I have watched in pain as Google has dragged its feet on the Chrome Operating System. Google is so obviously not a hardware company. Look at how they "released" their Chrome OS laptop. They released it like it were Gmail. They have released an early beta version to a limited number of users. I think they will give out a million of the machines for free. And based on the feedback they get, they will rework the machine. How lame!
I hope the Chrome OS does not go the way of Google Wave which was a legitimately good product.
Apple does not do hardware that way. When it releases an iPod, or an iPhone or an iPad, it is a finished product.
Google's lack of muscle in going after Windows I have blamed on the idea of the three-headed hydra leadership structure of Google.
I have watched in amazement as Mark Zuckerberg has pivoted again and again. Only a founder CEO can do something like that. Of course you need a team, of course. But ultimately one person has to be in charge.
Facebook Could Do Well In Search
Going Backwards: FoodSpotting, FourSquare, Twitter, Facebook
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