Showing posts with label Mayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayer. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

What Might Mayer Acquire?

NEW YORK - APRIL 19:  VP of Search products an...
NEW YORK - APRIL 19: VP of Search products and User Experience at Google, Marissa Mayer poses for photos at the 2010 Matrix Awards presented by New York Women in Communications at The Waldorf Astoria on April 19, 2010 in New York City. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
There are many people who are curious as to what Marissa Mayer might acquire as Yahoo CEO. I am one of them.

Marissa Mayer's Ambitious Acquisition Plans: Not Your Grandma's Yahoo
she's serious about growing Yahoo into something akin to the powerhouse it once was
Free food and potential acquisitions: Marissa Mayer settles in at Yahoo
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer visited two of the company's New York offices on Thursday, sharing her plans for revitalizing Yahoo's culture and making its services more useful for users...... Mayer is willing to spend serious cash to hire new talent and buy new products, and maybe to invest in Yahoo's advertising technology
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Marissa Mayer's Billions

Even when Steve Jobs was sitting on 50 billion dollars he did not give any of that back to shareholders. Why would Marissa Mayer part ways with seven billion dollars?

$7 billion would come in very handy to help Marissa Mayer reinvent Yahoo
Marissa Mayer, who looks to be clearing the decks in preparation for significant changes to Yahoo strategy .... looks for acquisitions .... Judiciously spent, $7 billion might be the ticket to help the once-proud Internet giant regain some of its former glory
I say buy Flipboard. Buy the Pinterest competitor.

With this seven billion Mayer should be able to grow Yahoo's market value by 20 billion over three years. But if she spends more than a billion on acquisitions I'd get suspicious.

Put money in house into search, email and Flickr.
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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Marissa Mayer: Early Moves

The Google comparisons are irresistible to most, but I think she is just instilling best practices, several of which she learned at Google.

Yahoo still has more revenue than Facebook. A lot of people don't know that. It continues to be one of the top visited sites on the Internet. A lot of people never left.

Here's Everything Marissa Mayer Is Doing To Make Yahoo More Like Google
Borrowing from Google, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Begins Makeover
Product comes first. .... how to reverse the declining usage of the company's search and email service ..... wants to rewire Yahoo to develop or acquire Web services that take advantage of new "platforms" such as social networking, mobile devices, and technology that gives people information about their immediate surroundings, including local businesses. ..... ordered Yahoo's stock ticker removed from the home page of the company's internal website ..... she won't announce a strategic plan before she finishes reviewing Yahoo's businesses ..... Yahoo's $5 billion in annual revenue. ..... Yahoo's share price is up 2.7% since Ms. Mayer's appointment was announced .... Yahoo's board promised her she will have years to repair the company's core advertising business ..... Much of Yahoo's $20 billion market capitalization is tied to its investments in Asian Internet companies. ..... she wants to revamp the Yahoo Web-search service .... While email and search have struggled, Yahoo's media properties, such as Yahoo Sports, OMG! and Yahoo Finance, are growing. .... Mayer recently halted a plan by Mr. Levinsohn to potentially unload some of its advertising-technology assets ..... she is working to establish a connection with Yahoo's programmers by engaging in regular email discussions with software engineers who don't report to her .... She has asked to approve all company hires ..... has declared that Yahoo's cafeteria food would be free .... has instituted weekly "FYI" meetings—similar to Google's "TGIF" meetings ..... where people can ask her questions and where new hires are announced
I am immensely curious as to what she might do with Yahoo Search. I mean, search is kind of a central activity on the web. And Mayer taking Google head on will be some drama.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Free Food Goes A Long Way

It is not really a budget issue, so I don't see why more companies don't do it. Another good one is the 20% time. A third is child care.

This free food thing was a great early step to take. So simple, so obvious, so visible. It will garner headlines.

In Week Two, Marissa Mayer Googifies Yahoo: Free Food! Friday Afternoon All-Hands! New Work Spaces! Fab Swag!
a weekly Friday afternoon all-hands meeting ...... Mayer is also prepping major changes to the layout of the work spaces and buildings of Yahoo to make it feel more collaborative and cool, as well as upgrading swag in its stores..... Such focus on improving cultural issues is an interesting initial move by the neophyte CEO, since the care and feeding and, most of all, cosseting of employees has been a critical element to Google’s success at creating an always sunny work environment. ..... “It might be just a small thing, but people are thrilled,” said one Yahoo employee, in a common sentiment about the symbolic gesture of free grub...... Mayer has been up to much more serious business.. most especially pushing product innovation as the savior for Yahoo to anyone who will listen. ...... Better email! Better Flickr! Better search! Better ad-serving! ..... “This is the sound of Yahoo becoming a technology company again.... It will be all about platforms and products.” ..... a big splashy tech or product deal in the days ahead, perhaps via an acquisition to signal the new direction. ..... Will Mayer, as Google CEO Larry Page has done forever, approve all hires at Yahoo going forward? ..... Mayer has been studying org charts carefully this past week, and several sources told me that she has asked all her direct reports for strategic plans in the next 45 days.
Jack Dorsey got elbowed out of the CEO position at Twitter by Evan Williams. Months later Dorsey said he should have had weekly team meetings.

