating Effective White Papers?
How Can ChatGPT Help Create And Implement A Content Curation Strategy?
How Can ChatGPT Suggest Ways To Use Influencer Marketing To Build Brand Awareness?
How Can ChatGPT Provide Guidance On How To Use Marketing Automation Tools To Streamline Marketing Processes?
A star cluster in the Milky Way appears to be as old as the universe Measuring ages of ancient clusters like M92 can help resolve a puzzle about cosmic evolution ......... One of the oldest known objects in the universe is wandering around the Milky Way. ......... One of the oldest known objects in the universe is wandering around the Milky Way. ....... The team found the cluster is 13.8 billion years old, give or take 750 million years. That’s strikingly close to the best estimate of the age of the universe: a smidge over 13.8 billion years, plus or minus 24 million years
Trump, the Worst Boss You’ve Ever Had Donald Trump did not — and does not — recognize any distinction between himself and the office of the presidency. He is it, and it is him. .......... This view is as close a fundamental rejection of American constitutionalism as you can imagine — and it helps explain much of the former president’s behavior in and out of office. It is why he could not abide any opposition to anything he tried to pursue, why he raged against the “deep state,” why he strained against every limit on his authority, why he rejected the very idea that he could lose the 2020 presidential election and why he decided he could simply take classified documents to his home in Florida. ...... For Trump, he is the president. He is the government. The documents, in his mind, belonged to him. .......... Of course, business owners have always been a critical part of state and local Republican politics. The nation’s state legislatures and county boards of supervisors are full of the proprietors of family-owned car dealerships, fast food franchises, construction companies, landscaping businesses and regional distribution firms. And in fact, many of the most visible and important families in conservative politics have their own family firms, albeit supersized ones: the Kochs, the DeVoses, the Crows and the Trumps. ............ No longer content to run government for business, the Republican Party now hopes to run government as a business. ........... government as the fief of a small-business tyrant.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
14: The Beatles
Paul McCartney Says A.I. Helped Complete ‘Last’ Beatles Song The song was made using a demo with John Lennon’s voice and will be released later this year, McCartney said. ......... “We were able to take John’s voice and get it pure through this A.I., so then we could mix the record, as you would normally do.” ......... Proponents of the technology say it has the power to disrupt the music business in the ways that synthesizers, sampling, and file-sharing services did. ......... Over McCartney’s career, he has been quick to engage with new creative technologies, whether talking about synthesizers or samplers .
Russian Forces Strike Back Against Ukraine’s Advancing Troops Russia attacked Ukrainian troops near villages in Ukraine’s south on the same day that Russian missiles killed at least 11 people and that President Vladimir V. Putin acknowledged some Russian losses. ......... President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, speaking to Russian war correspondents and military bloggers, acknowledged that his forces had suffered some losses in June, including 54 tanks. He denied Ukraine’s assertions of progress on the battlefield, though, insisting that its military had lost hundreds more tanks and vehicles than Russia with no gains to speak of. ......... “The opponent has had no success in any area,” he said. “They have had heavy losses.” ........... He said that he was aware of the hawkish calls for another major draft, but added that such a decision “depends on what we want” to do and that “there was no such need today.” ........... the Russian attack on Ukraine’s vanguard suggested Kyiv’s troops faced a dangerous problem ahead. As they emerge from their trenches, military analysts say, they move out of the range of their own army’s air defenses and electronic jamming systems, leaving them vulnerable to Russian air attacks like those on Tuesday. .......... Ukraine has yet to commit the bulk of its forces, including those trained by Western allies, to any one place to drive a wedge through Russian-occupied land in the southeast. ........... Russia’s defensive strategy of aerial counterstrikes could slow Ukraine's campaign, giving Russian troops more time to lay down even more defenses. Ukrainian forces have already faced minefields, trenches, anti-tank ditches, air assaults and artillery fire .............. “Our night counterattacks began,” Mr. Rogov wrote, adding that the Russian military was flying sorties with two models of attack helicopters. Both armies were firing artillery in the area .......... The United States has already sent 109 Bradleys and 90 Strykers to Ukraine, according to the Defense Department, and has committed $40 billion overall in arms, ammunition and equipment since Russia’s invasion last year. Some European countries have also sent dozens of armored fighting vehicles to Ukraine in the past months........... Ukraine’s General Staff said on its Facebook page that air defenses had destroyed 10 of 14 cruise missiles and shot down one of four Iranian-made Shahed drones used in Russia’s overnight strike. The attack was part of Russian efforts to “exhaust” Ukraine’s air defenses .
