Showing posts with label Dell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dell. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Ubuntu Out In The Open
Official Ubuntu circle with wordmark. Replace File:Former Ubuntu logo.svg. Español: logo de Ubuntu + marca denominativa Français : Logo officiel d'Ubuntu. Remplace File:Former Ubuntu logo.svg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Ubuntu Smartphone Aims for Success in Developing Economies
the world’s most popular Linux-based operating system, Ubuntu ..... he expected to make the most progress with the Ubuntu Phone in the developing world, where smartphone sales are only just beginning to take off ..... Ubuntu is already a household name in some of these markets due to its use on desktop and laptops PCs. “We ship on 30 percent of Chinese PCs today” .... models from Dell, Lenovo, and HP. “If you go into a store in India, you will see Ubuntu branding” ..... Canonical coördinates development of Ubuntu and makes money by offering paid-for support to companies using it, with many companies around the world using Ubuntu to run Internet and Web servers. Shuttleworth intends to replicate that model for Ubuntu’s mobile version. .... Ubuntu’s software makes wide use of sideways swiping gestures .... Even though a high proportion of PCs bought in India and China are bought with Ubuntu installed, many are soon wiped, with pirated copies of Microsoft Windows installed instead ... Yesterday Intel announced it would release a new smartphone chip aimed at developing world markets
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Republic Wireless, Galaxy Nexus And Tardiness
I have a laptop I bought a few months back for 330 dollars after the rebate. I think I want a $79 Kindle to borrow books from the New York Public Library. And I think I have decided on Republic Wireless to be my first smartphone. And that is it. That will be enough gadgets. I am a Dell, Walmart kind of guy.
They said they will be out. But then you go to their website and they say sorry, get in line, we will email you when we have more. So no soup for you this year.
No Republic Wireless phone in sight. $19 a month is cheaper than even the prepaid basic phones. For me it is the wifi part that gets me. A smartphone is a small computer. It needs to be running on wifi. What I would have really liked is a Galaxy Nexus on the Republic Wireless network. But if it is between the phone and the network I am going for the network. Only the line is so long. Take that iPhone.
Why don't they just manufacture more phones? I mean, if they are making money when they sell phones. Why not just make more of them and make more money?
Galaxy Nexus Has Competition
They said they will be out. But then you go to their website and they say sorry, get in line, we will email you when we have more. So no soup for you this year.
No Republic Wireless phone in sight. $19 a month is cheaper than even the prepaid basic phones. For me it is the wifi part that gets me. A smartphone is a small computer. It needs to be running on wifi. What I would have really liked is a Galaxy Nexus on the Republic Wireless network. But if it is between the phone and the network I am going for the network. Only the line is so long. Take that iPhone.
Why don't they just manufacture more phones? I mean, if they are making money when they sell phones. Why not just make more of them and make more money?
Galaxy Nexus Has Competition
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cheaper iPhone: Way To Go
Forbes: Apple: Cheaper iPhone Could Expand Addressable Market By 6x: expand distribution to more carriers .... add the 8 largest carriers that do not currently offer the iPhone .... address the mass market by offering a reduced price version of the iPhone ..... the company is considering doing just that. The new version of the phone would have a much smaller screen size, and be sold to carriers for about half the price of the current iPhone ...... Apple’s move downscale would involve a non-data plan phone. ..... iPhone 5 .. to arrive in June ...... an iPhone without a data plan. “Like the iPod Touch, this device would be able to handle music, movies, Internet (via WiFi or cellular), and third-party apps” ..... such a phone could sell for $149 and $199 at retail and require only a voice planAn iPhone actually costs as much as a cheap Dell laptop. Think about it. That is ridiculous. You feel like you paid $200, when you actually paid more like $500. They put you on a monthly plan. Every month you pay a little bit for two years. It is like buying a house. The house takes 30 years, the iPhone takes two years. That is ridiculous.
