Showing posts with label Personal computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal computer. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2006


The PC market is not as sexy as it used to be, both on the hardware and the software end. A Windows release does not carry the same excitement. Many of the Office products can be had for free online these days. If there is no large scale migration yet, the online products still need polishing up, and businesses are reluctant to let go. And there is sheer inertia. And like a Microsoft top dog said recently, you can't do video editing online. There are things that will stay on the PC, no matter how fast your internet connection. I doubt that claim will hold at substantially higher speeds though.

The hardware has also been sluggish. It has become a mature industry. Dell is not the razmatazz name it used to be.

There is only so much innovation and inundation possible within a set paradigm. Like Larry Ellison once said, the software industry will morph into something akin to what the utility companies are like today.

It is not exactly a dud, to be sure. Things are still happening. We will still see mini-waves, like the iPod wave. You tweak and twan and create a lifestyle.

And there is this vast ocean of humanity to speak of that is still not connected, that huge no-PC world to be harnessed. It will be innovation enough to find ways to get them into the casting net, not all of it technological.

So what is the next big thing? It is not Windows, for sure. I mean, with Windows, they keep adding bells and whistles that can be had online for free. They play a little with the graphics.

Google's innovations are not of the PC era. Google is a whole new cloud.

I keep thinking, since Google can not do everything, it needs to license out its ad mechanism so other startups can use the same model to provide other services to consumers, like free PCs and free wireless broadband and stuff.

On The Web

A New Breed in the Computer Biz BusinessWeek
Hardware Pioneers: The Next Generation These next-generation computers are faster, less expensive, and more energy-efficient.
Blade Servers: Beyond the Cutting Edge
A Peek at Tomorrow's Coolest Tech
Solving the Superspeed Dilemma
Predictions for PC Makers hardware vendors are trying to offset the negative impact on profits by offering services, servers, and storage that carry wider margins .... all the PC vendors are competing on price, due to the highly commoditized nature of the mature PC industry. .... computer makers are trying to get the PC to be like your TV -- just plug it in and go.

Predictions for PC Makers
Lenovo Sees Itself as Top PC Maker in Five Years PC Magazine ... Top Chinese personal computer maker Lenovo Group will start to sell its namesake personal computers outside China in the first quarter of next year as part of its long-term plan to build the world's leading PC brand ..... its $1.25 billion acquisition of International Business Machines Corp.'s PC unit. ..... The acquisition has made it the third-biggest global PC vendor behind Dell Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co. ..... The company spends 1.5 percent of its revenue on research, about twice the standard rate for the industry. It has plans to set up research centers in North Carolina and Beijing. ...... Emerging markets in India, China, and Brazil will be major growth areas. ..... Cross-borders mergers are notoriously difficult to carry out. The Lenovo-IBM deal is particularly challenging because the drastic difference between East and West cultures. ...... During early meetings, Western managers were very engaged in the discussion while people from China were generally quiet. When they speak, they tend to ponder, sometimes resulting in five-second pauses. .... "We are teaching our Western colleagues to be comfortable with silence in a conversation and Chinese colleagues to be 'rude"
Dell: Two Top PC Makers Will Die This Year Dell grew more than 40 percent in the fourth quarter, year-on-year, compared with an average of only 9.2 percent for the entire industry.
HP back on top of PC market | CNET January 14, 2004 .... Hewlett-Packard overtook Dell to become the world's largest PC maker in the fourth quarter in a market that is both growing and growing more difficult. ..... In 2000, 140.2 million PCs left factories and accounted for an estimated $226 billion in value ...... In 2003, a record 152.6 million PCs were shipped ...... Dell doesn't sell many PCs through retail stores and typically gives up some ground to competitors during the last three months of the year as a result. ..... HP and Dell have traded off the lead a number of times since HP completed its merger with Compaq in spring 2002. ..... eMachines jumped into the top five manufacturers in the United States, according to Kay, passing both Gateway and Apple Computer ..... Shipments in Japan slowed to single digits after the passage of a recycling law.
Dell expands lead in still-growing PC market | CNET
Slashdot | HP Regains Throne as Top PC Maker
PC World - Software, Hardware, Electronics & Gadgets Reviews ...
Apple enters top 5 US PC makers - Mac - Macworld UK
PC Pro: News: The UK's top PC makers revealed - and much more
HP passes Dell as top PC maker - Systems & Components -

