Showing posts with label Online Communities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Communities. Show all posts

Saturday, May 07, 2011

FoodSpotting Follows Me On Twitter

I just realized FoodSpotting follows me on Twitter. They must not mind seeing me in their stream all the time. I show up often. It is like when I was doing democracy work for Nepal a few years ago. One visiting politician said, "I know a whole bunch of people in Kathmandu, the only person who ever emails them is you."

The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
FoodSpotting Third Thursday: Ai Fiori, 5-7 PM

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Is Location The Fifth Dimension?

Cover of "A Brief History of Time"Cover of A Brief History of TimeThe SimpleGeo Promise

I put out this blog post earlier. And I have been thinking. Your laptop screen is 2D. Your smartphone screen is 2D. But Twitter and Facebook happened before FourSquare happened. The time dimension got added before location ever became a factor. Length and width were the first two dimensions. The third dimension was not spatial, it was time, chronologically speaking, pun intended.

But if you go into 3D computing, the third dimension is not location. Easy math, that would make location the fifth dimension of web tech.

That makes it really, really interesting to me. Location has several sub dimensions. Location can be local, it can be global. Local can be hyperlocal with all its associated richness. When you move from local to hyperlocal, that starts feeling like fractal territory all over again. Blows my mind.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

FourSquare Up To 500 Million Valuation?

Be There, Or Be Square: The FourSquare Day Party At Sidebar
FourSquare Day Tomorrow: Rad
A FourSquare Mayor?
FourSquare Has 6000000 Users

I think they were at two million users or less when they got their 100 million valuation. Moving from two to eight million jacks up your valuation by four hundred million dollars, looks like. That is really something.

FourSquare is not mainstream yet, although the tech insiders might not believe that to be the case. It is still early days of Twitter for FourSquare. Eight million is not a lot of people, but the trajectory of moving from two to eight million people is what you have to notice. The movement has happened fast.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Facebook Comments To Go: Facebook Nailed It

Facebook logoImage via WikipediaFacebook Messages got touted by the media as the Gmail killer. Well, I have been using it, it is great, but it is no Gmail killer.

TechCrunch: Facebook Rolls Out Overhauled Comments System (Try Them Now On TechCrunch)

I have not used the Facebook Comments thing yet that you are supposed to be able to have added to your blog, but I am liking the description of it. I think Facebook nailed it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jack Dorsey Also Has A FinTech StartUp

Jack DorseyImage by Joi via FlickrGreat minds think alike. I have a FinTech startup. Jack Dorsey also has a FinTech startup. Square is a FinTech startup. But my FinTech startup is going to be bigger than Jack Dorsey's. I am giving Jack Dorsey five years to prove otherwise.

I am not making this up, but I thought of something like Twitter about six years before it actually showed up. I was thinking, there has to be a way for celebrities to interact directly with the fans. But I was not thinking 140 characters.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

500 Followers on Quora

Not long back I blogged saying I was astounded I had 300 followers on Quora. I had not been active. How did they find me?

Friday, January 07, 2011

As For Quora: Blogging Still Rules

This is Fred Wilson at Quora. And this is Fred Wilson's blog. Some of you might have visited. I visit near daily. The days I miss - rare - I catch up later.

Now that I am active at Quora, I don't feel like, thank God Fred Wilson is on Quora, now I no longer have to visit his blog.

Quora Tip: Follow 25 Topics, 50 People To Get Started

That is my number one tip for you at Quora. If you don't follow enough topics or people, Quora is not about to become a part of your life.

I Am On Facebook Messages Now

Facebook Messaging Event: My Favorite Question
The Twins Were Rowing Boats

SAN FRANCISCO - NOVEMBER 15:  Facebook founder...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeI just got a prompt from Facebook to activate Facebook Messages for me and I promptly did. I am exhilarated.

