Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Gmail Can Learn From Yahoo Mail

Image representing Gmail as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseThere is this feature in Yahoo Mail, you click on the Sender column title at the top, and all your emails get organized by who sent you the email. You click on Date and all your emails in the inbox get similarly organized.

This feature comes in very handy when you are out to massacre emails. You want to save that rare email. On the other hand you don't want to have to delete emails one at a time.

I never stopped using my Yahoo Mail account. I log in once every few weeks. But more than 99% of what I get I can delete without even reading, and not miss a beat to my life.

Granted Gmail launched with the idea that you should not have to delete emails, ever. But I am not up for it. I do want to delete emails. Many, many emails. And I do wish Gmail had that same feature Yahoo Mail does.

To be fair to Google, one feature I wish Yahoo Mail had that Gmail does is when you click on Report Spam, emails from that particular email address should never again show up in your inbox. Yahoo Mail sure has that button. But it does not work. The Yahoo Mail antibiotic has not been good for a long time now. The spammers have mutated or something.

But then I have not logged into Yahoo Mail since they did their revamp recently.

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