Showing posts with label Google Maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Maps. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Map Clash
This is one space Google can't afford to slacken. It will have to double down and go for it.
How Apple's new vector-based Maps leave Google Maps looking jittery
Apple isn't just declaring its independence from Google Maps with its new in-house backend for Maps in iOS 6. It has developed a superior way to deliver map data that relies on resolution independent vectors rather than Google's multiple zoom levels of bit mapped images. .... resolution independent vector images ..... allows users to smoothly zoom in with a pinch of the fingers, while details and labels pop up as space allows. ..... When using to vector maps, all coastlines, roads, labels and other data are represented as mathematical lines rather than as fixed graphic images. This enables Apple to allow users to freely rotate the map however they want; the text of map labels dynamically reorients itself to remain legible. When users zoom in or out, the text size of labels scales smoothly, because it is being rendered live as dynamic text, not as a graphic image that includes text and must be "repainted" for every zoom level..... if you load a map of San Francisco then turn off network access, you can still zoom in and out all over a very large surrounding area without getting Google's zoomed in jaggies and blank grid spaces. ..... Apple's new vector maps can deal far more gracefully with a lost data connection ..... vector graphics (among other technologies) have the potential to revolutionize mobile maps .... Google acquired Where 2 Technologies in 2004 to release its initial web app for online maps, relying heavily on JavaScript and AJAX technologies to enable map zooming and exploration features on the web that nobody had ever seen before..... as Google focused its attention on delivering Android as a competitor to the iPhone, it began launching new map features exclusively on Android as differentiating features iOS didn't have .... Since 2009, Apple has only acquired a dozen different smaller companies. A quarter of these highly selective, strategic moves involved mapping companies. In July 2009 Apple bought Placebase, followed by Poly9 the next July. In August 2011, it bought C3 Technologies, known for work in developing 3D images based on aerial or satellite images. ..... But Apple didn't just want to clone Google Maps. It made plans to replace it with superior technology. By delivering maps as vector graphics, rather than static bit maps, Apple realized it could enhance the navigation experience and take fuller advantage of the graphics capabilities of its newest mobile devices. ...... Google is also working on its own next generation Google Maps that makes use of vectors, but it has a more difficult job because it is targeting several major platforms: the web, which relies upon the experimental new MapsGL enhancements of WebGL; Android, which has a native JavaME-like platform; and its existing public API, which is rooted in how Google Maps has worked in the past. ..... Apple can introduce entirely new technologies very rapidly because it only has to optimize for one platform: iOS Cocoa Touch. Apple isn't serving up a public web version of its own maps as Google does, so it isn't constrained by the limits of web-based technologies. ..... When iOS 6 ships later this fall, Apple will essentially take away about half of Google's mobile maps users, and virtually all of its iOS users. When Apple ships its own Cocoa version of Maps for Mac OS X users, Google will likely lose another valuable segment of desktop users as well. This new competition should push Google to deliver mapping tools that iOS and OS X users will want to go out of their way to download and useMicrosoft just made a legit push in the email space too. This is 3D chess.
Yahoo used Google Search like Apple used Google Maps. But Yahoo did not ditch Google Search for a better Yahoo Search. Too bad.
One great thing about having a successful IPO (here is looking at you Facebook) is you get to engage in wonderful acquisitions. Android was also a Google acquisition.
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Friday, August 03, 2012
Drones In The Sky
A MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle prepares to land after a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The Reaper has the ability to carry both precision-guided bombs and air-to-ground missiles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
This is like the Google Maps truck peering through your window, all the time. Allowing domestic use by law enforcement will be tricky enough. Wait until civilians get their hands on the licenses. This thing is a serious invasion of privacy, potentially speaking. Paparazzi would have a field day. Too bad because so many great uses can be thought of.
Lawmakers Want to Know: What Are Those Drones Doing Up There?