I have been ranting and raving about the inbox for a long time now. Google might have navigated the web, but no one had tried navigating the inbox. And now I think Facebook has taken a great step in that direction. This is as fundamental a departure as Gmail was from email services before that. This is huge.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Education Is Media, Action Is Thought

Watch live streaming video from paleycenter at

(Source: AVC)

In this video that I first came across here, and then the money quote - like Fred Wilson might put it - that I came across here first, Fred Wilson says Education is media.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ping On Twitter Is A Few Tech StartUp Ideas

Steve Jobs, portrait by italian artist Grazian...Image via Wikipedia
TechCrunch: iTunes Ping Actually Goes Social With Full Twitter Integration; Careful, It Will Auto-Tweet: not only will each tweet contain a link back to the song or album on iTunes, but these links will work in New Twitter’s right-side pane. You’ll be able to listen to iTunes previews right from there — a huge feature that should lead to a lot of music buying, especially when the 90-second previews kick-in.
90 seconds is a lot of music. We live in the era of good enough. Perhaps Apple is lucky the Facebook Connect thing did not quite pan out for them. This is a better deal. And now everybody and their cousin will be tweeting everything they have in their private domains.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Facebook Alternative? Dave McClure Is Full Of It

I am not thinking in terms of a Facebook alternative any more than I am thinking in terms of a Google alterntive, or an alternative to the high end giant Apple. These are stellar companies. Although I do think social is a pendulum swing. Just like social came after search, social is not the final word. There will be a paradigm shift of some sort in a few years. Facebook will also become a giant that no longer occupies the buzz center.

But that is not what Dave McClure is saying. He is talking in terms of an alternative to Facebook itself, another social network that is not Facebook, that is not Twitter. I don't agree, I think Facebook has got the social right, and it keeps innovating the way only having a founder CEO in the driver's seat ensures.
500 Hats: How to Take Down Facebook -- Hint: It Ain't Twitter. (aka: An Open Letter to the Next Big Social Network): Facebook has firmly fixed itself into the fundamental fabric of our friends & families

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Twitter Is Massively Complex

Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter.Image via Wikipedia
TechCrunch: Why Twitter Is Massively Undervalued Compared To Facebook
Twitter should have had more users than Facebook, (Goal: A Billion People On Twitter) but that is not what we see. It is Twitter's fault. It is not like Twitter has ever had problems raising money. If you don't have problems raising money, you don't have problems hiring the engineers you need. Twitter was bogged down focusing on scaling: I always thought that was a bogus argument. Show me the Facebook fail whale.

I have thought long and hard about it, and I think the reason Twitter has not scaled like it should have is because Jack Dorsey went ahead and became Chairperson. What was one person's invention got handed over to a committee to grow and scale. They say in Africa it takes a village to raise a child. Maybe it does. But I don't think that applied to Twitter. It is a DNA thing. The founder CEO will make big bets. People who took over will not dare to. The other founders spent too much time basking in the Twitter glory of 2009.

Facebook should have grown like the big screen web. Twitter should have grown like mobile phones have grown all across the planet. Twitter has largely missed the boat. Why? You gotta ask.

FourSquare has competition, Twitter does not have competition. I don't feel like Twitter has been able to cash on that advantage.

User Friendly Twitter? Get Out Of Town

Twitter needed to try and come pre-loaded on mobile phones. Twitter needed to make sense to people who don't speak English. Twitter needed to make sense to people who are not literate. From the Twitter that I know and experience and get headaches over to that simplicity is a light year.

I know a Harvard graduate who is confounded by the hashtag. It is not her fault. It is Twitter's fault.
TechCrunch: Why Twitter Is Massively Undervalued Compared To Facebook:

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

ChatVille Is Live Now: "What ChatRoulette Should Have Been"

Image representing Digsby  as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

A Make Use Of Interview with Digsby's Steve Shapiro

Chatroulette Clone ChatVille Launched For Facebook By Digsby Team
Twitter /ChatVille: Hello world!
Chatville is Facebook's answer to Chatroulette - News - THE DRUM
Chatroulette for Facebook = ChatVille

Chatfe: Audio, Interest Based Random Connections On Skype?
Venmo Could Make Moves
Adam Smith And The Inbox Space
Venmo And Frictionless Payments
Could 2011 Be Venmo's Year?
Reimagining The Inbox The Simple Way
The FourSquare Appeal For Me
FourSquare Must Cut A Deal With Yahoo
2010: Location, Random Connections, The Inbox, Frictionless Payments
Chatroulette Is For Real
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Friday, April 30, 2010

Could 2011 Be Venmo's Year?

