This event had enormous buzz. When you hear about an event on Facebook, and PlanCast, and over email and maybe one or two other ways, you know something's going on. And this rally was as big as I expected it to be. Looked to me like the entire New York congressional delegation was there. And many other speakers.
It is good to be part of a large crowd. Rallies and block parties and parades can really lift your mood.
The cut that has passed the House will not pass the Senate. So the good news is already there. But this momentum of outrage is good for Barack's prospects in 2012. The political pendulum has already swung.
I arrived a little late, maybe 10 minutes late. I was towards the back. Slowly I managed to get closer to the stage. Then I decided to vacate the premises, cross the street, and walk up the stairs of the court house to watch the whole thing while soaking in the sun. It was a great feeling.
Two Columbia University women came over to stand in front of me with this huge banner that read Feminism Is For Lovers. I joined them. I had a placard in my hand that some teenager had handed me earlier in the crowd near the stage: "Hey, you want this?" It was a nice chat.
I got interviewed by a NYU journalism student. The question was, you are a man, why are you here? I managed a rambling answer. I was just having fun, and soaking in the sun.
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