Livestream Videos From The Week
New York Tech MeetUp
I heard about the Social Media Week (@socialmediaweek) at the January NY Tech MeetUp - Scott (@heif) announced it (I became friends with Scott when I was new in town and the NYTM was less than 10 people at a bar on the Lower East Side, I told him meeting him was like moving to LA and meeting Tom Cruise, for me, since MeetUp
I did five events on Monday, the first day, starting with the press conference early in the morning, and I didn't even have a press pass.
"Your name is not on the list."
"Are you sure? Because I did RSVP."
14 Events
I did 14 events in all. The founder of Social Media
After having checked into Grand Central
Jacob Brody
My Social Media
"I was looking at you because you look awfully like a friend of mine by the name of Sam ..."
"Sam Rosen. Proximity."
"You know the guy?"
We talk along. He mentions the First Round Capital guy. I said I have met him, briefly. He presented at the New York Tech MeetUp after a day spent with entrepreneurs. A few people accompanied him that day. Jacob said he was one of them. Miko Mercer was another. And, of course Jacob also knew Miko. (@mikomercer) Miko is with a company that sounds like it might be a militia organization.
Jacob and I went together to our next event. is kind of like MeetUp, kind of like FourSquare, only older than FourSquare. These are serious tech companies on their way to becoming global brand names
Dropio is in Dumbo, Directly Under the Manhattan
Companies like Dropio are the bridge from the current PC era to what I call the IC era. And it has been and will be successful, but it will have to reinvent itself as a company once the transition is mostly done and we are squarely in the IC era. IC, Internet
I had tweeted back and forth one or two times with one Dropio guy during the weeks prior: @sgreenwood. So before Jacob and I enter the Dropio space, we decide on a quick restroom run. You never know. Out comes some Sam. Jacob being the VentureBeat guy recognizes him. "Hey Sam!"
Did I hear Sam? I am thinking this is it, this is that Greenwood fellow.
"What is your last name?" I asked. He said something not Greenwood. False alarm, I figured. Later I realized that was Sam Lessin (@lessin), none other than the founder of Dropio. A few days later I also found he runs a great MeetUp that is rather large that I had never heard of before.
I finally met Steve - not Sam, it just so happens - Greenwood at the party Friday evening. I had seen him at a few events, his face looked familiar, so I approached him. What's one more introduction after having done 14 events, I thought.
Once he said he was with Dropio, I asked him what his name was. When he said what that was, I said, no kidding, we have tweeted back and forth before. I shared the Sam Lessin story with him. He thought that was hilarious. He shared with me that a lot of people think the two are brothers. They just go ahead and assume.
"So which of you is the older brother?"
I thought that was so funny.
Before I left the Dropio event, I had a small chat with Lessin. Hey, drop by any time, he said as I parted. It sounded like poetry, considering what the name of the company he founded is. When they run out of files to drop, what if they start dropping people, real people? I think I will stay away. I will go to his MeetUps though.
"Why did you do this, of all the other things you could have done? Why file sharing? Why this particular thing?"
He said there were three considerations. I forgot the first one. The second one was, it had to have been a billion
When people say FourSquare
Craig Newmark, Dennis Crowley, Jennifer 8 Lee: Koreatown
Dennis Crowley: I Underestimated Him
Ann Curry
There was a Haiti related event Monday afternoon at the New York Times, Andrew Rasiej (@rasiej) moderating. It was a powerful event. I got to ask the first question later. Ann Curry
"I am sorry, but I have never owned a television. I first learned of your existence when I was watching videos
I get the impression she is major on TV. How major? Does she read news every night?
She (@anncurry) now follows me on Twitter. You better believe. She has over a million followers, and she follows about 650.
NY Tech MeetUp: February 2010
I was a few minutes late. I took my seat. Later we both realized - about 40 minutes later - that I had randomly placed myself right in front of Vamsi Sistla. (Whuffie: Vamsi Sistla) He had to leave early, so I stepped outside for a few minutes for a brief chat, and to say hello to his two Indian friends. Vamsi is a good guy to know when you are in the process of raising early money. Vamsi called me up the following morning and gave me some great fundraising
Scott was on stage. I have never seen this guy more impressive, on stage, in person, or one on one. The dude was in his element. He gave a great talk and set tone for the rest of the evening. The talk was uplifting, and bold. At one point he said, "some stupid iPhone
* Tony Bacigalupo, New Work City personal favorite was: * Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund http://www.acumenfund.... Though I thought both Scott Heiferman and Clay Shirky spoke well, and the Choir was all energy.
* Ben Berkowitz, SeeClickFix
* Majora Carter, Majora Carter Group http://www.majoracart...
* David Nassar; Jason Leibman, Alliance of Youth Movements
* Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund http://www.acumenfund...
* Jay Parkinson, The Future Well http://thefuturewell....
* Clay Shirky
* Paul Steely White, Transportation Alternatives http://www.transalt.o...
* Rachel Sterne, GroundReport http://groundreport.c...