Flat workspaces are another thing. No cubicles. Just one big, open space.

You want your people to be happy.

I asked for a free Flickr, (Make Flickr Free Again) but got free food instead.

Of all the Google things, the 20% time I find the most intriguing. That is Google's elixir of youth. That is the reason why when Google becomes bigger it tackles bigger problems instead of going staid and corporate.

Free lunch in week two is a master stroke.

What will be Mayer's first acquisition? I bet many minds are asking that question. Flipboard would make a lot of sense.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Mayer's Products

It is interesting that people are making it sound like Steve Jobs just came back to Apple, a dying company!

Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon
For the past decade, she has been the doyen of a collection of some of the most talented young engineers and product managers in all of technology. These are the hand-selected prime talents of an accelerated leadership program at Google called Associate Product Manager (APM)...... Consider the first APM, a fresh Stanford grad named Brian Rakowski. He became a key leader of the team that built the Chrome browser and now is the VP of the Chrome operation. The second was Wesley Chan, who made Google Toolbar a success, then launched Google Analytics and Google Voice. He’s now picking winners for Google Ventures. Another early APM was Bret Taylor, who earned his bones by launching Google Maps. He left Google and co-founded Friendfeed, then become the Chief Technical Officer of Facebook..... there are over 300 who have been through the program. .... And the glue to the whole shebang was Marissa Mayer, who was the APM boss, mentor, den mother and role model. ..... Mayer thought up the program in early 2002. Google had been struggling to find PMs who could work within the peculiar company culture — team leaders who would not be bosses but work consensually with the wizards who produce code. Ideally, a Google product manger would understand the technical issues and sway the team to his or her viewpoint by strong data-backed arguments, and more than a bit of canny psychology. But experienced PMs from places like Microsoft, or those with MBAs, didn’t understand the Google way, and tried to force their views on teams..... The ideal applicants must have technical talent, but not be total programming geeks — APMs had to have social finesse and business sense. ..... They would undergo a multi-interview hiring process that made the Harvard admissions regimen look like community college. The chosen ones were thrown into deep water, heading real, important product teams. (As the first APM, Rakowski was asked to launch a nascent project called Gmail. By the way, I hear Rakowski is taking over the program now that Mayer is gone.) “We give them way too much responsibility,” Mayer once told me, “to see if they can handle it.” Also, Google had APMs perform tasks for top management, like note-taking at high-level executive meetings or drawing up white papers on ambitious potential products. ..... The program has been so successful that Google has created a variation for leaders of non-product teams. These are called Marketing APMs. ..... Kevin Systrom was an MAPM — before he left Google and founded Instagram. ..... You didn’t get to be an APM unless you connected with her; she was the last interview in a long series, and she’d typically make ultimate decision. (“Tell me about a product you love,” she’d ask candidates. There was no right answer. But not describing the choice with passion was the wrong answer.).... a high percentage of APMs go elsewhere. APMs are chosen for their ambition and independence. Those traits are often at odds with working at a big company...... Naturally, one of the first e-mails that Mayer sent after accepting her new job was a blast to the entire APM network, informing them of her move and assuring them that she will still be in touch.
One Week of Mayer at Yahoo: Whither Ross? New Old Yahoos? More Search? Product Side “Elated!”
“Let’s be clear, she is our last hope,” said one board member to me, a sentiment that I also heard from another; and so, too, from a lot of execs and rank-and-file around the company. ...... former Googler Shashi Seth, who has been in charge of a number of product areas at Yahoo for a while now ... “Shashi has been smiling from ear to ear since Marissa arrived — he can’t contain his glee,” said one person. ...... “I think we have a ballgame now! It’s amazing how fast the sentiment changed internally,” said one person in the product org, in what has been a common refrain. “Everyone [is] ELATED. People I know that were close to leaving (including myself) are now giving it another shot.” ..... She has appeared getting her own lunch in the cafeteria, which has delighted more employees than you might imagine at Yahoo. ..... In what appears to be a whirlwind of fact-finding meetings with Yahoo employees since right after she started last Monday — no all-hands for her off the bat — Mayer has been asking questions and taking in information. ..... “curt,” “whip smart,” “suffers no fools,” and “a sponge.” ..... Mayer’s most critical ally in her early stages appears to be the quiet and retiring Yahoo co-founder David Filo, who emerged to be a vocal supporter of her from the start. That he gave a quote in a press release and did interviews — my nickname for him has long been “Silent Bob” — should say a lot to anyone paying mind..... the heart of the company is still with both Filo and also Jerry Yang. ..... all about building up tech again at Yahoo. ..... Some big initiatives on the burner at Yahoo that she must mull: A wide-ranging integration with Twitter, which would be similar to Yahoo’s efforts with Facebook ..... many think a halving of the company’s workforce is in order ..... What about a new kind of commerce hookup with retail giant Walmart, for example, where Mayer serves on the board? Why not become a video Switzerland for all the competing content makers out there? What about really committing to content all-in, a la AOL and its Huffington Post Hail Mary? Could she make a startling purchase of something big, such as Hulu or Zynga?
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