Lawmakers Want to Know: What Are Those Drones Doing Up There?
issue licenses to commercial drone operators and to make it easier for law enforcement and other government agencies to deploy unmanned aerial vehicles ..... Drones are already used to monitor movement on the borders .... shooting Hollywood movies, monitoring oil spills and conducting criminal investigations ..... the possibility of ubiquitous surveillance, especially because the law currently protects the right to take pictures of anyone and anything in public. ..... a voluntary code of conduct which includes a provision to “respect the privacy of individuals.” .... The prospects of any imminent movement on Capitol Hill, though, seem to be minimal. Stubborn partisan divisions have so far doomed agreement on a bill that seeks to strengthen cybersecurity for the electrical grid, nuclear power plants and other critical infrastructure
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Monday, July 23, 2012
Mayer's Products
It is interesting that people are making it sound like Steve Jobs just came back to Apple, a dying company!
Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon
Marissa Mayer Has a Secret Weapon
For the past decade, she has been the doyen of a collection of some of the most talented young engineers and product managers in all of technology. These are the hand-selected prime talents of an accelerated leadership program at Google called Associate Product Manager (APM)...... Consider the first APM, a fresh Stanford grad named Brian Rakowski. He became a key leader of the team that built the Chrome browser and now is the VP of the Chrome operation. The second was Wesley Chan, who made Google Toolbar a success, then launched Google Analytics and Google Voice. He’s now picking winners for Google Ventures. Another early APM was Bret Taylor, who earned his bones by launching Google Maps. He left Google and co-founded Friendfeed, then become the Chief Technical Officer of Facebook..... there are over 300 who have been through the program. .... And the glue to the whole shebang was Marissa Mayer, who was the APM boss, mentor, den mother and role model. ..... Mayer thought up the program in early 2002. Google had been struggling to find PMs who could work within the peculiar company culture — team leaders who would not be bosses but work consensually with the wizards who produce code. Ideally, a Google product manger would understand the technical issues and sway the team to his or her viewpoint by strong data-backed arguments, and more than a bit of canny psychology. But experienced PMs from places like Microsoft, or those with MBAs, didn’t understand the Google way, and tried to force their views on teams..... The ideal applicants must have technical talent, but not be total programming geeks — APMs had to have social finesse and business sense. ..... They would undergo a multi-interview hiring process that made the Harvard admissions regimen look like community college. The chosen ones were thrown into deep water, heading real, important product teams. (As the first APM, Rakowski was asked to launch a nascent project called Gmail. By the way, I hear Rakowski is taking over the program now that Mayer is gone.) “We give them way too much responsibility,” Mayer once told me, “to see if they can handle it.” Also, Google had APMs perform tasks for top management, like note-taking at high-level executive meetings or drawing up white papers on ambitious potential products. ..... The program has been so successful that Google has created a variation for leaders of non-product teams. These are called Marketing APMs. ..... Kevin Systrom was an MAPM — before he left Google and founded Instagram. ..... You didn’t get to be an APM unless you connected with her; she was the last interview in a long series, and she’d typically make ultimate decision. (“Tell me about a product you love,” she’d ask candidates. There was no right answer. But not describing the choice with passion was the wrong answer.).... a high percentage of APMs go elsewhere. APMs are chosen for their ambition and independence. Those traits are often at odds with working at a big company...... Naturally, one of the first e-mails that Mayer sent after accepting her new job was a blast to the entire APM network, informing them of her move and assuring them that she will still be in touch.One Week of Mayer at Yahoo: Whither Ross? New Old Yahoos? More Search? Product Side “Elated!”
“Let’s be clear, she is our last hope,” said one board member to me, a sentiment that I also heard from another; and so, too, from a lot of execs and rank-and-file around the company. ...... former Googler Shashi Seth, who has been in charge of a number of product areas at Yahoo for a while now ... “Shashi has been smiling from ear to ear since Marissa arrived — he can’t contain his glee,” said one person. ...... “I think we have a ballgame now! It’s amazing how fast the sentiment changed internally,” said one person in the product org, in what has been a common refrain. “Everyone [is] ELATED. People I know that were close to leaving (including myself) are now giving it another shot.” ..... She has appeared getting her own lunch in the cafeteria, which has delighted more employees than you might imagine at Yahoo. ..... In what appears to be a whirlwind of fact-finding meetings with Yahoo employees since right after she started last Monday — no all-hands for her off the bat — Mayer has been asking questions and taking in information. ..... “curt,” “whip smart,” “suffers no fools,” and “a sponge.” ..... Mayer’s most critical ally in her early stages appears to be the quiet and retiring Yahoo co-founder David Filo, who emerged to be a vocal supporter of her from the start. That he gave a quote in a press release and did interviews — my nickname for him has long been “Silent Bob” — should say a lot to anyone paying mind..... the heart of the company is still with both Filo and also Jerry Yang. ..... all about building up tech again at Yahoo. ..... Some big initiatives on the burner at Yahoo that she must mull: A wide-ranging integration with Twitter, which would be similar to Yahoo’s efforts with Facebook ..... many think a halving of the company’s workforce is in order ..... What about a new kind of commerce hookup with retail giant Walmart, for example, where Mayer serves on the board? Why not become a video Switzerland for all the competing content makers out there? What about really committing to content all-in, a la AOL and its Huffington Post Hail Mary? Could she make a startling purchase of something big, such as Hulu or Zynga?