He’s No Jack Kennedy there is a case to make in appreciation of candidates who hail from families that take public service seriously and who are familiar with the weird world of politics. Exhibit A is Nancy Pelosi, the most formidable and effective House speaker in more than 60 years, who learned much about her craft growing up in a local Democratic dynasty in Baltimore.
Lock Him Up It is stunning to read the grand jury’s 37-count indictment, with its depictions of a former president treating the law with the contemptuous disdain of a Mafia don — but with none of a don’s concern for covering his tracks. It is even more stunning to hear what some of those in the legal community who have been defenders of Trump have to say about it. ....... As for the suggestion that Trump is the victim of a witch hunt, Barr noted that the Justice Department had “acted in a very patient way” in trying to obtain documents from Trump, only to be met with “very egregious obstruction.” ........ None of this will sway Trump’s base because nothing will sway them. .......... But what about more mainstream conservatives who know the 2020 election wasn’t stolen, that Jan. 6 was a disgrace for the ages, that Trump is a one-time-lucky serial loser whose bottomless narcissism keeps costing Republicans winnable Senate and gubernatorial races, that his entire presidency was a drunken joyride with a reckless driver careening around hairpin turns at high speed, that his renomination as the G.O.P. candidate would give President Biden his best shot at re-election and that another Trump presidency would be an orgy of petty political retribution and reckless policymaking that would make his first term seem, by comparison, responsible and tame? ................ They are, with few exceptions, supine. ......... It remains true that the federal prosecution of Trump, along with his potential conviction and incarceration, will be a fateful moment in American history. Far more fateful would have been the failure to prosecute. If Trump can be above the law, in a case of this kind, then we will have lost the rule of law.
C.I.A. Told Ukraine Last Summer It Should Not Attack Nord Stream Pipelines Dutch intelligence officials shared information with the C.I.A. in June 2022 that they had learned the Ukrainian military had been planning an operation using divers to blow up one of the pipelines.......... Explosions destroyed parts of the pipelines, which carry natural gas from Russia to Europe, in September. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly denied responsibility for the attack. .......... American intelligence agencies now believe the operation was carried out at least with the loose direction of the Ukrainian government, but they do not know who exactly planned the operation. .......... Some officials have worried that Ukrainian involvement would weaken support for the war among Germans, who have swallowed high energy prices during the conflict. While it is still possible that further revelations could shift public opinion in Germany, for now Berlin has continued to increase its military aid to Kyiv and had provided many of the tanks being used in the ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive.
I Studied Five Countries’ Health Care Systems. We Need to Get More Creative With Ours. Despite just experiencing a pandemic in which over one million Americans died, health care reform doesn’t seem to be a top political issue in the United States right now. That’s a mistake. The American health care system is broken. We are one of the few developed countries that does not have universal coverage. We spend an extraordinary amount on health care, far more than anyone else. And our broad outcomes are middling at best.......... When we do pay attention to this issue, our debates are profoundly unproductive. Discussions of reform here in the United States seem to focus on two options: Either we maintain the status quo of what we consider a “private” system, or we move toward a single-payer system like Canada’s. That’s always been an odd choice to me because true single-payer systems like that one are relatively rare in the world, and Canada performs almost as poorly as we do in many international rankings. ..........
no one has a system quite as complicated as ours.
