Friday, December 17, 2010

Going To Kickstarter For My Microfinance StartUp

Vinod KhoslaImage via WikipediaSome of my friends have been urging me to go to Kickstarter to raise the first 100K that I need to raise for my microfinance startup, a for profit, high tech proposition. And I am getting excited by the day about the idea. Actually I think I am going to go ahead and do it.

With this 100K I should be able to do enough work to be able to raise a few million dollars from the microfinance fund that Vinod Khosla is working to set up.

I know Kickstarter best for Diaspora. I believe Diaspora also raised 100K - it might have been 200K - when Facebook was mired in a major privacy controversy.

My microfinance startup is way more promising than Diaspora. I am not even in the same league.

One other implication of working towards a startup has been that some of my blogging has gone private. I like to send out what I call blog post mails to my small team. They look like blog posts, but they are private, and they show up in your inbox in the form of a web address.

Kickstarter has been more associated with artwork and music and such stuff. But hey, if Diaspora fit in, my startup fits in.

Update: Kickstarter perhaps is not the place.
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Katharine Bierce said...

You don't make it easy to find the website for your startup. I can't remember what the link is. You should have it at the top of your blog or something.

Paramendra Kumar Bhagat said...

See top left link: Microfinance. But you have a point. I need another more specific link.