A German newspaper called me Robin Hood On The Internet when I was in the thick of my democracy work for Nepal early in 2006. First it was a newspaper article. Apparently that drew some interest. I got an email saying a whole bunch of radio stations in Germany wanted a piece of me. So I showed up at their studio near Grand Central and did the interview. I don't have a copy. But I got told there would be voice over in German, totally understandable.
"Robin Hood Im Internet"
Around the same time I overslept through a BBC talk program where I was supposed to call in. I felt bad.
BBC Calls
When I got called Robin Hood in 2006, I was simply amused. Wow, of all things you would call me that? But now I think I could use that nickname as I gear up to do microfinance work.
If it were not for the fucked up immigration laws in this country, I'd already be on my way.
Paul Graham, Brad Feld, Me, BBC