2010: Location, Random Connections, The Inbox, Frictionless Payments

2009 was Twitter's year. 2010 is looking to be FourSquare's year. Twitter is in a better shape today than ever before, but it no longer has the buzz it had last year around this time. FourSquare's buzz will also subside. That is the nature of the innovation market. If they don't make the mistake of selling the company, (FourSquare Must Cut A Deal With Yahoo) I think FourSquare will go on to be a viable business that is no longer always in the headlines. Some company will take the space that FourSquare will at some point exit. Which company will that be? I might be proven wrong, but if I had to take a guess, if I were forced to come up with one name, the horse I am betting on is Venmo.

2011 could very well be Venmo's year. Venmo is a hot possibility that some venture capitalist wanting to strike gold needs to lap it up fast. The Venmo team deserves to go work full time on their beautiful product. They are onto something big.

Granted 2009 was 2009, the year of the Great Recession, but plenty of companies were getting funded despite that, and FourSquare was not one of them. They landed at South By Southwest last year with a thud. They were not going anywhere trying to raise money. They approached Yelp. Yelp would not invest. FourSquare's fortunes started picking up only later in the year. Location became a buzz word, and by now all that pain from early last year must feel like a distant memory.

Venmo does frictionless payments. Venmo is in the mobile web space. But it can do the old web good too.

I don't think Venmo will get called the next FourSquare like FourSquare is being called the next Twitter, and I don't think the buzz will be with any one company in 2011, likely it will be fractured and distributed among a few different names, and we might not even have to wait for 2011 to roll around; it might happen earlier. But Venmo sure is in sweet space.

When I said to Iqram (@iqram) last night at the Digital Dumbo party (Digital Dumbo: Here I Come) that 2011 could very well be Venmo's year, he immediately sent $10 to my Venmo account for my "kind words." That's what the email says. At the after party of the NY Tech MeetUp when they presented, Kortina (@kortina) sent me 40 cents, and that is how I got started on Venmo. That was a few months back.

Frictionless Payments - 10 Tech Trends for 2010 - TIME
Friction in onlin payments | Institute For The Future
The Future of Money: It's Flexible, Frictionless and (Almost) Free...
Frictionless - and Almost Free - Payments?

@iqram, @kortina, @venmo

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chatroulette Is For Real

We are all sold on location, and for the right reasons. But random connections as a space is not garnering the same respect, and I am going to call that a case of adultism. Because the founder of Chatroulette is a 17 year old, a lot of people are having a lot of fun talking about penises that supposedly sprout out during the Chatroulette experience. Guess what, sex is in the mind. Penises sprouting out do not take away from the basic Chatroulette promise, that random connections is a new web space, and Chatroulette has a bright business future.

Once I got a hang of Twitter, I said many times you can take Facebook away. I feel like both a high school and a college dropout. Most people on Facebook remind me of two institutions I do not want to be particularly reminded of. I liked it that on Twitter I could interact with people I did not know. Chatroulette takes that to a whole new level. Note: I have not tried Chatroulette yet, but I don't have to, I am sold on the space.

Chatroulette has to iterate. It is already at 30 million hits. That is a great point at which to roll out the future versions, to add new features. What could some of those new features be?

Once I roll the dice a few times, and I find someone I like interacting with, I should be able to bookmark that person, but only if that person agrees to get bookmarked. Once I build a library of a certain number of bookmarked people - and I don't need to know anything about them to that point - I should have the option to roll the gun only inside my library.

On the other hand, I should also have the option to block people. If I see a penis, and I don't like it that I had to see a penis, I hit a button that says Block For Nudity, and if a person accumulates 10 or more such blocks, they should enter a special zone. As in, people should have the option to say keep me away from people who have been blocked for nudity 10 times or more.

Voila. The penises are gone.

When I am thinking Chatroulette, I am thinking world peace. Seriously. We need more people talking to more people to get at that utopia called world peace. I want Chatroulette on all Israeli and Palestinian screens. Get those buggers talking to each other. And let them show penises to each other when they are pissed instead of blowing each other up. The 2010 version of make love not war?

Ever heard of people to people interaction programs run by governments? This is it. Chatroulette is the ultimate people to people interaction program.