Apple should try but I believe the mass market already belongs to Android. The neutered iPhones that Apple intends to serve for lower prices will be matched, have been matched by fully functional large screen Android phones in those same price ranges. Why not buy a full phone for cheap? Why buy an iPhone?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My First Smartphone Is Going To Be A Nexus S
Nexus S: The Best Phone Out There
Nexus S Is Da Bomb
The iPhone, Nexus One, Or Droid?
I am going to think I paid for the laptop - I do need a new laptop, I have needed one for months now, this machine has been feeling slow, it's a Toshiba Satellite from years ago - and I got the phone for free. I have to think that way because in the order of things the laptop is the one I can not do without, absolutely not.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Who Hired You?
Sam Walton had plastic chairs at his Arkansas headquarters. And this was after Walmart had gone public, and Sam Walton was a billionaire already. His logic was obvious. If we buy expensive chairs, the costs get passed on to the customers. It made perfect sense to buy plastic chairs. When he traveled for business, he made a point to stay in cheap motels.
I read his autobiography a long time ago. It is a slim book, a great read.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Andy Grove On Creating Jobs
But Vivek Wadhwa offers better solutions. Vivek's thoughts are more forward looking. (Tweet from Vivek)
I was surprised by the stimulus bill in 2009. It was big on roads and bridges and so very small on broadband. Here was America's chance to make one big leap towards becoming a full fledged information economy, and it put most of that money into old school roads and bridges.
America has to think in terms of how to become a country that is 75% college educated. That asks for a rethink of what a college is in the first place. Universal broadband, textbooks online, journal articles online, lectures in video format online, massive online and offline socializing. There is much demand for jobs in the education and health sectors.
America has always created new industries, and it has to continue doing so. Even old jobs, and old products have to be imbued with new technology to create new stuff. Electric cars are still cars, but they are the new kind.
China seems to be taking the lead on one of those next generation industries: clean tech. But if America could have collaborated with Russia in space exploration during the thick of the Cold War, China and America are not even at war. Win win situations have to be created.
Putting the country to work with goals of universal education and universal health could lead to job creation programs like during the New Deal.
America used to be a country where most people were farmers. America could not forever have been a country where most people were factory workers. That would have been one stagnant country. The Great Recession has also been an opportunity to reinvent this country and take it onto a new path. It is time to create new companies, new jobs and new industries all over again.
The jealousy of hundreds of millions in China rising out of poverty is a false jealousy. That jealousy is self-defeating. Those are hundreds of millions of new consumers that America could take a bite at. Look at it that way.
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BusinessWeek: Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs
Startups are a wonderful thing, but they cannot by themselves increase tech employment. Equally important is what comes after that mythical moment of creation in the garage, as technology goes from prototype to mass production. This is the phase where companies scale up. They work out design details, figure out how to make things affordably, build factories, and hire people by the thousands. Scaling is hard work but necessary to make innovation matter. ..... In 1968 two well-known technologists and their investor friends anted up $3 million to start Intel ..... We had to build factories, hire, train, and retain employees, establish relationships with suppliers, and sort out a million other things before Intel could become a billion-dollar company. Three years later the company went public and grew to be one of the biggest technology companies in the world. By 1980, 10 years after our IPO, about 13,000 people worked for Intel in the U.S. ....... Some companies died along the way or were absorbed by others, but each survivor added to the complex technological ecosystem that came to be called Silicon Valley. ...... Today, manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is about 166,000, lower than it was before the first PC, the MITS Altair 2800, was assembled in 1975 ....... Meanwhile, a very effective computer manufacturing industry has emerged in Asia, employing about 1.5 million workers—factory employees, engineers, and managers. ....... The largest of these companies is Hon Hai Precision Industry, also known as Foxconn. The company has grown at an astounding rate, first in Taiwan and later in China. Its revenues last year were $62 billion, larger than Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Dell (DELL), or Intel. Foxconn employs over 800,000 people, more than the combined worldwide head count of Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Intel, and Sony (SNE) . .......for every Apple worker in the U.S. there are 10 people in China working on iMacs, iPods, and iPhones. ..... Five years ago a friend joined a large VC firm as a partner. His responsibility was to make sure that all the startups they funded had a "China strategy," meaning a plan to move what jobs they could to China...... there was a time in this country when tanks and cavalry were massed on Pennsylvania Avenue to chase away the unemployed. It was 1932BusinessWeek: Vivek Wadhwa: Why Andy Grove Is Wrong About Job Growth
his proposed solution—levying a tax on the products of offshored labor—will do nothing more than resurrect the ghost of the 1930s Smoot-Hawley tariff. Many historians credit this tariff with igniting a global trade war that contributed to the Great Depression. ...... We cannot recapture a bygone era. ...... Intel ... 72 percent of its revenue now comes from abroad. ....... I doubt that even the most depressed regions of America would want to be home to factories that pollute the environment, pay minimum wage, and work at the profit margins of these sweatshops. ...... From 1977 to 2005, existing companies were net job destroyers, losing 1 million net jobs per year. In contrast, new outfits in their first year added an average of 3 million jobs annually. ...... the cycle of destruction of old industries and the creation of the new has given the U.S. its greatest global advantage. Protecting old industries isn't the best way to reduce unemployment; it is a sure road to downsizing. ....... globalization will disrupt industries and cause job losses in one industry while creating jobs in another. ....... We need to have the concept of lifelong education become part of our culture. Education doesn't end when you graduate from college; that is when it begins. ....... most high-growth companies are founded by middle-aged workers who have extensive industry experience, want to capitalize on their idea, and want to build wealth before they retire ....... we need to recruit the world's best and brightest to the U.S. and do all we can to keep here those already in the U.S. ........ during the recent tech boom, immigrants founded more than half of Silicon Valley's startups. In recent times, they have contributed to more than a quarter of U.S. firms' global patents and helped boost U.S. competitiveness. These skilled workers tend to be highly educated, to understand foreign cultures and markets, and to be highly entrepreneurial. ........ building mechanisms to break the innovation logjam at the source—the nexus between the scientists who make the discoveries, the universities that market the discoveries to the world, and the entrepreneurs with domain experience who could take these discoveries and turn them into products. ...... China, India, and many other countries have learned the secrets of America's success—its open economy and capitalist ways. They are trying very hard to become like us. Let's not become like they used to be.
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- How to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late: Andy Grove - Bloomberg (
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- Andy Grove on Jobs and the Need for US Industrial Policy (
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Sunday, October 18, 2009
Droid Does
I have viscerally stayed away from the iPhone, for all the shaking of the culture that it has done.You could argue this Third World guy simply could not afford it, and that is why. I have admired it but I have not taken the step. My tech startup is to do with the IC - Internet Computer - vision. A key part of it is a laptop like device that competes with both the PC and the smartphone to become the center of gravity in computing. So not going for the iPhone has been to eat one's own dog food, even if that dog food has only existed
so far in vision. But a browser-centric life and work style can feel like you are already living it. And if you spend as much time online as I do, when you get offline, you want to be offline. I am not much of a phone person as is. I have preferred digital communication: email, blog, Twitter, Facebook. Even digital phones carry analog baggage. Recently I have found a great use for my prepaid mobile phone. I tweet from my phone once in a while these days. You report on the world when out and about. You get a phone because you need a number for others to have.
But Droid has me excited. Android promises to deliver the smartphone for the masses. Steve Jobs is an icon, and I admire him a lot, but my democratic impulse takes me to the likes of Dell. Go where the masses are.
The iPhone has been a smaller desktop. The Android phones promise to be about web applications. Finally we are about to have smartphones for the masses. And that is not coming from the company that built the computer "for the rest of us."