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Friday, November 05, 2010
Google, Please Don't Be Evil
— Nicaragua Accidentally Invades Costa Rica, Blames Google Maps (Via Matt Lehrer)
MapCrunch: Random Places
This site is so cool. It taps into the Google Street View database to show you random pictures from all over the world - I just saw one from Antarctica - and it is quite a feeling. In some ways this feels better than Google Earth, although Google Earth is an experience of its own.
You hit the N key on your keyboard and the next picture shows up, and next, and next.
You can view pictures by continent or country. Not all countries are available yet, but that's okay. I will wait.
And there is the obligatory slideshow option. And, of course, full screen mode.
Bon Voyage.
Friday, September 03, 2010
HTML 5 Browser Wars
TechCrunch: In The Coming HTML5 Browser Wars, The Markup Should Remain The Same: On Monday, Google made a big splash with a customized Arcade Fire video page that showed off all the cool things HTML5 can do, from video, animations and 3D rendering to gorgeous fonts and choreographed windows. .... But until then, expect to see grandstanding about which browser does HTML5 better.Google does call Chrome a "modern browser."
Innovative disruptions have to take place before standards talk can take place. We are in the early stages.
HTML 5 is when finally the browser will have left the desktop far behind. No wonder Google is so excited about Chrome and HTML 5 and all the rest.
The Chrome browser, HTML 5 and the Chrome OS notebook: that is a package deal. Windows is so yesterday.
Arcade Fire
- HTML5 Canvas 3D engine renders a flocking bird simulation that reacts to the music and mouse.
- HTML5 audio plays music and keeps track of timecode.
- Sequence system controls and synchronises effects and windows to the timecode.
- HTML5 video plays film clips in custom sizes.
- Choreographed windows are triggered by the music and placed relative to screen size.
- Map tiles are rendered, zoomed, and rotated in a scripted 3D environment.
- Animated sprites are composited directly over maps and Street View.
- 3D sky dome is used to render Street View with scripted camera control.
- Procedural drawing tool allows the user to create velocity influenced tree branches.
- Generative typeface triggered by keypress, uses an SVG path reader and individual canvas compositing for each letter.
- Google Maps API for fetching dynamic routes to destination and checking Street View content at points along the route.
- Street detection for animated trees composited dynamically in place over Street View.
- Color correction by combining canvas blending modes to enhance contrast and tint.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Web Lifestyle And Company Cultures
BBC: Cult Of Less: Living Out Of A Hard Drive: Chris Yurista, a Washington, DC resident who lives out of a backpack, claims digital technology has replaced the need for his home and his possessions ..... Mr Sutton sold or gave away most of his assets, apart from his iPad, Kindle, laptop and a few other items ..... a "few" articles of clothing and bed sheets for a mattress that was left in his newly rented apartment. ..... credits his external hard drives and online services like iTunes, Hulu, Flickr, Facebook, Skype and Google Maps for allowing him to lead a minimalist life. ..... the internet has replaced my need for an address ...... Yurista has taken to the streets with a backpack full of designer clothing, a laptop, an external hard drive, a small piano keyboard and a bicycle - an armful of goods that totals over $3,000 (£1,890) in value ...... spends much of his time basking in the glow emanating from his Macbook, earns a significant income at his full-time job as a travel agent and believes his new life on the digital grid is less cluttered than his old life on the physical one. ...... he no longer has to worry about dusting, organising and cleaning his possessions ...... his new intangible goods can continue to live on indefinitely with little maintenance. ...... replaced his bed with friends' couches, paper bills with online banking ...... "you never know where you will sleep". ...... And like a house fire that rips through a family's prized possessions, when someone loses their digital goods to a computer crash, they can be devastated. ...... some people have gone as far as to threaten suicide over their lost digital possessions and data. ..... He says if a complete map of our brains was uploaded to a computer and a conscious, digital replica of ourselves was created, we could, in theory, continue to live forever on a hard drive along with our MP3s and e-books.