............. They think that our system is somehow part of America’s DNA, something that grew from the Constitution or the founding fathers. Others believe that the health care systems in different countries couldn’t work here because of our system’s size. .......... Our employer-based insurance system is the way it is because of World War II wage freezes and I.R.S. tax policy, not the will of the founders. And much of health care is regulated at the state level, so our size isn’t really an outlier. We could change things if we wanted to............ Australia and New Zealand are two other countries with single-payer systems out there, although their systems differ greatly from that of Canada and from each other’s. Unlike our neighbor to the north, they allow private insurance for most care, which can be applied to pay for faster access with more bells and whistles. In addition, Australia’s system has fairly high out-of-pocket payments, in the form of deductibles and co-pays. .............. France’s system is close to a single-payer one because almost everyone gets insurance from one of a few collective funds, mostly determined by employment or life situations. They also have out-of-pocket payments and expect most people to pay upfront for outpatient care, to be reimbursed later by insurance. ......... Britain, on the other hand, has no out-of-pocket payments for almost all care. Private insurance is optional, as it is in other countries, to pay for care that may come faster and with more amenities. Relatively few people purchase it, though. ........... Singapore has a completely different model. It relies on individuals’ personal spending more than almost any other developed country in the world, with insurance only really available for catastrophic coverage, or for access to a private system that, again, relatively few use. .............It’s outrageous that the health care system hasn’t been a significant issue in the 2024 presidential race so far.
........... Even if we did have that national conversation, I fear we’d be arguing about the wrong things. We have spent the last several decades fighting about health insurance coverage. It’s what animated the discussions of reform in the 1990s. It’s what led to the Affordable Care Act more than a decade ago. It’s what we are still arguing about. The only thing we seem able to focus on concerns insurance — who provides it, and who gets it. ............. Insurance is really just about moving money around. It’s the least important part of the health care system. .......... Universal coverage matters. What doesn’t is how you provide that coverage, whether it’s a fully socialized National Health Service, modified single-payer schemes, regulated nonprofit insurance or private health savings accounts. All of the countries I visited have some sort of mechanism that provides everyone coverage in an easily explained and uniform way. That allows them to focus on other, more important aspects of health care. ................. We have all types of coverage schemes, from veteran’s affairs to Medicare, the Obamacare exchanges and employer-based health insurance, and when put together they don’t work well. They’re all too complicated, too inefficient and fail to achieve the goal of universal coverage. Our complexity, and the administrative inefficiency that comes with it, is holding us back. ........... More recently, I favored the tightly regulated, entirely private insurance system of Switzerland because it performs exceptionally well using a private scheme I thought would be more palatable to many Americans. ............ If we could agree on a simpler scheme — any one of them — we could start to focus on what matters: the delivery of health services. ............ In the United States, on the other hand, most care is provided by private hospitals, either for-profit or nonprofit. Even nonprofit systems compete for revenue, and they do so by providing more amenity-laden care. This competition for more patient volume leads to higher prices, and while we don’t explicitly ration care, we do so indirectly by requiring deductibles and co-pays, forcing many to avoid care because of cost. Our focus on what pays — acute care — also leads us to ignore primary care and prevention to a larger extent. ............. allowing people to choose whether to accept cheaper care delivered by a public system or to pay more for care in a private system might make this much more palatable. By doing so, we could make sure that good care is available to all, even if better care is available to some. ............. More than 80 percent of Singaporeans live in public housing, which involves more than one million flats that were built and subsidized by the government. Almost all Singaporeans own their own homes, too, even publicly subsidized ones; only about 10 percent of them rent. ............ Because of government subsidies, most people spend less than 25 percent of their income on housing and can choose between buying new flats at highly subsidized prices or flats available for resale on an open market. ......... the government is only spending about 5 percent of G.D.P. on health care. This leaves a fair amount available for other social policies, such as housing. .......... As part of New Zealand’s reforms, its Public Health Agency, which was established less than a year ago, specifically puts a “greater emphasis on equity and the wider determinants of health such as income, education and housing.” It also specifically seeks to address racism in health care, especially that which affects the Maori population.............. Addressing these issues in the United States would require significant investment, to the tune of hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars a year. That seems impossible until you remember that we spent more than $4.4 trillion on health care in 2022. We just don’t think of social policies like housing, food and education as health care. .................. Our narrow view too often defines health care as what you get when you’re sick, not what you might need to remain well. .............. When other countries choose to spend less on their health care systems (and it is a choice), they take the money they save and invest it in programs that benefit their citizens by improving social determinants of health. In the United States, conversely, we argue that the much less resourced programs we already have need to be cut further. The recent debt limit compromise reduces discretionary spending and makes it harder for people to access government programs like food stamps. As Mr. Elshaug noted, doing the opposite would lead to better outcomes. ............... We currently spend about 18 percent of G.D.P. on health care. That’s almost $12,000 per American. It’s about twice what other countries currently spend...........We cannot seem to do what other countries think is easy, while we’ve happily decided to do what other countries think is impossible.
