Sunday, October 27, 2024

27: Kapil Sharma

No One Told Me This Would Happen to My Body in My 40s certain muscles were very weak, causing my other joints and muscles to overwork, leading to injury. .......... We may be prepared for wrinkles and gray hair, but the decline in strength and increased risk of injury, even among very active people at this stage in life, is little recognized and far too infrequently discussed. ........ the bodies of men and women may age in waves, with one significant acceleration in our mid-40s (and another in our early 60s). ......... there’s good science on how to do that, specifically through strength training and hormone therapy, the latter more often recommended for women than men. ........... as we age, our cells, tissues and systems deteriorate. ......... Our bodies won’t stay as strong, or repair or metabolize like they used to. .......... “Why suddenly are people in their mid-40s who have always felt like themselves finding they can’t squeeze out the performance anymore?” Dr. Wright told me. “It’s because, No. 1, the hallmarks of aging are catching up to us, and No. 2,” in the case of women, we’re rapidly losing estrogen. (Men also lose testosterone over time, but typically at a slower rate than women lose estrogen.) ......... While we tend to think of estrogen and testosterone as fueling reproduction, they also send signals to muscle cells to replicate and grow. When levels run low it can be harder for those cells to turn over and develop, leading to weaker muscles. ........... menopausal hormone therapy ......... incorporating strength training as you age not only counters weakening muscles and prevents injuries but also is good for metabolism, the heart and the brain ......... probably the most important part of my exercise routine ......... I had to lift heavier, meaning 10-pound dumbbells and up, to stress my body enough to get all the possible benefits. ....... we can fortify our bodies with new capabilities. ........ building a body that’s stronger and fitter than it ever has been. ....... powerful and new: incredibly fit middle-aged people training for health, performance and longevity. ......... These days, whether I am doing a leg lift to heal my hamstring or a dead lift to coax my muscles out of frailty, I find a deep pleasure in the burn. And I’m far less intimidated by the notion of turning 50 — it’s just another decade to get ripped.

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