GigaOm: The Early Facebook Employee Exodus:Employees who leave are often emboldened by their work on such an influential and widely used product, and want to start their own companies. Others are burned out. Still others feel stifled by the company’s management structure......And just last week Ruchi Sanghvi, the company’s first female engineer who wrote the blog post announcing the then-radical Facebook news feed back in 2006 (and in doing so became the target of subsequent user outrage), left as well. ....... Others are getting engaged and married (sometimes to each other) and starting to have kids. They’re far removed from the early days of Facebook Proms ...... One frustration of early employees is that they’ve had limited upward mobility as Facebook has matured. With the exception of VP of Product Chris Cox, Mark Zuckerberg’s management team consists of outside hires, a good number of them from Google. ...... receiving avid investor interest in their new projects ..... Some leave to found startups that are related to Facebook, but aren’t priorities internally ..... examples of Facebook employees leaving to work at Google and Twitter ...... Facebook has chosen a distinctive method of regenerating the young startup mojo that it may be losing in this early employee exodus: buying young startups. ..... efreshes the company’s stable of 4-year stock option vesting cycles, along with delivering a fresh dose of entrepreneurial chutzpah.
GigaOm: Google Is From Mars and Facebook Is From Venus:The search company is like graduate school, filled with big brains working on complicated problems, while the social network doesn’t think as much about the deep implications of things; it just does them......Google is more technically focused, in that staffers there “value working on hard problems, and doing them right… things are often done because they are technically hard or impressive [and] on most projects, the engineers make the calls.” ....... when projects are undertaken at the search company, “the code is usually solid, and the systems are designed for scale from the very beginning. There are many experts around and review processes set up for systems designs.” ..... engineers and technical specs rule the day at Google ..... Zuck [CEO Mark Zuckerberg] spends a lot of time looking at product mocks, and is involved pretty deeply with the site’s look and feel
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Blog Carnival: Google (2)
July: Netizen Blog Carnival Month
Plan ahead: Document and share your health wishes with Google Health
Submit your ideas to change the face of broadband
Introducing a collection of favorite places from around the world
Google Voice mobile app for Blackberry and Android
Google Friend Connect speaks more languages
Google accounts on Twitter
Google tips for recent grads
How to steer clear of money scams
Special Ghana site for President Obama's visit
Seeing the world with improved Google Search results
Find Creative Commons images with Image Search
Designing useful mobile services for Africa
Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
Recent developments from around the social web
Introducing the ClackPoint gadget
See who's visiting to your site with the Footprints gadget
Designing a lounge for the Day in the Cloud
Back from Google I/O
Developing and distributing social gadgets just got easier
Introducing the Conversations element
Special Site for President Obama's visit to Ghana
Language: a lens for experiencing culture & technology
Google SMS to serve needs of poor in Uganda
University Outreach in Kenya
New in Gmail: Inbox preview
New African countries live on Google Maps
Launching Google Suggest in Swahili
Easier to find Favorites - better Fan control
The Fast and The Full-Screen
The coffee-table book goes custom
Calling all students: Google Photography Prize
Using Eye-Fi with Picasa - new album presets & video uploads
New: Instant Comment Notification
Now playing on YouTube: Picasa's Community Channel
Tip: Recover your password via text message
Gmail leaves beta, launches "Back to Beta" Labs feature
Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more
So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
New fields for Gmail contacts and better importing too
Tip: Check and reply from multiple email addresses in Gmail
Like puzzles? Get ready for the Day in the Cloud Challenge on June 24th
Tip: Slice and dice your mail with search operators
New in Labs: Inbox preview
New in Labs: Automatic message translation
University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Texas expand Google Books agreements
Books Are Full of Visual Gems: 19th century fashion edition!