How Can ChatGPT Provide Suggestions For Creating Effective Social Media Ads?
How Can ChatGPT Suggest Ways To Improve Social Media Engagement And Grow A Following?
How Can ChatGPT Assist In Creating Email Marketing Campaigns That Generate High Open And Click-through Rates?
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Sunday, June 11, 2023
DemocracyTech: Google Search Gives Zero Results
Anyone notice that OpenAI did the exact opposite of what YC preaches?
— John Henry (@JohnHenryStyle) June 11, 2023
1. Raised a ton of money pre-product
2. Built for years before launching
3. Built waterfall vs agile
4. Hired big staff pre-revenue
Solving complex problems requires money & time. Not a one size fits all.
Democracy For Russia from Paramendra Bhagat on Vimeo.
everything I want to say about this will get me excommunicated from the church of tech.
— ST (∞,∞) 🏴☠️ (@seyitaylor) June 11, 2023
every single thing.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Monday, March 13, 2023
13: News Bulletin
HSBC plans to acquire Silicon Valley Bank UK for £1, citing “strategic sense for our business”; as of March 10, SVB UK had ~£5.5B loans and ~£6.7B deposits
Having perfected the art of using hype to move markets, VCs managed to hype their own rumors to collapse SVB, accidentally slaying a much loved accomplice
SVB draws support from 500+ VCs, including General Catalyst and Sequoia, while 5,000+ founders and CEOs sign a Y Combinator petition asking US Congress to act
Sources: long before its collapse, SVB remained technologically stagnant, including failing to integrate Stripe's tech and biometric authentication on mobile
CNN wins its first Oscar for Navalny, in the documentary feature film category, about Russian dissident Alexei Navalny and commissioned by CNN Films and HBO Max
New York shuts down Signature Bank as US regulators cite a “systemic risk exception” like for SVB, announcing all of Signature's depositors will be “made whole”
The closure of SVB, Silvergate, Silvergate Exchange Network, and Signature adds stress to a troubled crypto industry; fiat conversion costs may rise by 20%-40%
Signature closing means its real-time payment platform Signet can no longer serve crypto clients, a blow after SEN closed; BTC jumps ~7% and USDC regains peg
As AI explodes, humanity must accelerate its adaptation or reach a collective, enforceable decision to slow the development of these technologies
A YouTuber who went viral as a toddler says she resents her family for monetizing her childhood, as some influencer parents take their children off social media
Netflix wins six Oscars, including the Best International Feature Film for All Quiet on the Western Front and the Best Animated Feature Film for Pinocchio
A developer runs Meta's 13B LLaMA model, considered to be competitive with GPT-3, on his laptop, showing local language models are feasible on consumer hardware
Meta plans to block Canadians' ability to view or share written and broadcast news on Facebook and Instagram if the country passes its proposed Online News Act
A look at the unprecedented level of executive turnover at Apple, which lost 11 key people, most just below Senior Vice President, since the second half of 2022
Twitter is in decline and less stable under Elon Musk, echoing LiveJournal and Tumblr falling apart under new ownership that didn't understand their communities
Worried that cloud giants offer concentrated hacking targets, the US plans to regulate the security practices of Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and others
An interview with Gowalla co-founder and CEO Josh Williams as he re-launches his location-based social networking app at SXSW, 14 years after its debut
The first 6 founder deep dives are live!
— Justin Gordon (@justingordon212) March 13, 2023
Intentionally have an even split of men and women
I'm sharing their stories, how they started and grew their companies, and lessons we can all learn from them
Each takes 20-25 hours of research and writing
Who should be next?
Definitely something we've thought about. Need a few more features like outbound wires, multi-user support etc.
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) March 13, 2023
Non-fractional reserve "banking" is definitely looking more attractive right now.
What are the key features you'd want?
Our defence editor chooses seven good books on spying
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) January 26, 2023
Now that a bank run is avoided, we can finally get back to inflation destroying our economy.