A Big Week For The Mobile Web
And this past week was a big one for the mobile web. We got three big things we've needed badly:
1) A real competitor to the iPhone - the Droid
2) A scalable business model for mobile apps - in app transactions in free apps
3) A standard for broadcasting video (and audio) to mobile devices
Thursday, August 20, 2009
It's Not HP, It's The PC
Image via CrunchBase
HP quarterly profit dips 19 percent CNet revenue down across almost all of its businesses ..... The one bright spot was its services division, whose 93 percent increase in revenue to $8.5 billion is due mostly to the company's acquisition of EDS last year. But in total, it was the third straight quarter of falling profit for HP. ...... HP saw better-than-expected growth in its sales in China ..... As the largest supplier of PCs in the world, HP is considered a bellwether for the technology industry.It's Not Dell, It's The PC
What the PC companies like HP and Dell are facing is a paradigm shift that is underway. Not all of their woes can be attributed to the bad economy. The PC is not about to disappear, but it is about to lose its status as the center of the known universe.
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Two cloud standardization efforts made public
New alliance aims to unite malware fight
Linux booming, but unpaid adoption is high
CBS to run video ad in magazine this fall
Microsoft releases SQL Azure Database preview
Challenge to Google Books settlement focuses on class actions
Rogue pharmacies still a problem for search engines
Missouri woman charged with cyberbullying
Time Warner, YouTube ink distribution pact
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- Budget PC brands see biggest gains in consumer satisfaction
- Adobe's next Lightroom to forsake PowerPC Macs
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- What to expect from Apple's quarterly progress report
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Well: The Pain of Being a Redhead
Op-Ed Contributors: 10 Steps to Better Health Care
Friday, May 22, 2009
Android Netbook

- Donut Android: Android 2.0
- Android
- Taking The Number 2 Spot On Google Search For Donut Android
- Hitting Number 4 For Google Search Results on Cupcake Android
- Donut Android: Windows 95, Android 2009?
- Cupcake Android Delay Reason: Donut Android
- Google Analytics Says I Am Paul Krugman Friend, Cupcake Android Expert
- Cupcake: Android 1.5
The Netbook space is not a subset of the PC space. While the PC space seems to have stagnated, the Netbook space has seen some action. The Netbook is half way between the PC and what I call the IC, Internet Computer.
The beauty of a free, functional operating system is it brings the price down, and so you have Dell running up and down the street.
Will Microsoft counter with a stripped down version of Windows, one that might go for $10? Since we know they don't do free.
If all the operating system needs to run is a browser, how much stuff do you need, really?

On The Web
Skytone Alpha 680 Android-powered netbook spotted | Google Android ... Chinese manufacturer Skytone. ...... The Alpha 680 is expected to retail for around $250 and be available sometime in Q3 2009. ....... nice to see what appears to be progress on the Android netbook front.
Android Set for Netbook Leap? sees Android making the jump off of smartphones and into the netbook arena in the near future ..... Android taking between 10% and 15% of the netbook market within two years ..... Netbooks and laptops are a big growth area; they have higher growth potential than smartphones even ..... certainly within Android’s best interests to find its way onto as many devices as possible ...... In time, it will be interesting to see how many different gadgets are hosting Google's operating system
Freescale Android Netbook for $199, Coming Soon? | Android Central a summer 2009 availability and a price point of around $199.
ASUS coming up with a Google Android netbook? |!::.. ASUS has already allocated a team of engineers to work upon an Android-based netbook and they will able to fully develop the Android-based netbook by the end of this year. It will be interesting to see the place for such a netbook, where 90% of the netbook market is using the old and trusty Windows XP as their OS. One reason that folks at ASUS may be looking upto the Android platform is the fact that it is free. ...... there are plenty of linux custom distros which offer full firefox even in the instant-on OS.
Android Netbooks Tested By Google | Android Phone Fans They were even testing out Android on a netbook… LAST YEAR! ...... back in the day somebody had almost got Android running on a mini PC - this was a year ago or more ..... I wouldn’t discount the possibility of seeing a gBook of sorts that comes with all Google products. That means based on Android, Chrome Browser, Google Gears for using Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Reader and all down the line. ....... who wouldn’t want a super cheap netbook running Android?
