And it's amazing to me how many of the events will be on LiveStream, and each event has its own hashtag. And so I am tempted to stay home for quite a few of the events and consume them from my laptop. Tweeting is so much easier on the laptop.
This event by Sree at Columbia comes to mind.
Twitter Blocks Me: Sree's Loss
Social Media Weekend: Columbia Journalism School: Sree Srinivasan
I guess I can "go" to even more events than I was planning to if I go the LiveStream way. Nice.
Social Media Week: Registration Now Open
Does Twitter have limits to how many times you can tweet per hour, per day?
Know Your Limits: How Many Tweets Can You Post Per Day?
How many Tweets can you send Twitter per hour?
1,000 tweets per day, 100 per hour? Twitter blocked me way before that when I was trying to "cover" the Sree event. Maybe it was my rate. If you are tweeting two times a minute, five minutes in a row, the Twitter servers think you are going to end up with 120 tweets for the hour, or something like that.
Of course I am going to show up in person, for at least one event per day. But now I think I am in mind to attend many of the Social Media Week events over LiveStream.
Me: Top Internet Week Influencer?
Wow, there are so many more events since I last checked, like so many, many more.
If it is about absorbing knowledge, the LiveStream way might be the better way. It is you and the speakers, and that's it. But would you be paying a social price because you are not there in person? Some of that can be offset by actively tweeting. You will be found. If you tweet.
But then, it is not like I am not going to show up in person. It is just that all plans I made a few weeks ago about which of the Social Media Week events I will go to are now out the window. I am having to start from scratch.
I am guessing the fact an event is going to be on LiveStream also says to its importance.
Heck, over LiveStream you could be attending events in Miami. Why only New York?
By now I know Social Media Week is primarily going to be a LiveStream and Twitter experience for me. And then I get to make guest/cameo appearances at some select events. I am thinking one per day.
An event that is on LiveStream and has its own hashtag earns major points from me. I am most likely to view those events.
Livestream + Twitter Hashtag = Great Way To Experience An Event
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