Showing posts with label Network neutrality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Network neutrality. Show all posts
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Net Neutrality, Clean Tech And Political Fights
Wired: What Solar Needs: Its Own Karl Rove: Eighty percent of Americans rated solar power favorably, compared to 39 percent for nuclear and 32 percent for oil. Seventy-four percent believe that solar is a “long-term solution for the country’s energy needs.” ..... 94 percent of Americans see solar as important and 80 percent want to see subsidies transferred from fossil fuel to solar...... Unfortunately, the public also said solar is too expensive, will remain an intermittent source of power, and can’t really directly compete with coal or natural gas. Only 41 percent thought solar was affordable, and only 34 percent thought it was reliable..... Seventeen percent said solar would “never” be the largest source of new electricity for whole cities. Most of those polled were largely in the dark about the subsidies provided to oil and gas. Just 19 percent correctly estimated that the fossil fuel industry gets more than $10 billion in subsidies.Freedom is not free. The trucking industry killed trains in this country decades ago, and the country is still reeling from it. The best does not always get done because this is a democracy. The people have to actively make the choice, and if they don't actively opt for the best, they don't get the best. Because this is a democracy.
Net Neutrality Reworded
Fred Wilson: A Net Neutrality Case Study: Maybe we shouldn't call it Net Neutrality. Maybe we should call it a bill of rights for consumers on the Internet.There are still landowners on the internet - like in the early days of America - who feel like they are the only ones who need to be able to vote. That is blasphemy. Fred Wilson is not new to the debate. But I really like his emphasis this time. Maybe net neutrality is a phrase that is not serving us too well. It makes it sound like there are two equally valid viewpoints. No, there are not. People for segregation and people against segregation were not both equally right. The internet is not a company, it is not a commercial venture. The internet is like the airwaves; it belongs to everybody.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
China Is The Reason Google Did Verizon
I think Google's losing fight in its China tussle is the reason. Google did the right thing, but it did not get the tech industry support it expected. China kept hammering Google, and kept hammering some more. Soon enough the tussle was no longer even news. That loneliness got to Google. And so this is Google saying to the American people, if the Chinese people being denied free speech does not bother you, maybe it would not bother you either if you were yourselves denied net neutrality. How do you like them apples?
Sergey Brin's Is The Right Stand
Google, Verizon And Net Neutrality
New York Times: The Google/Verizon Payment Plan: The F.C.C. should have an expanded role in regulating what is rapidly becoming the most important channel of communication in the world. ...... The Google/Verizon proposal gives broadband providers lots of leeway to offer preferential treatment to some and to choke off others. ..... the two companies propose to exempt wireless communication from most government regulation — a serious error ...... the Verizon-Google proposal ..... Google, Verizon And Net Neutrality ..... propose freeing wireless broadband — the fastest growing part of the Internet — from any antidiscrimination restrictions..... Verizon and AT&T control about 60 percent of wireless subscribers and 80 percent of Americans live in areas with only two wireline broadband providers. Consumers will lose if wireless goes unregulated.....ensure that the open Internet survives into the future.
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- Wacky Google/Verizon Net Neutrality Theory [Voices] (
- FCC Commissioner doesn't love Google-Verizon net neutrality proposal (
- Google & Verizon's Real Net Neutrality Proposal (
- Facebook at Odds With Google, Verizon on Net Neutrality (Jennifer Valentino-DeVries/Digits) (
- Great article on the Google-Verizon net neutrality story this week (
- Google/Verizon Net Neutrality pact: It really is that bad (
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Net Neutrality Is The Internet's DNA
Fred Wilson: Internet Freedom
..... the net neutrality camp (which I am very much in) is on its heels .... the era of permissionless innovation that has characterized the first fifteen years of the commercial Internet ....... If we lose Internet Freedom, we won't have any companies we would want to invest in and we'll close up shop and move on with our lives.Albert Wegner: The Price Of Internet Freedom Is?