In The News

Dell wrestles with its accounting MarketWatch
Dell to hike India investments
Daily News & Analysis
HP, Dell earnings are spoiled by scandal
Hewlett-Packard names Wachovia CEO to board, fills void after spy ...
Smoke and Mirrors at Hewlett-Packard: Fool by Numbers
Ahead of the Bell: Hewlett-Packard Down
Apple Shares Soar on Sales Outlook
Apple’s new 13″ MacBook is a good buy, but in specific cases
Intel Raises Vietnam's High-Tech Profile
FOX News
Intel Inside Out
Motley Fool
Notebook News: Systemax Releases Intel Core2 Duo Processor ...
Cisco Steals a March
Chambers Becomes Cisco Chairman
Cisco separates offices of CEO and president Reuters
Microsoft the enemy to Red Hat and Linux community
Readers blast Ballmer for his "Linux users owe Microsoft" ...
Yahoo Answers 120 million times: ‘Struggling’?
IBM and DOE to Collaborate on Supercomputer Research
IBM Invests $100 Million in Collaborative Innovation Ideas
Oracle's packaged software lacking, report says
Spread the word on Fusion, Oracle users urged
SAP ready to fight Oracle in 'hot' markets Search SAP
Oracle — the new EMC kid on the block Enterprise Networks & Servers
Fusion lost on many Oracle users IT Week
Securent Could Be a Fine Addition for Oracle
Wipro Infotech wins outsourcing contract from Dena Bank
Wipro on track for 7% revenue boost
Gulf News
Wipro Makes It To FinTech Top 25
Walking in a Walmart Wonderland
Washington College Elm
Circuit City to sell $100 Compaq laptop on Black Friday engadget If you agree to get a Vonage subscription for a year and can handle the assorted rebates, then this lappy is yours for a Benjamin. ..... a Celeron M 420 CPU, 15-inch screen, DVD and CD burner, 512MB RAM and a 60GB hard drive. .... but we'll wait until the price drops that low organically, sans rebates and subscription plans, thanks.
Sun Microsystems open up java to the world. Kenya London News

Microsoft ushers in the dawn of Vista CNet he said Office can be better adapted for Internet-connected mobile devices. And the next version of Windows should aid software developers in creating applications that run on machines with several processing "cores" on a chip. ..... The next Windows should also include features for "state separation," where individual applications are separated in terms of execution and settings ...... installing applications from a CD-ROM is a practice that should be replaced by Web-delivered software. .... "The biggest thing that Vista can do is provide a safe environment for interaction on the Web" ....... people will rely on their PC to edit media files and then post them onto the Web. ...... "What the PC is good at, the Web doesn't have as its core strength, such as really fast UI (user interface) regardless of the connection speed and reliability"
Web 2.0: Looking out for No. 1
Google accidentally sends out e-mail worm
Microsoft's Ozzie: Vista, Office adjusting to Web
AOL says portals are passe a provider of real-time information to the financial services industry ..... AOL was interested in acquiring YouTube ..... AOL's decision to get out of the Internet access business ....... "On-demand video over IP (Internet Protocol) will be the...biggest form of (video) viewing in single digit years"
Ning brings social networking to the masses we give you your own video site like YouTube, or social-networking site like MySpace ..... the site is fully programmable by developers
DirecTV service recommends personalized programming
Mozilla fixes 'critical' flaws
Wal-Mart kicks off holiday season with $398 laptop "We're probably going to see a $199 notebook on Black Friday"
Sub-$30 video cell phones on the way, says TI In the future, it will be a whole lot easier to post videos to YouTube from places like Ghana...... sub-$20 phones will come out in the relatively near future ..... In Mali, radio stations have set up e-mail services that can rapidly send messages between villages and news agencies. ..... 400 million of the billion-plus people in China are current cell phone owners ...... "In many cases, it (a cheap cell phone) will be the first time they connect to the network."
Sundance puts cell phones in the spotlight
200 pages of Diebold machine vulnerabilities Techdirt
The top 100 tech innovations of 2006 Popular Science
Using tech to fight terror BusinessWeek
Visual search for better online shopping Technology Review Each image is broken down into 10,000 numbers that represent more than 30 features of the item--for example, the full spectrum of colors that appear in a handbag, its lumps and curves, and the glossiness of its exterior.
China's satellite navigation plans threaten Galileo New Scientist a 35-satellite constellation .... it would be available free to all Chinese citizens and to other countries whose governments strike a deal to use the signal in satellite navigation devices. ..... Galileo, the US-run Global Positioning System, and Beidou ...... China's behaviour towards Europe is not so different to how Europe behaved with us when GPS was the only game in town a decade ago
Cell phones still mostly for talking Verizon is in talks with YouTube to bring user-submitted videos from the Web service to Verizon's wireless customers ...... But do people want to watch? ...... to make up for declining revenue from simple voice services ..... Consumers tend to want to watch video on the biggest screen possible. But it's hard to meet that expectation when, at the same time, consumers have been demanding smaller and lighter handsets.

