Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Water: Top Word

Google Logo officially released on May 2010Image via WikipediaWater has overtaken Brazil as the top search term for this blog. And this blog post is now the top visited post at this blog: Why I Liked The Charity Water Party.


What happened? My passion came through? I am so impressed with the Google search engine right now. Their algorithm seems to be able to sense the passion in your voice.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Eruca sativa, Brassicaceae, Rocket, Arugula, h...Image via WikipediaArugula has knocked off Brazil as the top searched term at this blog. As in most people who search for something and end up at this blog search for the wonderful "arugula."

When "Brazil" took the crown I am like, wait a minute, I love soccer, but this is not a sports blog. Now I am alarmed all over again. I don't want this to end up a food blog.

This is a tech blog. Technology and business. How do I steer it back in that direction?

In Brazil's case I took care of the "problem" by writing many many posts about Brazil's economy. And I did some country study posts on Brazil as a potential country to go into for my microfinance venture.

But I don't know what to do with arugula. Houston, we have a problem.

Arugula And Location Patents
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Photos

I think I need to blog about FoodSpotting less often. Google by now thinks I have a food blog.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

This South By South West Thing

Texas Longhorn bull during South by Southwest ...Image by David Berkowitz via FlickrI have to admit, it has started to tug at me a little. I just looked up and found out it starts on March 11. That's Friday.

Okay, Ron Rofe, put in the first 10K. Send me to South By South West. All I would need is a two way plane ticket. How would I do that? I have never bought a plane ticket in America. How would I go from the airport to downtown? I don't think the A train works there. Where would I stay? I guess by now it's too late to be making hotel reservations. If it is warm enough, I could sleep anywhere. I could sleep by the roadside.

I actually sent emails to three people I know. One bounced back. Another did not respond. The third said he was in San Antonio. Maybe somebody who already has hotel reservations will let me squeeze in. I don't need a mattress, no blanket. But I do sleep. I am one of those seven, eight hours kind.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy FoodSpotting Day Soraya Darabi

Webby Connect 2008 - 039Image by lizstless via Flickr

Okay, so FoodSpotting Day was yesterday, but I just noticed my Soraya Darabi blog post for the first time has become a top five blog post for the week at this blog. Most of that traffic is, I believe, coming from Google. Looks like a lot of people are doing searches on her name.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wearing Black

I wear black. I should not have to explain.

Black is a beautiful color. I wear black. A certain shade of black, with a little shine on it.

Used to be sky blue, now it is black. I like black. It is an amazing color. It has depth.

I showed up in Kentucky with a tailor made suit from back home: brown.

But right now it is black. I like the color.

It also is about simplicity.

I have a few different black Brazil shirts that I wear at home on a few different days. Pele was God when I was growing up. He still is. Brazil is Mecca.

I wear black to express solidarity with my president Barack Obama. I wear black for him too. You have no idea. You have no idea what he means to me. All he ever needed to do was win in 2008, and win he did. He could have let the Great Depression happen, he might not have passed health care reform or Wall Street reform, and I would still have liked him just fine. The fact that he is destined for greatness makes it easier to like him, but that is not why I like him. (The Tea Party Is Getting America Talibanized)

I wear black. It feels good. It feels right. It feels warm.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Videos (2)

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro: Videos

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Videos (2)

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Videos

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Photos

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Carmo Planetarium: Photo
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Mercado Municipal: Photos
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Museum of Art: Photos
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Parque Zoológico: Photos
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Serra da Cantareira: Photos
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Ibirapuera Park: Photos

Brazil: Sao Paulo: Adopted City
Brazil: Sao Paulo: Photos

Brazil: Economy: Not South Korea

Brazil has come a long way, but Brazil still has a long way to go. $10,000 per capita income is not $20,000, it is not $30,000.

Brazil: Economy: Paving The Way

Brazil's story shows a poor country lifting itself up is great news for the global economy, it is great news for the rich countries. They don't steal your jobs. They create jobs that never existed before and they get rich and then they buy from you.

Brazil: Economy: Amazon And Biotech

Brazil is a modern, world class economy. Most Brazilians work in the service sector. If Brazil is poised to be a world power, it is to be on the strength of its economy, not the might of its military.