New ways to search within a book
Explore a book in 10 seconds
Orwell: Author and Dishwasher
Books Are Full of Visual Gems: Famous Facial Hair edition!
New Features on Google Books
Maps and Sites
Tip: Recover your password via text message
Gmail leaves beta, launches "Back to Beta" Labs feature
Automatic navigation, and a lot more themes and page layouts for Sites
Paving the road to Apps adoption in large enterprises
Removing the beta label
Template galleries for Google Apps domains
Drag and drop, and organize your labels in Gmail
Improvements to Google Apps contacts
Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more
Announcing the Sites for Teachers Page
Solve feature lets you solve optimization problems
Apps Status Dashboard goes global in 24 new languages
Take Docs to Work
So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
Creating and giving presentations has gotten easier
New fields for Gmail contacts and better importing too
Tip: Check and reply from multiple email addresses in Gmail
Like puzzles? Get ready for the Day in the Cloud Challenge on June 24th
Serena Software on switching from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps
Google Wave Hackathon and Federation Day: July 20, 21 in Mountain View
Share Your Work in the Wave Samples Gallery
TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Contribute Gadgets to Blogger
Partner Profile: Lijit
Blogger is Turning 10
Zemanta helps you "blog smarter"
Spruce Up Your Blog
Search Box gadget available to all
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FTP vs. Custom Domains
Going somewhere interesting? Share it with the world!
We want to hear from you!
Google Chrome OS - FAQ
Lost a tab? Not to worry.
Google Update, Updated
Land of the Rising Chrome
Get to where you're going, faster
Join the Google Chrome icon project
Get to know the Omnibox
Releasing Neatx, an Open Source NX Server
London Open Source Jam 13
Google Update, regularly scheduled
Introducing Apache Commons Math SimplexSolver
Australia Goes Open
Guten LinuxTag!
Chris DiBona and Leslie Hawthorn at FISL
Sojourning at SouthEast LinuxFest
Introducing Android Scripting Environment
Getting Started in Free and Open Source
Need a new number?
What is that number again?
Keyboard shortcuts & Search Operators
Archiving now available in your inbox
Helping you fight Phone Spam
Accessing GrandCentral after upgrading to Google Voice
Tips on upgrading
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2009) in Montreal
Speed Matters
A new landmark in computer vision
Large-scale graph computing at Google
Google Fusion Tables
Remembering Rajeev Motwani
The best and the brightest
Looking Backward: Happy anniversary, Walkman!
A Call to News Publishers: How to Share Your Video
Search by Author on Google News
Google News gets a makeover
More ways to see the story
Looking Backward: A historical perspective on influenza
@googlenews on Twitter
Introducing Google News Timeline
The story, as it unfolded
Local news in more places
Introducing Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1
Activities and Tasks Design Guidelines
Calling all developers for Android Developer Challenge 2!
Android Icon Guidelines
Painless threading
Drawable mutations
Tell us what you think about Webmaster Central
Labeling in Gmail for Android, iPhone browsers
Product Ideas - Now for Blogger!
Edit, delete and respond to events using Google Calendar for mobile
Product Ideas for Google Sync and Google Docs Become Reality
Recently Implemented Ideas for Google Mobile: Latitude and Tasks
Season's Greetings from the Google Product Ideas Team!
Top tips for webmasters in India
Google Mobile App for BlackBerry goes Indian
Translating the world's information into Indian languages.
What's your IQ ?
Type in your language on any website
Webinar for new publishers in India
Google Transliteration now available for Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi and Nepali
Upload Your Photos, Download Your Albums
Introducing Google Quick Search Box
Mac OS X Spelunking in PowerPC and x86 Assembly, part 2
Google Chrome, Sandboxing, and Mac OS X
Mac OS X Spelunking in PowerPC and x86 Assembly, part 1
Google Spreadsheets power gFlashPro Flashcards for iPhone
Updated Gmail and Calendar for iPhone
HTTPS security for web applications
Top 10 Malware Sites
Reducing XSS by way of Automatic Context-Aware Escaping in Template Systems
Why Googlers attend the Internet Identity Workshop
Announcing "Browser Security Handbook"
Native Client: A Technology for Running Native Code on the Web
User Experience in the Identity Community
Gmail security and recent phishing activity
OAuth for Secure Mashups
Malware? We don't need no stinking malware!
