Showing posts with label Flushing Meadows–Corona Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flushing Meadows–Corona Park. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ingress: State Of The Game: New York City (3)

Looks like the blue team has regained momentum after a few massive attacks on the West Village. And the momentum has been gained through one strategy: doing nearly daily L8 farm events. But I have no doubt the pendulum will swing again. It always does. The only question is if the swing will be in the 60-40 zone or the 55-45 zone. One team owning 66% of the territory might never happen again.

The Upper East Side is solid green. The East Village and the West Village might take hits, but they always go back to being strong green.

A big change in Queens is is that now FMCP (Flushing Meadows Corona Park) mostly stays green. It used to be almost always blue. Gotta watch Henrock.

Washington Heights has become a strong blue zone. KeyserJoze might have had a role to play.

Forest Hills is the bluest dot in the city. Too bad it is such a remote location that few people visit.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ingress: That Dosa Thang!

Today was supposed to be the Inter Faction Jackson Dosa Interaction, src's brainchild. But my Co-Host chickened out! SRC is like, tomhuze says you revealed the NYC Resistance secrets through code heavy photographs you shared publicly on Google Plus, and so I can no longer talk to you!

Part of the plan was that both src and I would take about five minutes each to make fun of as many agents in the city as possible. If you deprive me the opportunity to do so at a Dosa place, I am going to do it at a blog post, and so here goes.

Mutex yesterday went to a mental hospital (true story) to make portal submissions. What makes Mutex think derp is not going to end up at a mental hospital?

As one of the top agents of the global Resistance, I truly appreciate what tomhuze and rmazzara do for Bedstuy Resistance and College Point Resistance respectively. That low level stuff is also important.

Kimon finally got his long coveted job as the Night Watchman for the Grant's Tomb. He will no longer teach.

I have never seen KeyserJoze in person.

samps is out there on the Upper West Side, or rather Upper Upper West Side.

exussum owns some green portals in Jackson Heights. chicory just pays rent on them.

Henrock was last seen in Long Island City. Wait, Corona. Wait, Astoria. Wait, Flushing. Wait, Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Wait, Forest Hills. Wait, Elmhurst. .... Henrock was last seen riding a bus.

No, mugu does not live in Williamsburg, he just farms there.

Das is so deeply biased against Astoria and Queens in general that when he shows up in Astoria (two times) and the Flushing Meadows Corona Park (one time) he makes news.

kogent and Muevelo have been talking.

MeyB will finally capture the American Natural History Museum, maybe.

putch pushed lighthouse0 into the East River. It was accidental.

DrOctagon has been getting on Henrock's nerves.

AbuSalem is on vacation, hence the Level 5 green portals in Long Island City that used to always be Level 7!

And you thought R2Detour was a human being.

I bet you mispronounce sma. It is NOT s-m-a!

314159265358979 is half Indian like me. But his Pakistani half battles with my Nepali half! That confuses exussum.

TIM3PORT went to New Jersey, to return another day. The first agent to have a baby on the COMM!

evondosha knows what mugu's handle means. It is an inside joke.

PaulineParker and MissParker stole each other's name. It does not help that both are not on the same team.

Gladly QueensTiger and BronxLion are on the same team. Or you could only imagine.

RedJava is rumored to be red hot! She is supposedly into The Art Of War.

MzDemeanor knows how to carry herself.

slomar took five hours to sweep through Forest Hills. He is slow like that. Kruxoli on the other than can sweep in four hours 60 minutes! And both want L8 farms there!

JPNasty1 does the Ingress version of masturbation. He plays on all of Staten Island all by himself, all weekend long!

Arbitrage arbitrarily RSVPd for the Dosa event before he realized it was in, wait, is it in Queens! I am not going THERE!

I don't claim to know district. He claims otherwise.

Mexecutioner, you guessed it, killed a few agents on his last mission in Mexico.

Gellean would be that white haired white guy who cusses in Spanish. He likes to retire from the game every few weeks.

WW4 thinks Ingress will give him World War IV. Redneck!

Sonik was last seen in Bayonne. If anyone knows of his whereabouts please call the following number.

Eck has been eeking out ingressing far out on Long Island. He howls every now and then.

BeaKay organized a Flash event.

Hightwr is tall, so is TinyA.

Avumede claims he doesn't "care" about the blue portals around him.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ingress: L8 Farm Types

The Unisphere, built for the 1964 New York Wor...
The Unisphere, built for the 1964 New York World's Fair, in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I don't think there is one right way to do it. Two things are for sure: it takes eight L8 agents coming together, and the L8 portals are targeted very, very fast.

You pick a time, you pick a place, and you collect the RSVPs. 10 is the safer number. And you maintain silence. All this is common sense. If your location is remote enough, maybe they will not come. But then it is harder to get your agents to go to that remote location as well. It cuts both ways. An odd time like 3 AM might work better -- and I have been to those -- but then again it is harder to get your agents to show up at such odd times as well.

Ideally you want to hack to burnout. It might cost you one L8 resonator per portal, but then you get back about five L8 resonators and five L8 bursters from each such portal. The good part is after agents are loaded they feel compelled to go out there and do some damage. Doing L8 farm events -- and that alone -- might be the top act of a team if the idea is to dominate a territory.

Of course more portals are better. 20 portals are better than 10. 30 portals would be a bonanza. You have to factor in the response time. In Manhattan the response time has been anywhere from 40 minutes to 10 minutes. Sometimes the attacking agent has showed up before the L8 farm even took shape! Because after a few times you kind of know the times and venues. They become predictable to an extent.

There is the thrill of taking down a L8 farm. It is an experience.

Even in New York City there are not enough active, organized agents to make complex events possible. But I organized a L8 farm at the Flushing Meadows Corona Park that just so happened to coincide with an inter-faction event in Bryant Park and I actively sent out a L7 agent to keep a local green agent -- currently the King of Queens -- engaged in battle on his home turf. So we created two distractions, one by accident, another on purpose. I managed two burnouts of half the portals that day.

I like the idea of involving L7 agents in the fightback. It is possible to have enough agents waiting who will keep recharging. In return they get rewarded with L7 bursters. It is not the ideas that are lacking. It's just that there are not enough active, organized agents. And if you can manage a burnout, you don't really care if the L8 portals get taken down, as they surely will.
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