Showing posts with label Baidu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baidu. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Baidu Beats

Earlier this month, a Chinese tech giant quietly dethroned Microsoft and Google in an ongoing competition in AI. The company was Baidu, China’s closest equivalent to Google, and the competition was the General Language Understanding Evaluation, otherwise known as GLUE.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Robin Li

Robin Li has been caricatured, and he continues to be caricatured. But his is a true success story. Not all of the difficulties associated with doing business in China can be attributed to China being a one party state. The Chinese are like the Jewish people. They both have 5,000 years of non stop history. The Hindus have 10,000 years of non stop history, but that is another story.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The China Debate: The Other Angle

I think China should teach Africa how to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty, fast. I think China should teach America the art of total campaign finance reform. I think China should teach America fast trains and clean tech. Those are not new thoughts on my part. And China is right in wanting a new global currency. The American dollar is specific to a country. A lot of the American fiscal recklessness this past decade was due to the fact that the dollar is the de facto global currency.