But it is important to keep the randomness intact. You should be able to bookmark me, but I should not have a profile on there, no name, no location, nothing about me. If people volunteer such information to each other during conversations, fine, but Chatroulette should keep the randomness very much intact.

The next big filter jump would be to allow for geographical filtering. So I go on Chatroulette and I want to meet random people from Africa, I should be able to do that. (Nfodjo, is that you?) Or go to the country level. Or maybe even city level. I feel like meeting people from Moscow, how about it? Hello Olesya.

Just a few filters and the bookmarking and blocking options, and a lot of the caricature of the service vanishes.

Fred Wilson (the first person to tell me about Chatroulette, through his blog.... I accused him of now having got into the breaking news business)
What To Make Of Chatroulette?
Some Interesting Facts About Chatroulette

Chatroulette Founder: All Your Chats Are Belong To Me

Chatroulette Creator Andrey Ternovskiy Gets an iPad, Gives Us a Peek at Version 2.0
Chatroulette Dude: I Don’t Want to Sell. But I’d Like Google to Pay.
Jon Stewart Plays Chatroulette, And We All Win

New York Times
One On One: Andrey Ternovskiy, Creator Of Chatroulette

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tech-Talch - Chatroulette
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


Chatroulette Is 89 Percent Male, 47 Percent American, And 13...
Chatroulette! | CrunchBase Profile
TinyChat Launches Grouped Version Of Chatroulette
Chatroulette! Posts on TechCrunch
Oh, The Humanity: My Chatroulette Experience
Andrey Ternovskiy | CrunchBase Profile
The Daily Show Reveals Chatroulette To Be Filled With Creepy...
Chatroulette Quadruples To 4 Million Visitors In February
CHATROULOLZ Collects Great Chatroulette Screencaps So You Don't...
[Actually NSFW] Highlights From South Park's Facebook/Chatroulette...
Chatroulette Founder: All Your Chats Are Belong To Me
PopJam Runs With Chatroulette Idea, Creates Random IM With Strangers
Friends vs. Strangers: What's Next for Foursquare? And ChatRoulette?

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Friday, April 16, 2010

4/16: I Found Myself A Party: Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night

I was at David Noel's blog, at this particular blog post actually, following everybody on the list, trying to give myself a relaunch at Tumblr, a platform I use to listen in. And way down is Dennis Crowley's tumblog. Guess what I find on there. Tonight's gonna be a good night.

David Noel: Best Entrepreneurship/VC Tumblr Blogs
Dennis Crowley: Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night
FourSquare Tweet, FourSquare Blog Post

Four squared is 16, get it? Hence April 16. That was a grassroots recognition, not a Team FourSquare recognition. FourSquare just had its RT moment. The RT - retweet - did not come from Team Twitter.

Friday April 16, 10pm -> 2am
The Hotel on Rivington - Penthouse
107 Rivington Street (btw Ludlow and Essex)
Lower East Side, NYC

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Twitter Has To Scale The Signals

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Twitter Does The Deed: Ads
Twitter Acquires Tweetie: The Drama
Twitter Need Get Work Done
Twitter Needs To Eat Into Its Ecosystem

If I have five friends, and all of them are on Facebook and all of them have my number, and we party every other week, we are talking. But what if I have 500 friends? What if I have five friends and 5,000 fans? What if I have two friends and 20,000 online contacts? What if I am being followed by 50,000 people? What if I end up with five million followers?

Twitter has to make sure that at no point do the signals turn into noise for me. At no point should I get overwhelmed. I might have 500,000 followers, and if all of them tweet me, I should still be able to hear what they are saying. (Twitter Visualization: Reading Many Tweets At Once)

The power users will tell you, if you really want to make the best of Twitter, you got to wade into the ecosystem and find all the right apps for you. I am cool with that suggestion, but Twitter should not be. If Twitter envisions a billion users, as it should (Goal: A Billion People On Twitter April 2009) - heck, I think Twitter could beat Facebook to that magic number, but not the Twitter of today - then Twitter has to make sure all the action is at Twitter bought Summize, Twitter bought Tweetie, it could easily buy 20 more such companies today. Buy or build, buy or build, buy or build.

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