ReadWriteWeb: Facebook Growing Fast in Brazil, but Orkut Still far Ahead: Google's social network Orkut never quite caught on in most countries, but it remains the most popular social network in Brazil. .... Facebook is only the third most popular social networking site in Brazil .... The second largest social networking site in Brazil is Windows Live ...... Google's site remains far ahead of all of its competitors in Brazil. The site's visitors also spend far more minutes on the site than the users of any of the other popular social networks in Brazil. ..... average Orkut user spent 275.8 minutes on the site in August, while the average Facebook user only spent 29.3 minutes on Facebook. ..... the highest Twitter penetration in the world. Twitter is especially popular among younger users (15 to 24) ..... also interesting to note how popular the relatively new Q&A site has become in Brazil. .... the fifth most popular social network in the country.
What explains Orkut's wild popularity in Brazil? It is not the time dimension. It is not like, oh but Orkut got there early. Orkut got everywhere early. And is a new web property and it is doing very well in Brazil. What gives?
Orkut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Büyükkökten .... one of the most visited websites in India and Brazil. As of April 2010, 48.0% of Orkut's users are from Brazil, followed by India with 39.2% and United States with 2.2% ..... in August 2008 Google announced that Orkut would be fully managed and operated in Brazil, by Google Brazil ..... As of October 2010, Alexa traffic ranked Orkut 81st in the world; the website currently has more than 100 million active users worldI still don't fully get it, but it is obvious there are strong cultural cross currents to as to why Orkut is so very popular in Brazil. Facebook is an English word with an English pronunciation. And it feels like it was two words. But Facebook might catch up in Brazil as well just like it has in India. India also used to be an Orkut country. But then in India Facebook does not face cultural hurdles. English is big in India. The British were big. And then Gandhi drove them away. And English stayed and stayed big.
Image via Wikipediawide. ..... The creator Orkut Büyükkökten visited Brazil in 2007, in an attempt to understand the success in that country
Why Brazil Loves Orkut! | Search Engine Journal: “Brazilians are just very community-oriented.” ..... Brazilians are incredibly community oriented ...... Orkut is very easy to pronounce in Portuguese. ..... Orkut sounds like Yakult or “iogurte” (yogurt). Yakult is the Brazilian version of the popular Japanese Yakult yogurt drink. Everyone drinks it in Brazil when they’re kids....... The fact that Orkut is now associated with Brazil has added flame to the popularity fire. ...... Orkut’s color scheme is the same as the Brazilian World Cup team’s away jerseys ...... Lack of advertising.
TheNextWeb: Brazil’s nuts about social networking and Orkut best watch out, Facebook is on the rise.: 86% of internet users in Brazil regularly used an online social network…10% more than Italy, the nearest contender. ...... may be the only Portuguese-speaking country on the continent, but with around 200 million people living there, it is the world’s fifth most populated country and constitutes roughly half the population of the whole of South America. That’s a lot of amigos for Facebook to make.
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