— Douglas A. Boneparth (@dougboneparth) March 13, 2023
A lawsuit was filed against the father of Masha Moskaleva to restrict his parental rights & put her in an orphanage because she drew an anti-war picture in school & her father was arrested for making anti-war statements on social media.
— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (English) (@mbk_center) March 13, 2023
Alexei Moskalev faces up to 3 years in jail
Staffers of internet service provider companies work tangled bundles of overhead cables at Kalanki-Sitapaila section of the Ring Road on Sunday.
— The Kathmandu Post (@kathmandupost) March 13, 2023
Photo by: @Sayami
I average 3,000 reps of calisthenics each morning. Yet each day: I emphasize something a little different. One day heavy on squats. Another heavy on push-ups. Another big on burpees. In this way? 1) Workouts are never boring. And 2) They keep your body guessing & growing. TRY IT.
— Jeff Sekerak (@jeffsekerak) March 13, 2023
Delaying hard decisions kill startups.
— Andrew Gazdecki (@agazdecki) March 13, 2023
Feature not working? Sunlight it.
Employee not working out? Let em go.
Go to market not working? Fix it.
If something is not working please do what you know you have to do as a founder because you don't have forever.
Too small to fail is the new too big to fail.
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) March 13, 2023
The Fed may or may not realize it but it has created a two-tier banking system:
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) March 12, 2023
1. Tier 1: Systemically Important Banks. These are the "too big to fail" biggest banks. If you have money there, it's a true deposit. You can't lose it.
2. Tier 2: Everyone Else. If you have money…
Pairs well with our two tiered judicial system, our two tiered education system and our two tiered legal system.
— Shelby Varney 𝝅 (@nyxxiana) March 12, 2023
Sunday, March 12, 2023
12: News Bulletin
The importance of blue carbon mangroves
The benefits of mangrove restoration from blue carbon to biodiversity
7 important agreements reached at COP15
The Wildfire-Climate Change Cycle and how to Tame it
This Geothermal Startup Showed Its Wells Can Be Used Like a Giant Underground Battery
Detection Stays One Step Ahead of Deepfakes—For Now
GPT-4 Might Just Be a Bloated, Pointless Mess
Microsoft Unveils AI Model That Understands Image Content, Solves Visual Puzzles
Figure Promises First General-Purpose Humanoid Robot
Ethereum Moved to Proof of Stake. Why Can’t Bitcoin?
Face Recognition Software Led to His Arrest. It Was Dead Wrong
As AI Booms, Lawmakers Struggle to Understand the Technology
Key Steps in Evolution on Earth Tell Us How Likely Intelligent Life Is Anywhere Else
Stability AI, Hugging Face and Canva Back New AI Research Nonprofit
I Made an AI Clone of Myself
California Company Sets Launch Date for World’s First 3D-Printed Rocket
ChatGPT-Style Search Represents a 10x Cost Increase for Google, Microsoft
Ingenious Technique Could Make Moon Farming Possible
The US Copyright Office Says You Can’t Copyright Midjourney AI-Generated Images
AI Is Dreaming Up Drugs That No One Has Ever Seen. Now We’ve Got to See if They Work.
MIT Team Makes a Case for Direct Carbon Capture From Seawater, Not Air
This Startup Can 3D Print a Battery Into Any Shape You Want
Confusion Spirals in Crypto as the US Cracks Down
For the First Time, Genetically Modified Trees Have Been Planted in a US Forest
Huge & costly miss by the media and govt in thinking SVB collapse is about ‘big tech.’
— Alex Macdonald (@alexfmac) March 12, 2023
Big tech banks with the big 4.
The vast majority of founders run small businesses.
This is about thousands of small businesses, their employees and their families.
Press Release on the visit of Mr. Zhang Shaogang, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) to Nepal.
— Ambassador Chen Song (@PRCAmbNepal) March 12, 2023
केही बर्षअघि यही ट्विटरमा लेथेथें, यस्ता परियोजनाहरूमा निर्णय गर्दा, feasibility हेरिॅदैन? कसैले जवाफ मा ‘यस्ता game changing योजनामा के को study, DPR बनाउने, अघि बढ्ने’ जस्तो गरे! यी कुरामा सायद राजनीति, ‘द्रव्यनीति’ थपिंदा यो गति भो। थप ऋण भार पनि हाम्ले यसै गरि बोक्ने होला।
— Devendra Raj Panday (@DRP39) March 12, 2023
Problem also lies on the international law on conflict-related “gross” human rights violations. The Rome Statute of ICC only covers grave crimes like war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. International human rights treaties do not define conflict-era gross violations.