Dell Demonstrates Android-powered Mini 10v Netbook - Laptop News ... We've heard that many netbook manufacturers are planning to put Android on their netbooks, but Dell has gone a step further and proved that it's testing "something called Android." ..... three Mini 10vs running Dell's vanilla Ubuntu, Ubuntu Netbook Remix and, most interestingly, Android's Cupcake build. ...... Who doesn't want a "very nice, little, very small and very snappy little operating environment," which "actually runs very nicely," after all?
A sneak peak into Alpha 680, one of the first Android netbook ... Jan 2, 2009 Thought Android was just for mobile phones? Think again. Matthäus Krzykowski and Daniel Hartmann needed only four hours to compile Android for the Asus EEEPC 1000H netbook. .... The netbook market is one that Microsoft has not completely gotten seized, since most netbooks don't have the hardware to handle Windows Vista. .... leaves enough room for Google's Chrome and Android to make some noise ..... Google and Intel are already in cahoots in bringing Android to a netbook platform.
Android Netbooks on the Horizon? | Mobile Technology ...
The Coming Android Invasion the Linux-based Android could pose a real threat to Windows XP, which runs on the majority of netbooks, and to the forthcoming Windows 7

Image via CrunchBase
Android: History
The beauty of going public and going big is, if you are a truly visionary company, you can start zapping up small startups that might fit into your vision. Android was not Google's in-house creation.
Android: Versions
Cupcake was a phase not a release.
Android: Functionality
It is revolutionizing the mobile space, and it is spilling over into the Netbook space.
The Android Ecosystem
And I don't mean just the Open Handset Alliance which is an impressive consortium.
Android: Buzz
Many have talked of 2009 as being Android's year. I guess we will just have to watch the drama unfold and see if Android will truly see a 900% growth. Even the naysayers say 400%. Once it takes off, the growth rate might hit four figures. Why not?
The Android Vision
There is openness and there is mobility. Those two values stand at the core of the vision.
Android Future: Let A Thousand Flowers Bloom
Once the genie is out of the bottle, who knows what all that will lead up to. This is the new wild, wild west.
Taking The Number 2 Spot On Google Search For Donut Android
Hitting Number 4 For Google Search Results on Cupcake Android
Donut Android: Windows 95, Android 2009?
Cupcake Android Delay Reason: Donut Android
Google Analytics Says I Am Paul Krugman Friend, Cupcake Android Expert
Cupcake: Android 1.5
On The Web
Android | Official Website
Android (operating system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 1 History
- 2 Updates
- 3 Features
- 4 Hardware products running Android
- 5 Software development
- 6 Criticisms
Google Code : Android Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.
Open Handset Alliance built to be truly open ...... an application can call upon any of the phone's core functionality such as making calls, sending text messages, or using the camera, allowing developers to create richer and more cohesive experiences for users. Android is built on the open Linux Kernel........ Android is open source; it can be liberally extended to incorporate new cutting edge technologies as they emerge. ...... Android does not differentiate between the phone's core applications and third-party applications. .... a developer can combine information from the web with data on an individual's mobile phone ...... allows devices to communicate with one another enabling rich peer-to-peer social applications.
Welcome (Android Open Source Project) Android is the first free, open source, and fully customizable mobile platform. ...contains a rich set of APIs that allows third-party developers to develop great applications.
Android Community - Tracking the Android Platform
Google Mobile | Android Never worry about losing your contacts or emails, they are all automatically backed up.
Android Developers
Android | Market
Gizmodo - HTC's Android Interface Makes Us Temporarily Forget All ...
Android Developers Blog
Android Phone
Google Projects for Android
Hello Android | Android OS news, tutorials, downloads
Electronista | Dell shows Mini 10v running Android 1.5 describes the mobile OS as "small and snappy" ...... Other companies, such as Acer, have experimented with Android and are typically drawn by both the relative ease of use compared to regular Linux distributions as well as the light demand on processing performance and storage compared to desktop operating systems. Android runs on as little as a 200MHz ARM processor, making it particularly responsive on netbook-class chips.
