I think they will present something that is pretty compelling. This is Facebook, after all. But as to how much of a departure from Gmail it will be, that is anyone's guess.
I personally am very glad that a company the size of Facebook is tackling the inbox. The inbox is so raw. And I hope this step by Facebook will make Google sit up a little. It has been lazy with Gmail.
It is as if Facebook is telling Google, forget social, we are coming into your turf. This is like when Google finally started offering what could be seen as an online Office.
Facebook has had an astounding pace of innovation. Mark Zuckerberg seems to have this internal compass by which he plays.
In The News
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Dear Foursquare, Gowalla: Please Let's Stop Pretending This Is Fun It’s a bad month to be Foursquare or Gowalla. Ten days ago, 900-pound gorilla Facebook announced Facebook Deals for Facebook Places (i,e., location-based coupons) and check-ins for third-party apps. A day later, Pew Research reported that, despite all the hype, the use of location-based services is actually declining in America, from 5% of the online population in May to 4% last month. ..... if you’re competing with Facebook in social networking and your name isn’t Twitter or Google, I’m sorry, but I don’t like your chances..... Look at Groupon. Do they have a cutesy motto? No, they just have the fastest growing company ever.
New York Times: Start-Up Plans a More Personal Social Network Dave Morin, who helped build Facebook Connect and the Facebook Platform, left the company this year to start his own venture, called Path..... Each user cannot have more than 50 friends. ..... As cellphone cameras have improved, people are taking more photos than ever before. .... a new mobile social network .... a close-knit group ..... a close-knit group ..... a severe case of social-networking fatigue .... “They either got bought or just shriveled up.” .... Chris Kelly, Facebook’s former chief privacy officer, contributed to Path’s $2.5 million in angel investment.
ReadWriteWeb: Beyond Facebook: Facebook, Napster Forefathers & A Whole Lot of Investors Launch New Network, Path What if your social network was made to stay small? What if its privacy settings worked like Facebook's used to? What if that seductive but false promise made by so many spam advertisers, "see who looks at your profile" actually became possible? ..... When a friend looks at one of your photos, you're notified that they have in real time..... angel investors include Ashton Kutcher, Ron Conway, Kevin Rose, Keith Rabois (PayPal/Square), Dustin Moskovitz (Facebook), Marc Benioff (Salesforce), Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library TV), Steve Anderson, Tim Draper (DJF), Joi Ito (Creative Commons), Fadi Ghandour, Matt Cohler, Sam Lessin (Facebook), Bill Randuchel, Karl Jacob, Paul Buchheit (Inventor of Gmail, Adsense and now at Y Combinator), Ruchi Sanghvi, John Couch, Michael Parekh, Claudio Chiuchiarelli, Maurice Werdegar, Don Dodge (Google), and Chris Kelly (Facebook).
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