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

The $100 Computer

Wow, it is happening.

My current business involvement is at the level of group dynamics, which I fancy to be at a whole different level from things like software, even biotech. Those are down there!

A few years back I was trying to launch a series of companies, which was at the level of software. I must admit I have toyed with the idea of an Internet Computer. IC. Like the PC succeeded the mainframes, the ICs would succeed the PC.

But it is already happening. And I am happy for it. The Indian $100 computer.

This is a big deal. One difference is it is not totally tied with the internet. It still does a bunch of offline stuff. Which is good. For the Indian context.

My vision was more of like a computer that is always online, and there is nothing to be done offline. You have Linux that supports Firefox, and that is all there is to it. And then you scale back to the hardware level and get rid of all the extra bells and whistles.

I am surprised Larry Ellison is not jumping on the idea bandwagon. The guy was trying to push something called a Network Computer back in 1995. It did not take off, but I think his vision, slightly modified, has oomph.

If you have ICs, all the data crunching happens on servers. And that is the only way Oracle could fathom taking over Microsoft.

But the thing about the computer industry is, it is a great marketplace. It is truly hard to predict winners. The situation stays fluid and rightly so.

I mean, if you are a dot com company, your competition is only a quick click or a quick Google search away. You sink and swim fast. But then you can also come back fast when you sink. If you keep working, and keep offering the very best you might have to offer.

I don't think the IC vision is going to be anything dramatic. The PC itself will likely morph beyond recognition.

There was Steve Jobs with his bells and whistles recently. He was boasting you can get weather reports on your PC with Apple's new operating system, and I am thinking, why would I want to do that? I already have been doing that online. Well, maybe not me, because I am not much of a weather person, but I mean, that option has been online for ages now. That is when I realized the PC is not going too far from here.

The online world is the new western frontier, and worldwide too.

No, it is not outsourcing. That term is so racist. People who realize Indians are no longer just subsistence farmers, they get thrown off balance. What is happening is new jobs are being created in India. Trade is a good thing. Just because that trade happens online and is worldwide does not make it suddenly bad.

Go India!

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Google Video Has Hit The Docks

I am aware of how often the Google name has cropped up at this blog, but there is a method to the madness. Google stock price is now where the Microsoft stock price was in the late 1980s: you ain't seen nothing yet. Gates himself has said Google is the first company to be directly challenging Microsoft. It is almost a generational change. Microsoft in Eisenhower or Bush Sr., Google is Kennedy or Clinton. Something of that sort. And now Google has been in news for its video display and 3D maps. In the previous generation, there was a lot of vaporware. Google on the other hand surprises you. They don't tell you what they are working on, and boom, they have something new to offer. They are a software company like Microsoft. Yahoo is more a content and aggregate company. But Yahoo is pretty cool too. At the least it will keep Google on its toes.

My recommendation on Google stocks: buy and stick to it for a decade. It will keep splitting. They are going to keep innovating until the PC as we know it is a goner.

The split thing, that is what happened to Microsoft.

What Google needs to work on is MathML for Blogger. As it is, you can do text, audio, and now video. Soon there will be money transfer. That leaves one big gaping hole: MathML. Or its equivalent. One should have the option to insert mathematical equations at Blogger. That is one big amiss. I emailed them about it. I am sure some others are having the same thoughts. But I have not seen the idea discussed publicly at any Google forum.

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