Ends up I am also going to the Digital Dumbo event later this evening. I think I am figuring it out. Digital Dumbo is like the NY Tech MeetUp after party ought to feel like. The beer is free, although one is usually more than enough for me. At last month's Digital Dumbo, I found myself drinking water. When I wanted my second cup and turned around, there was this guy standing between me and the water. He was busy talking. So I decided to not interrupt. He was leaning right against the water stand.
The beer is free. The venue is a tech company's office. The area is like no other in town: Dumbo. All those who show up are in the industry.
At Greg's MeetUp, this time it was the turn of Indaba Music. I guess they have been around a few years. They are a Ruby shop: Jesse Chan-Norris was the key presenter. One of Jesse's parents had last name Chan as in Jackie Chan, another had last name Norris as in Chuck Norris. It was a tech heavy talk that lasted for an hour and a half. And then about 10 of us just hung around for another hour. Etsy dude Christopher Munns did some juicy story telling, tech style.
Ruby On Rails
Ruby On Rails - Wikipedia
Ruby On Rails 3.0 Moves Nearer Release Rails 3.0 features the merger of Rails with the Merb framework .... an Action Rails 3.0 API and an Active Record chainable query language based on relational algebra
His events mailing list is the best thing Charlie O'Donnell ever did. That mailing list is the reason I have forgiven him for having blocked me from leaving comments at his blog. The only problem is by the time you find out about a great event through Charlie's email, it is sold out already. So you try your luck next month, or you talk to Andrew Zarick.
7PM Digital DUMBO #16 Sponsored by Invoke @ The Dumbo Loft
RSVP: http://digitaldumbo.eventbrite.com/
The DUMBO Loft
155 Water Street
Corner of Pearl and Water
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Date: May 27th, 2010
Time: 6:30-9pm
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