Here there is much less of a market force at work as a potential corrective because in many local markets there is only a single broadband provider available and at best most markets have a duopoly.Wall Street Journal: Court Backs Comcast Over FCC On "Net Neutrality"
"The court in no way disagreed with the importance of preserving a free and open Internet, nor did it close the door to other methods for achieving this important end," said FCC spokeswoman Jen Howard........ the idea that Internet providers should treat all forms of Web traffic equally ...... The court's decision prompted calls Tuesday from Democrats and consumer groups for Congress to pass new legislation to give the FCC more authority to police Internet providers. "They may have won the battle only to face a larger war" ...... Republican lawmakers have generally opposed net-neutrality rules. ....... AT&T said the FCC's current net-neutrality principles work and it will continue to abide by them. ....... Verizon Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg said, it isn't a "slam dunk" that net neutrality is the right policy. ...... Time Warner Cable Inc. said the decision doesn't change its commitment to providing the "high-quality, open Internet experience" its customers expect...... President Obama supports net-neutrality rulesDaily Kos: What Happens Now With Net Neutrality
...... Comcast, which has asserted its right to slow its own cable customers' access to file-sharing ........ not an out and out win for Comcast .... there are a number of ways forward from here for the FCC. ..... the Supreme Court might reverse ..... The Supreme Court might disagree. ...... Congress might amend the Federal Communications Act to create a new source of jurisdiction to regulate broadband. To do this one would need at least 60 votes in the Senate. Good luck with that........ under its Title II jurisdiction, the FCC can require open access requirements, which would be even more valuable for purposes of promoting freedom of speech and innovation. ....... the FCC might decide that the better solution is to retrace its steps, correct the mistake it made in 2002, and reassert Title II authority over broadband ..... an FCC that under chairman Genachowski has been a strong Net Neutrality advocateTechDirt: Court Tells FCC It Has No Mandate To Enforce Net Neutrality (And That's A Good Thing)'s now official that the FCC has no power to mandate net neutrality or to punish Comcast (even with a gentle wrist slap) for its traffic shaping practices. Lots of people seem upset by this, but they should not be. ......Even if you believe net neutrality is important, allowing the FCC to overstep its defined boundaries is not the best way to deal with it...... Comcast .. should still be punished -- but by the FTC, rather than the FCC -- for misleading its customers about what type of service they were getting, and what the limitations were on those services. As for the FCC, if it really wants a more neutral net, it should focus on making sure that there's real competition in the market, rather than just paying lip service to the idea in its broadband plan.Net neutrality is the Internet's DNA. This is the Internet Century. Take away free speech and America is just a landmass. Take away net neutrality and the Internet is glorified cable television. It is not the Internet no more.
Net neutrality has received a temporary setback. But the anxieties are very real. Net neutrality is here to stay, but that does not mean there isn't work cut out for the net neutrality enthusiasts, which is pretty much everyone I know.
This judicial decision reminds me of the Supreme Court decision against campaign finance reform a few months back that Obama spoke against in his State Of The Union speech. The judiciary is capable of nonsensical decisions. This is one of them. One reason might be the judges are not term limited like the politicians. Maybe there ought to be a 12 year term limit rule for the Supreme Court justices.
We are nowhere close to losing the net neutrality fight, but the fight we have not even waged yet is the fight that will bring true competition in the high speed internet access arena. It is the fight to release the spectrum. The spectrum war needs to be taken to Comcast's doors.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Timothy Karr: Net Neutrality -- The Fight Ahead (
- Court Rules Against Net Neutrality (
- FCC vs. Comcast on Net Neutrality: FCC Loses (
- Federal Court Tells FCC It Does Not Have Authority To Enforce Net Neutrality (
- FCC Loss = Net Neutrality Victory (CMCSA, T) (
- Winners and Losers in the Net-Neutrality Ruling (
- Net Neutrality is Now Deader than Dead (
- Did You Say You Wanted Another Editorial on the Comcast Decision?! (
- Ruling puts US net plans in flux (
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Deindexing Murdoch
- For Murdoch to deindex from Google and to ask Bing to pay to be able to index, that goes against the basic ethos of the internet. This goes against the spirit of Net neutrality.
- Google paying to Twitter is not the same thing. Because Twitter does real time search, Google does not do real time search, so Google pays Twitter to be able to offer real time search.
- For the media companies to start playing this indexing, deindexing game would be problematic. Instead of the move resuscitating the old media empires, it might be a huge bonanza to the blogosphere.
- In short, the deindexing move would be an act of self-destruction on the part of old media.
Google, Murdoch, Madoff « blog maverick
Murdoch: Google? We don't need no stinkin' Google | Blog ...
Suddenly Murdoch is a Real Threat to Google?
Is Murdoch Handing Google a Ransom Note? « J. Nelson Leith
Rupert Murdoch Plans To Hide His Sites From Google, The World ...
Google Boycott Would Only Cost Murdoch About 10%-15% Of Revenue ...
Baron von Tollbooth: Murdoch, Google and money
Google to Murdoch: Whatever, Dude - Rupert Murdoch - Gizmodo
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