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JP Rangaswami's blog is a Wordpress blog. TechCrunch is a Wordpress blog. To deny me their comments sections has got to be a misdemeanor.
I like the idea that I can leave comments at these two blogs - right now I can't - and I like the idea of trackback. If I link to posts on these two blogs, I want to be able to show up in their trackback sections. Right now I don't, and that is such a waste.
I have tried writing to them, I have tried tweeting them. Now I have resorted to blogging my complaint. Get me off the hook, folks. Or are you punishing me for having my blog on Blogger and not Wordpress? That can't be the reason.
Bye Bye Geocities
Google Wave API Google Group: Got To Undo The Ban On Me
Image via CrunchBase
My Twitter Suspension Lifted
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