— Madhu Raman Acharya (@MadhuRamanACH) March 11, 2023
I do hope to succeed in business 🤞
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 11, 2023
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
— Pastor Peter bankar (@PeterBankar) March 12, 2023
Psalms 46:10
— @jason (@Jason) March 12, 2023
watching the lord of the ring trilogy for the first time. gollum is such a drama queen lol
— ali (@_ali_taylor) March 12, 2023
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) March 12, 2023
Timeline cleanse: A Lightning Strike In Australia. 📷 by David Diehm Photography
— Jürgen "jkr" Kraus (@jkr_on_the_web) March 11, 2023
There was a lighting strike on the sidewalk near where I used to live. It created a hole in the cement. I'll bet the pictured strike created fused sand particles.
— Richard Peterson ⸮⸮⸮ (@genuine_rp) March 11, 2023
Kohli has made 12 runs in 20 overs - a fascinating phase of play, complemented by Murali Kartik and Matthew Hayden lecturing us about growing a thick skin and why Test cricketers should not be on social media.
— Abhu (@abhu_tyagi) March 12, 2023
The stupendous stupa of Kesaria, Vaishali. Partially restored, the rest a hillock with beautiful trees. @Kishore_chandra and I were greeted by the cultural doyen of Champaran, Ramsharan Agarwal.
— Kanak Mani Dixit (@KanakManiDixit) March 11, 2023
Make sure you get outside today if you're in #banking or #fintech. What a week #SiliconValleyBank
— wadearnold (@wadearnold) March 11, 2023
Touch the grass or snow this weekend. I’m also available if needed. Reach out
— Peggy Mangot (@peggymangot) March 12, 2023
“These are the good old days!” – frens
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 12, 2023
Scary thought: We've been in a low-interest rate world for over a decade straight, and within 6 months of rates rising, we've seen SPAC collapses, FTX, and now SVB.
— Tanay Jaipuria (@tanayj) March 11, 2023
What else unravels over the next year or two?
Blaming depositors for bank failure is like placing the blame for medical malpractice on patients because they didn’t do a good enough job shopping for a doctor. Depositors expect the Fed to ensure that banks are safe.
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) March 12, 2023
Full house for Voices for Ukraine with @ilya_poet @katiefar @OlgaLivshin @OlenaJennings @returnstosender @suvorovawrites @SashaVasilyuk @bowlga & more, sponsored by @brackenmagazine @uwtranslation @simpson_center @UwSlavic
— Sasha Vasilyuk (@SashaVasilyuk) March 12, 2023
Kind of amazing how the "Silicon Valley" in SVB leads people to think it's just a bank for the elites.
— Sriram Krishnan - sriramk.eth (@sriramk) March 11, 2023
A bit stunned over a lack of concern for startups and innovation that power so much of what we use today.
Which business magazine/paper do you trust the most?
— Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) March 12, 2023
If other, which one? 👇🏽
Pandemic. Bank run. Land war in Europe.
— James Mishra (@rishmishra) March 12, 2023
I feel like I'm seeing my AP US History textbook happen in real life.
Driving an Electric Vehicle to be "green"? Well, nearly 60% of your electric fuel comes from fossil fuels (coal + natural gas) and nearly 80% comes from fossil fuels + nuclear. Less than 11% comes from windmills and less than 4% from solar panels. #RealityCheck
— Mark J. Perry (@Mark_J_Perry) March 11, 2023
Today, I finally understand the anger that led to the creation of Bitcoin.
— Nuseir Yassin (@nasdaily) March 11, 2023
Who do you trust with ur livelihood?
A “gov insured” bank that’s not actually insured?
An exchange that goes bust?
A stablecoin that depegs?
Or a currency that makes you 8% poorer every year?
What is good for the soil is always good for your body because your body is just an embodiment of soil. #SadhguruQuotes
— Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV) March 12, 2023
Honestly. This isn’t classy. Congrats if that’s what you were going for
— Peggy Mangot (@peggymangot) March 12, 2023
Major problem. These are oversubscribed in America.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 11, 2023
The beauty of B2B? You can get on the phone and start pitching people. See their reactions and get feedback in real time!