Google Reader on your Google Desktop
"Life is a great bundle of little things"
Latest round of Reader improvements
Meeting friends of friends
Google Reader is your new watercooler
SXSW 2009 Party: Reader, Blogger, and You
What we did on our winter break
The Google Sites blog is moving
Doing more with gadgets
Check out the improved Sites Help Forum
Sharing the holiday spirit on Google Sites
Migrate your JotSpot wiki to Google Sites
Sites goes international
September search improvements
Calling Video Publishers
Turning Down Uploads at Google Video
The Google Video Help Forum has moved
Insight for Google Video: A New Way to Track Your Videos
Playable on Google Video
Personalized Video Recommendations
Even More Hot Videos
Suggestions on Your Search
Closed Captioning Search Options
Uninterrupted Viewing Experience
- Blog Carnival: Internet For The Billions
- Blog Carnival: Wimax
- Blog Carnival: Cheap Laptops
- Blog Carnival: Microfinance
- Blog Carnival: Venture Capital
- Blog Carnival: Google

Plan ahead: Document and share your health wishes with Google Health
Submit your ideas to change the face of broadband
Introducing a collection of favorite places from around the world
Google Voice mobile app for Blackberry and Android
Google Friend Connect speaks more languages
Google accounts on Twitter
Google tips for recent grads
How to steer clear of money scams
Special Ghana site for President Obama's visit
Seeing the world with improved Google Search results
Find Creative Commons images with Image Search
Designing useful mobile services for Africa
Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
Recent developments from around the social web
Introducing the ClackPoint gadget
See who's visiting to your site with the Footprints gadget
Designing a lounge for the Day in the Cloud
Back from Google I/O
Developing and distributing social gadgets just got easier
Introducing the Conversations element
Special Site for President Obama's visit to Ghana
Language: a lens for experiencing culture & technology
Google SMS to serve needs of poor in Uganda
University Outreach in Kenya
New in Gmail: Inbox preview
New African countries live on Google Maps
Launching Google Suggest in Swahili
Easier to find Favorites - better Fan control
The Fast and The Full-Screen
The coffee-table book goes custom
Calling all students: Google Photography Prize
Using Eye-Fi with Picasa - new album presets & video uploads
New: Instant Comment Notification
Now playing on YouTube: Picasa's Community Channel
Tip: Recover your password via text message
Gmail leaves beta, launches "Back to Beta" Labs feature
Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more
So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
New fields for Gmail contacts and better importing too
Tip: Check and reply from multiple email addresses in Gmail
Like puzzles? Get ready for the Day in the Cloud Challenge on June 24th
Tip: Slice and dice your mail with search operators
New in Labs: Inbox preview
New in Labs: Automatic message translation
University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Texas expand Google Books agreements
Books Are Full of Visual Gems: 19th century fashion edition!
New ways to search within a book
Explore a book in 10 seconds
Orwell: Author and Dishwasher
Books Are Full of Visual Gems: Famous Facial Hair edition!
New Features on Google Books
Maps and Sites
Tip: Recover your password via text message
Gmail leaves beta, launches "Back to Beta" Labs feature
Automatic navigation, and a lot more themes and page layouts for Sites
Paving the road to Apps adoption in large enterprises
Removing the beta label
Template galleries for Google Apps domains
Drag and drop, and organize your labels in Gmail
Improvements to Google Apps contacts
Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more
Announcing the Sites for Teachers Page
Solve feature lets you solve optimization problems
Apps Status Dashboard goes global in 24 new languages
Take Docs to Work
So, you want to be a Gmail ninja?
Creating and giving presentations has gotten easier
New fields for Gmail contacts and better importing too
Tip: Check and reply from multiple email addresses in Gmail
Like puzzles? Get ready for the Day in the Cloud Challenge on June 24th
Serena Software on switching from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps
Google Wave Hackathon and Federation Day: July 20, 21 in Mountain View
Share Your Work in the Wave Samples Gallery
TwilioBot: Bringing Phone Conversations into Waves
1 Wave Sandbox, 5 Hours, 17 Awesome Demos
The Making of the Sudoku Gadget
Google Wave API Office Hours
Google Wave team heads to Google Developer Days in Asia
Introducing the Google Wave APIs: what can you build?
