This morning the UN panel discussion was great, except the moderator chunked off the Q and A session. What a bummer. I approached him later and asked the question anyway.
"What is happening in Egypt right now, we did this successfully in Nepal in 2006. I was the only Nepali in America to have worked full time for it. We did good. That inspired protests in Tibet and Burma, both of which were mercilessly crushed. Iran's was another failure in 2009. Tunisia was a success, but Egypt is struggling. Social media is important. My blog was my primary tool when I did what I did, not phone calls, although those I did, not events, I attended quite a few. But at the end of the day social media is just a tool. Ultimately the challenge of a political revolution and of confronting the ugly, concrete versions of sexism in some parts of the world are social and political in nature. The solutions are primarily political. Would you agree?"
Social Media Week: The Best NY Tech MeetUp Ever
Bumped into Toby Daniels after the event. He knows I did many events last year. He asked me how many I had done so far.
"Three so far," I said. "But there is this party Friday, that is kind of exclusive, eh?"
"Email me. I will add your name to the list," he said.
Next thing you know they had lunch. This was at Google. So I had lunch. And I felt like staying over for the next panel. And I am doing the maths. Seven. I will end up having gone to seven events by the time Social Media Week is over.
The Wikileaks event is tomorrow. The Obliterati party is Thursday. And then there's the party Friday.
Food/Social = Physics, Coding = Mathematics
Shhh, Don't Tell Anybody
Social Media Week Is Back
Yesterday evening was a stormy meeting with my small startup team and two tech partners. There has been a little bit of disarray. We have a scenario of someone who works for someone who is connected to Yuri Milner interested in getting pitched. The team wants to go ahead and pitch right away. I have decided to take a little bit of time.
Then I got out of the Google building after the two events, and I walked over into the Apple store nearby. I checked my email. I had an email from Alexa Hirschfeld. I have been wanting to do an in depth blog post on her for a while now. Looks like we might be able to sit together next week.
And while we are at it, I have requested her to find me a few angel types, a few 5K types. You want some small angels before you go before the big dogs. And I think I also qualify for a bridge loan from some fellow tech entrepreneur in town. That is probably the tech entrepreneur version of getting on welfare.
The Early Stages
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