* Jose Antonio Vargas, Huffington Post http://www.huffington...
* Conor White-Sullivan, Localocracy http://www.localocrac...
+ special guests Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir http://www.revbilly.c...
+ a special announcement from the MTA
At the after party I got to meet Shana (@shanacarp) who made it official: she is the number one commenter at Fred Wilson's blog, my favorite solo blog, Also met Carmen Magar: I told her Magar was an ethnic group in Nepal. Summer
I met a guy at that first press conference who was wearing a shirt that shouted out loud: I Love
Women In Social Media: The Panel
This was the old Bear Stearns building, now JP Morgan. 98% of the audience was female, and later I realized 1.5% were panelist boyfriends. I felt special being there. Collectively speaking this was the most impressive panel of the week. Neha Chauhan - that is an Indian name - moderated. Alexa Hirschfeld, Meghan Muntean, Casey Carter, Jordan Reid were on the panel. I am now Facebook friends with two of them. Thanks for accepting. (@caseyscarter, @jordanberkow, @meghanmuntean)
I asked my question to Casey: "I have been blogging for years. I have a lot of followers on Twitter, actually I have more followers than Donald Trump, and I log into Facebook
She said yes, pretty much.
Dollar Van Demo
I met another guy at that first press conference event who approached me like he knew me, although we had never met. I got to ride around in a small van through large swathes of Brooklyn
Dollar Van Demos: Entertainment on the Go | LifeStyler
McDonald's Rings in New Year With Dollar Van Hip-Hop Commercial ...
Mcdonalds Hits The Road With Dollar Van Demos | Vibe
I met Joe and Iara again at the party Friday, them and one singer who is perhaps a regular on the Dollar Van Demo. That party is where the picture up top comes from.
Sunshine NY
I got introduced to Vacanti last year over email by a Morgan Grice who I have never met. Finally I got to meet Vacanti (@vacanti) in person at Sunshine. He was on the panel.
Kiss N Fly
I saw Toby at the press conference. I talked to him the following day at the Personal Democracy
It was one of the best parties ever. I liked it that I was drinking but not alcohol. She asked me what I was drinking, I said I did not know the name. The Whole Foods
I met great people, one of them was The Onion guy Baratunde. (@baratunde) We have known each other a while.
I said to Baratunde, one day I was surfing around, and I came across this podcast where you had been interviewed by some kind of a morning show person, so I listened to the whole thing. I did not get to the podcast from your Facebook page, but just while surfing around.
"I talk a lot, and sometimes they record it," he said.
"Maybe I log into Facebook
He said he had hit the 5,000 friends limit of Facebook and he was pissed at Facebook. He wanted that limit lifted. Or he could try and use a Fan page thing, he said.
Social Media Week: New York
Alex Palmer: Social Media Week: Editors Have Whole New Role
Social Media Week on Twitter
Social Media Week 2010 - PSFK
Social Media Week
New York Panel: The Future of Social Media In Higher Education
New York's Techies Gather To Bid Farewell To Social Media Week
Social Media Week
NY 2010 – Obliterati Party | Socially Superlative
Corporate Social Responsibility: Social Media: Social Media Week Panel Discussion Recap
Live from Social Media Week: Health Care Industry Still Playing Catch Up Online
I AM PR Agency: Social Media Week Event Recap
Social Media Week: Navigating social media and healthcare - PRWeek US
Social Media Week 2010: Unleashing Social Media on the Sports World
Social Media Week: The Creeps Come Out to Play
Branding the Future with PepsiCo ‹ Social Media Week—
Social Media Week London | redcatco blog
10-02-00 Social Media Week (New York) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Social Media Wee: Whole Foods Market presents: Afternoon Snack
Day One of (unofficial) Yorkshire Social Media Week « John
Social Media Wee: Collecting Donations With Mobile Payment Device....
Social Media Week| Future of the Music Industry Discussion...
down the avenue: Geo-Loco Event: Social Media Week San Francisco
Social Media Wee: Haiti Journalists Point To A Need For Better...
Where to Find 360i at Social Media Week| Digital Connections...
Dan Shanoff: NYC Social Media Week Sports Event
Latino Rebranded: Social Medi and Latinos » Social Media Week
Speed hosts 'No More Hot Air' Social Media Week breakfast - MarCom...
Went to Social Media Week and Got Stuck on an Elevator with Ann...
Social Media Week in New York City - Branded Entertainment and Web...
Globa Social Media Week Launches Feb 1 2010 : Transformation...Social Media Week Through The Eyes Of An Anti-Socialite « Black Web 2.0
Mashable's Social Media Week San Francisco Closing Party: This...
Social Media Week NYC- My Schedule
Social Media Week New York 2010 | Converseon Blog
Denuo @ Social Media Week NYC | Denuology: The Observation and...
Social Media Week: New York–Watch LIVE « LocalNewser
Whatever...:Social Media Week: How Does Your Agency Handle Social...
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