Contribute Gadgets to Blogger
Partner Profile: Lijit
Blogger is Turning 10
Zemanta helps you "blog smarter"
Spruce Up Your Blog
Search Box gadget available to all
Thanks for the feedback so far!
FTP vs. Custom Domains
Going somewhere interesting? Share it with the world!
We want to hear from you!
Google Chrome OS - FAQ
Lost a tab? Not to worry.
Google Update, Updated
Land of the Rising Chrome
Get to where you're going, faster
Join the Google Chrome icon project
Get to know the Omnibox
Releasing Neatx, an Open Source NX Server
London Open Source Jam 13
Google Update, regularly scheduled
Introducing Apache Commons Math SimplexSolver
Australia Goes Open
Guten LinuxTag!
Chris DiBona and Leslie Hawthorn at FISL
Sojourning at SouthEast LinuxFest
Introducing Android Scripting Environment
Getting Started in Free and Open Source
Need a new number?
What is that number again?
Keyboard shortcuts & Search Operators
Archiving now available in your inbox
Helping you fight Phone Spam
Accessing GrandCentral after upgrading to Google Voice
Tips on upgrading
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2009) in Montreal
Speed Matters
A new landmark in computer vision
Large-scale graph computing at Google
Google Fusion Tables
Remembering Rajeev Motwani
The best and the brightest
Looking Backward: Happy anniversary, Walkman!
A Call to News Publishers: How to Share Your Video
Search by Author on Google News
Google News gets a makeover
More ways to see the story
Looking Backward: A historical perspective on influenza
@googlenews on Twitter
Introducing Google News Timeline
The story, as it unfolded
Local news in more places
Introducing Android 1.5 NDK, Release 1
Activities and Tasks Design Guidelines
Calling all developers for Android Developer Challenge 2!
Android Icon Guidelines
Painless threading
Drawable mutations
Tell us what you think about Webmaster Central
Labeling in Gmail for Android, iPhone browsers
Product Ideas - Now for Blogger!
Edit, delete and respond to events using Google Calendar for mobile
Product Ideas for Google Sync and Google Docs Become Reality
Recently Implemented Ideas for Google Mobile: Latitude and Tasks
Season's Greetings from the Google Product Ideas Team!
Top tips for webmasters in India
Google Mobile App for BlackBerry goes Indian
Translating the world's information into Indian languages.
What's your IQ ?
Type in your language on any website
Webinar for new publishers in India
Google Transliteration now available for Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi and Nepali
Upload Your Photos, Download Your Albums
Introducing Google Quick Search Box
Mac OS X Spelunking in PowerPC and x86 Assembly, part 2
Google Chrome, Sandboxing, and Mac OS X
Mac OS X Spelunking in PowerPC and x86 Assembly, part 1
Google Spreadsheets power gFlashPro Flashcards for iPhone
Updated Gmail and Calendar for iPhone
HTTPS security for web applications
Top 10 Malware Sites
Reducing XSS by way of Automatic Context-Aware Escaping in Template Systems
Why Googlers attend the Internet Identity Workshop
Announcing "Browser Security Handbook"
Native Client: A Technology for Running Native Code on the Web
User Experience in the Identity Community
Gmail security and recent phishing activity
OAuth for Secure Mashups
Malware? We don't need no stinking malware!
Google Reader on your Google Desktop
"Life is a great bundle of little things"
Latest round of Reader improvements
Meeting friends of friends
Google Reader is your new watercooler
SXSW 2009 Party: Reader, Blogger, and You
What we did on our winter break
The Google Sites blog is moving
Doing more with gadgets
Check out the improved Sites Help Forum
Sharing the holiday spirit on Google Sites
Migrate your JotSpot wiki to Google Sites
Sites goes international
September search improvements
Calling Video Publishers
Turning Down Uploads at Google Video
The Google Video Help Forum has moved
Insight for Google Video: A New Way to Track Your Videos
Playable on Google Video
Personalized Video Recommendations
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