— Jesse Pujji (@jspujji) March 12, 2023
It's a great way to scale and open up a whole new world of opportunities for your business.
“Silicon Valley gets what it deserves! Screw tech, startups and VCs!”
— Tom Loverro (@tomloverro) March 11, 2023
-Sent from an iPhone via Twitter and Instagram, w an ARM processor instruction set by Marvell, code repo by GitHub, delivered via Cloudflare, while driving a Tesla Model 3 and Slack/Gmail w co-workers
He is not just a clown, he is a puppet clown.
— Proud Unrepentant Ultra MAGA Gina Bella (@ginabella) March 12, 2023
#BREAKING: The strategic bomber #B52-H Stratofortress of the #USAirForce, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, about 2 hours ago, went to the position of launching missiles in St. Petersburg near the island of Gotland, which is located at a distance of about 200 km from the…
— TRUTH PUKE (@TruthPuke) March 11, 2023
— John Metzner (@JohnRMetzner) March 12, 2023
I would happily accept the end of carried interest tax treatment for VCs and private equity, in exchange for knowing SVB depositors will get back 100 cents on the dollar.
— Roy E. Bahat (@roybahat) March 11, 2023
Here’s how fake crab meat is made.
— clemenza🥩⚡️| healthy skeptic (@CarniClemenza) March 11, 2023
Who is eating this stuff?
We can’t have a functioning economy if the average American has to assess the balance sheet of a bank before they deposit money.
— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) March 12, 2023
We don’t even teach personal finance in most schools, let alone how to read financial statements.
Extroverts are convinced the Internet makes people more lonely. Introverts are convinced the Internet makes people less lonely.
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) March 12, 2023
I deleted my tweet because I learned too many ppl are unaware that wires don’t go out on wkends and that banks are not open on Sundays.
— Elizabeth Yin 💛 (@dunkhippo33) March 12, 2023
I’m disappointed in ppl.
If you’re a female founder impacted by #svb and working to pull a deck together for an emergency BOD meeting to discuss your options & want help, DMs are open & my weekend is free.
— Abbie Strabala (@straballar) March 11, 2023
I can do: Formatting. Storytelling. Scenario planning. Cash flow projections. Draft comms.
If Russia wanted to destroy or materially impair 65k of our most promising new technology and biotech companies, there is no better method than a cyber attack that blows up @SVB_Financial with the @FDICgov not guaranteeing deposits. The irony is that we did it to ourselves.
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) March 11, 2023
Last 24 hours has been pretty eye opening to see how many people are rooting against the tech industry and innovation
— Alex Cohen (@anothercohen) March 11, 2023
— @jason (@Jason) March 12, 2023
Are we really at a point that we think Roku made a mistake but holding $487 million in one account at the 16th largest bank? That they should have known better and spread is over about 1,750 different accounts to stay under the $250k arbitary limit?
— Jim Bianco biancoresearch.eth (@biancoresearch) March 12, 2023
I swear this is a true story.
— Hailey Lennon (@HaileyLennonBTC) March 12, 2023
You can’t leave your house in DC without hearing discussion of SVB
A table behind and a guy literally said “I have exposure to SVB and I wish I had exposure to bitcoin instead”
I have a business idea, it is like a bank, but they keep your money in a vault, don't lend it to anyone else, and charge you a fee for the service.
— Peter McCormack🏴☠️ (@PeterMcCormack) March 11, 2023
Pretty radical I know, who wants in?
Guaranteed increase in anger levels
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 11, 2023
Sunday poll: What’s the best Indian Sunday breakfast ?
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) March 12, 2023
Most people don't know:
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) March 11, 2023
1- SVB is an LP in many venture capital funds
2- Those VCs pushed startups to get venture debt from SVB.
3- The terms made startups put nearly all cash in SVB
It's easy to say, "the startups were dumb!"
But it's more complicated.
Silicon Valley Bank’s shareholders and executives lose it all, as they should. Depositors in good faith, however, should recover and have access to their deposits in order to meet their payrolls, pay their suppliers, and to prevent contagion.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) March 11, 2023