Android Company Profile
Google Buys Android for Its Mobile Arsenal The search giant quietly acquires the startup, netting possibly a key player in its push into wireless, "the next frontier in search" ........ 22-month-old startup .... brings to Google a wealth of talent, including co-founder Andy Rubin, who previously started mobile-device maker Danger Inc. ..... In a 2003 interview with BusinessWeek, just two months before incorporating Android, Rubin said there was tremendous potential in developing smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner's location and preferences. ....... Rubin isn't the only well-known Silicon Valley veteran joining Google via Android. Others coming over include Andy McFadden, who worked with Rubin at WebTV before helping develop the all-in-one set-top box for Moxi Digital; Richard Miner, former vice-president of technology and innovation at telecom outfit Orange before joining Android; and Chris White, who spearheaded the design and interface for WebTV in the late 1990s, before helping to found Android.
Android (1982)
Android Developers Blog: Android Market: a user-driven content ...
Android -- Engadget Mobile you can now part with some cash and cobble together a bunch of modules to create a do-it-yourself Android phone called FLOW
Android News - Android Google Phone Forums
Official Google Blog: Where's my Gphone? Posted by Andy Rubin, Director of Mobile Platforms ...... Despite all of the very interesting speculation over the last few months, we're not announcing a Gphone. However, we think what we are announcing -- the Open Handset Alliance and Android -- is more significant and ambitious than a single phone. .......... new applications and new capabilities we can’t imagine today. ....... all of the software to run a mobile phone, but without the proprietary obstacles that have hindered mobile innovation ...... the Open Handset Alliance, which consists of more than 30 technology and mobile leaders including Motorola, Qualcomm, HTC and T-Mobile. Through deep partnerships with carriers, device manufacturers, developers, and others, we hope to enable an open ecosystem for the mobile world by creating a standard, open mobile software platform. .......... partnerships with handset manufacturers and mobile operators around the world. ....... some of our partners are targeting the second half of 2008 to ship phones based on the Android platform
Android - Openmoko
Android reviews on
Android Central | Android Central
Android - Gizmodo
An Introduction To Android
View more presentations from GoogleTecTalks.
Analysts clash over android growth figures - The Inquirer a whopping 900 per cent ...... Apple's Iphone operating system will be the next fastest-growing smartphone OS in 2009, citing a predicted 79 per cent growth rate. ........ buffed up support from telco operators, developers and retailers alike ....... seeping through Europe and Asia ...... puts Android "in a good position to become a top-tier player in smartphones over the next two to three years." ....... Android based smartphone shipments will perk up dramatically once Motorola, HTC, Samsung and T-Mobile have all released their promised devices ......... "IDC expects Android to grow around 420 per cent to a total of 3.6m units worldwide in 2009" ........ the industry is looking for a way to alleviate Symbian - and by proxy, Nokia - dominance ........ IDC believes the market will consolidate around six major operating systems over the next three years, namely Symbian, Blackberry OS, Windows Mobile, Mac OS X, Android and Linux.
Android: Google's Dream, Apple's Nightmare? - TIME while it won't look as sleek as the iPhone, it promises to give mobile-phone users a lot more freedom and flexibility. ...... run multiple applications at once and more easily share contacts and data among them ....... mobile-phone users will finally be able to cut and paste text in e-mails — a function that's frustratingly absent on the iPhone. ......... The sweetest part of the Dream is the Android Market — Google's answer to the Apple App Store. ........ at launch all Android Market apps will be free. ...... Android is better than the iPhone at running multiple programs at once ........ While Apple takes a top-down approach to app development — the company must approve every program that makes it into its App Store — Google will allow creators to upload any application to the Android Market without its review. ........ users will not be limited to a single phone or carrier for long. ........ Google is inviting all carriers to develop handsets for the platform ..... other features are expected to go toe-to-toe with the iPhone, including built-in GPS, a tilt sensor for gaming and a camera one can turn on the hype machine quite as well as Steve Jobs

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